Teaching an old education system new tricks (,a adulates ftrow ise reform for string/i ng students and schools IU |K H ( \n MOM H HU K / fit IU , \t* !v >w In i < .ii « i i I \N iT11 In.; h« i iiIih .iIiuii lil.ivin^ i jh\ * *i .tl loir in fhr 1 * * J ( ii i lion. i .t! m 11<) .i! < v .ift mill »<| in ini* i \ .11 II tV < •! J w .|n | i» *Hf WH4U HU1SI Hr crowned hkmetf “The E due at ton Pre^kJent " Now. what fe he planning to do about it? will Clinton 1'oln v ( linlon i\ , .tiling !<»i .» ii.ition.il i ollr^r iiiinI til lid . * tii« h v*» mi til \ ii 111.«11 \ ^ll.ll.illU ( IIIOIICN lor .111> Mll\ < I III l| Npl.tll. vh mUl In .11 »i< to )*r( .t lo.m tin i hi^Ii (111 t 1111(1 |>,il(l (lit I'N t.iV IIIOIK \ \ I I < I .UlU.illMfl slliilC Ills Holllll | >.! \ h.K k 11|«' I* MM .tilt I (tiullll^ .1 ^ »h 4»! I »\ IM I f< Willing (HO Vf.il \ < >1 i olllinilltltN VI Mi r 1‘lohh ill ll \ ( \|N'HM\( I lu hn.il i nsl in I i k. t l\ to t»< in (hr hi I lions ol (IoILiin no( r\M lh ki ( 4 h.in^i 1 h< lull it >n s hmi^rl 4 .III ill .till ml (III 4 4 *sl Pat Buchanan !*nhc\ Bin lunan has /ill but ighoo r. rdm alum issuem hisiampaign dt hs< in > pio|m »v,ils on how to iiitj>hnr tnmil' rilhe.i stiifl(*nt aid 01 .ii.wii mu pi • • lie I us shai plv ( i il u 17 ci I w hat In < "i dm ation < stablishmi nf. nut*.ills! ■ lrmm m » 111 11\ lol |notl SSOI s to in thru UK rntivr l<» le u li we ll I * i o h h i n I h s " 11 o m o n vs 11 h ! i " i mi’s hollow toi 11 dirges ojwi almg on Iwmrs budgets h (hit at ion Ir.uh i > ' lemur so tilth would ptuduii n « omprtrnl. il«die atril ti ai In i t >|>|x»Mlr of llii’ i irsii rtl i f In t George Bush INdii v Bush makes no nun lion of h *w plans io i hangr highri rdm ation “ \mrtn a 1MMM>” plan Hr ilors, howi ptoposr im leasing tin mnnbri undet gt aduate and giadualr slmh rniollrd in math. s< inn r and i ngmi « o piirgiams I hr pirsidrnt s plan alsim i mi leasing the iiiiinliei ol stlldi n - t s|K i iall\ lninontirs. whoiomplm at !< ot two \rais ol 11 dlrgr Bloblrm I hr plan is short of s|* i ifu s and long on i ost. a 1 >out %S WI million VN hat trw details Bush dot s ofh i involve iiu n im; . funding to existing piograms mu i ban. the pi ogi a ms oi 11 rating new ones Bold, brash Brown takes a nontraditional approach to politics B\ Jl I IF ( Ol 1 INS I Hr l Ikuh I t \ k I ft h I i’olidi .»! pundits s.ud |< i i \ s 1111.1141' .n 'IhUCIIIHI (III V\oiiii| u III .lllutK *ss .IK *Ulld his lift i. ( tdlf^f slmit Ills llimt U'l -lit t»\ « lltMlk.111^ 111« ill ».«l I i »sv .illtl /('Iii|ll|; III oil |||\ tl .ItIf 11 l.l I k till 11< in i k I s\ mhol nr Ins imnli ,uh tl« HI. tl ,11 >| H i Mi ll In j H 11111< S III «»vs ii nl ten in 1m .*^h sometimes .»n ,u king Ins . ivsii jui w i mini mi s Bill his sin h |»IX.lIs In silldi liis Ns In * like Ills V^lllSN ■»}»}»! ' Ml h < i! i h.ilh m^iii^ i hi si.if us (,UO 1 vi..vs n is i uniting .ill .iii.it k .ill t .impugn lh.il i ,i |»s mio tin .11 trn.il inn •* »#«'.» Mi*4 »•» a I, I»A HAM HI ft IMAMM m.im i«till'll siutit ills 1 < < 1 tin*.tit! ihc i urn ni s\sti in n| vm»\( mint ni tic.ilm^ vsiib iht U^hl i t nimnin Mlii.ilmii \m 111 t.n mi» .it ibis poll 11 s.lltl K( H I ns^mvi .ill .ivMsI.tlll j >1 * »l t ss* »| n| }*ohiit ,il v inm .n I t v.is I ft h l I mijinw N.lltl Klovsll offt IS .ill < 11V 11 o II 111 C III .11 lilt ss.tm |n iht publlt lh.il cspct i.illv ^1.tbs (lit lilt nth 'll nl * nllt nt sllltit nls bl n\s 11 s |H im.il \ Hills III ( nlol.ttln I nil lift I K 111 M.iiiu \t \ .i«l i ,mtl \ ri nit mi }».i\t !ui 1)u 1 hit ltd iht tit b.m ili.il luitlitm tlnll.ti t It t non t .nnp.ti^ns ib.il t\t lilt it I lit lli.tjnl ll\ nl \lllfl n -ills tin lint .tl\s ,i\\ \snl k is Ht II i> tAjK 1 ltd KlnVslI s W( lilt IVopIt " • .itll|>.11^11 It Ills* s In it t t pi tlnll.UlnUS nf lilt M t tb.ill $ I I* » Making the grade, budget cuts and all K. HI H N ( ID/IK I hr Sftn ttum Si.Ill l of\rxNo|k IUili.ll.. Ill the Hake of ill ash* huelge t * 1 its at mans . *1 tin eminus s | Hi hlu uniseisihc s slue tents .in using th« rl f I \e ai t«» eneeuuage tin le de i al governme nt to plat e a Inglte i pnoiits «»n niiii .itm »n funding ( )h\ioush ritin .1(1011 should he the Inst thing the ( on fit 1 s should look upon " said \ mil < vs Ka i.itm h .1 soph* mioii at ( >hio Stair l I lut s the tiling that i\ going to lead tin * mil Mrs tn the light due e lion and should U a It* us filth* pi evidential * ampaigh Kulg* is l juniot ( 11 a f I* in \\ 1 Ilia ins atti 11 mtes mu* h of < tlu* atioli s hudge I piohl.ms to tin feel* 1.1I gi*\* 1 nun nt During tlu ki agati v * Its < \( ivthmg vs as * ul Williams siiiI Kush followed this plan I 111 th< 1 m< h« sht vtid none of the 1 and ul.lies ate leails addle ssmg highe 1 tduialion issues \N hil* stini* n 1 s aic pushing f*u hum< a* tion 11 0111 tin t ede 1 a I >4 * * \ < ininent. the ma|oiilv of funding toi highe 1 ('dll* at loll is the hui den of the states Vteoidmgfhe the l S Depart me nt of hdiie alum state govei nine ills * eu Mutinied - < * | * 1 * cut of 1 tie tine * t e\|x iiditute s to puhile and pi is ate univeisitie s in the 1*1*11 U'J .11 adctni* ve al I e el* 1 al age ll* les < oil 11 it Mite *1 l‘J \ |K U eilt. Hot If 11 hiding t< *le t alls supjH n te *1 student aid and 1 e s* an t» giants I he e .llldldales ale saving, hone set itiat tiles ate not going te» make Kush s mistake s Ml ( lintoii * uti* i/e *1 (*< oig* Kush s ed u* 4tio 11 p < * 11 * lev < a i 11 el tins veal at a Detune f .1 tie I’tesnleutial toiuni in Mflalo ' I he eelmalion lulls Kush so vs.umh e inhf a* eel he so eline kh tc MgeM Kut funding h»i « dm .Hiuti is *»ne tiling students won t f* h get 1 asilv \N« s»ipjH tsedlv have the' e eltuation ptesiele nt, hut tie hasn t eh me a u\ t lung f *»1 eel in alum." said K n k ( ole slude 111 ,|WM lalioi! pie side Ilf at the- Slate I of \e w \ of k Mttaio It IS so e asv !ii get lllones felt elefeiiv tml living to get motie-s lot e e In* at ion is imj* »s\ihle I he me ssage students ale* getting (foin (he teeie ral go\e-mine nt is not a stiemg (>«>Mti\e one." ( ole aeleieef “It\ |tist talk I think eeliie allot) shoulet lx a te eie ial pilemt\ " Si N> stude nts have alteadv geitte n the attention of the rob chi i r int hamms ■ • Budget cuts have made crowded classes a way of We Mate* gmrinuirni h\ lohhwng thr lr)*i.\Liltiic and du K*Ml «d I i iislccs ( < * I« >aid sludmlN .11 n «» molt' 1“ lilt" awtiihhiurn alkntti "lum \.tlu.thU t tint atton in I lit M NN and tlx* l oM alltoi ma wMriiin haw I* < n i * «>t thr haidrM hit In hudgrt1 ills Sl ( tiaiit rlloM <1 a#' inillioii t ill (n ihr St swlrtn Hall ol this | » jKitrnl drtirav* in si.Hr Mip|*»t *dl ■* math up in tuition lilt n ays and thr irsl vwll Ik* takau h""; individual t ampiis budgets and St < t n1: 1 Vdininisti alion. |ohnstonr said I hr l ( svMrm i\ laimg only vltghth Ik-iu i than Sl \N l as I \rai. as pat I ol an right | mini I plan I * > t o\ri a $ 11 million budget shoittall. I ( ahstnhrd $20 million in undrsignatrd t tils, t in lnaintrnaiu r h\ 10 pen rnt and «1,1 it at hmg rtjmptiK iii h\ V< jn*r« rnt, said Mu hat*11 assitri ih« l ( svMrin s duet toi ol t ommunit alion v*iYit rs SrM vrat ihnr ill !*• a $550 annual int i raise in Mtult ni lrr\. an utt lease ol more than 20 pen rnt I hr I ( lUianl of Regents adoptnl a budget loi nr\i '< •** v%huh pi ovules $ M million tnorr than thiswai. an int teas* ol 1.5 [H it rnl