r-1 | Minor Tune-up | I .... $19.95! ■ I (Reg 125) 1 I_I I-1 | Major Tune-up | I o* $39.95! ' ! (R^gMS) I I I_I REPAIRS A CYCLES 1340 Willamette 687-0288 Cinco de Mayo Celebration - MAY 1 --- Mary Romero (***»> ilr <■»>.' I ». I 00pm (MU Mapt* Boom Erasmo Gamboa >.««'•**, ’ iv-r,' 3 00pm (MU 0 4 00pm Whl»i*»i School EXCLUSIVELY ADULT Because it doesn't have ti> U dirty to tv good! !In- areas largest selection ol lUtflJliy VIDEOS • TOYS GIFTS & BOOKS for the discerning adult I <* ally >"» ocii tSc operated for over 10 years 1 1 24-A Slain St. Springfield 726-7104 Mon-Sot open 24 hours Sunda\ 10am midnight It r WE’LL HELP KEEP YOU IN THE DRIVER’S W-7 SEAT! k 1917 Franklin close to campus 485-8226 t A pte<* by Bill Plimpton, titM On* of Tboae Day. “ ia featured in Tha All Sick and Twiated Animation Featival Ljaraafgefcsafis Court«sty fftolo REVIEW Continued from Page 1B ns Arl\ and Prctrntious-ns l'muil Animation Frstival The program. especially the first half. MAY DAY BOUQUETS $2.99 I trui ■Ujmc* l*c* A to lung <*i 4 ((Kwl > kt*» k A rvin 4»*> I I l >W| US \M) ( .11 I S I'lUli A44M4t -«IMm 1 t»IfTV ■ mr<' r !>»'«' iw; RIGHT ON TARGET i. oil Km Cxoyon Cx!ily f mnf.i ) Advertising Deportment at 346-3712 . v i 5 Jt "V ’'*• * IKV APHIl 24 25. I**. 50 MA\ I 2 0 00 P M ^ Mam 1 hcalrc f i *st i»4»x or r iv r T2t> 710-2 IVrCorniins Ul» IM partnieni IAN K <' V i N ; : > C O l t t G E seems quite similar to other ani mation festivals But the films this time around are more fun than usual If you’ve ever been to any of these festivals, you know that they usually have several funny short Til ms with some longer ones to fill time Inevitably, the ones that run 1 S or 20 minutes are the Uirmg ones If you look at this as just an other animation festival,you will lie pleasantly surprised If you come to see non-stop sick and wrong U'havior, you will he dis appointed the depravity is spo radic The most offensive and hilari ous of the hunch are without ques lion Mike (irimshaw's Quiet Please and Deep Sympathy They both more than live up to the festiv al s advanced lulling It wouldn't he appropriate to de scribe their content here Let s lust suv that things you thought were talxxi are wallowed m and revered But this show has its share of lime fillers as well t hey re visu ally intriguing hut emotionally devoid and overlong Deadsev is a good example of this I he only su k thing about it is that it s passed off as Dung tw isted There is some well crafted ani mation to D‘ found in some of the shorts Pink komkommer has eight different animators inter preting the apparent sounds of sex There is some creative and visually exi iting work here, hut overall, time really drags during tins film It was probably abetter If you look at. this as just an other animation festival, you will be pleasantly surprised. If you come to see non-stop sick and wrong be havior, you will be disappointed - the depravity is sporadic. idea than a finished product Make nu mistake about it Must of these films are meant to elicit nervous giggles or sophomore: guffaws The artistic integritv ranges from the amateurish Mu tilator to the stylish and unique {win:11 and - charcoal work of Ken Hriu e in Lullabv Mostly, the films are small, guilty pleasures Clips like Bladder Trouble' and Dog file offer nothing more than what one would e \pis t from hear ing the titles If you go to this film hoping that it leads to the fast track to hell, you might be disappointed But in the proliferation of animation festivals, this ranks as some of the most pointless fun you will have KLCX Continued from Page 1B News. " Worden said "And Logan Hawkes. who hosts the show, is our Kurt Lnder with long, curly hair And that's the show music, feature, rnusu , feature, music Sunday after Sunday "By doing this show, ki t A s point is not to isolate anyone.” said Mi irgan Scott, the show s disc jockey "It lets listeners hear the rnusu they want to hear, not just on their CD and tape players, hut on the air " And the music they're playing may he pist what radio needs I'm to and I just dig it." Worden said "The sound of this music reminds me of a time when radio was really fresh These days, the music all sounds so much the same Out alternative music , from industrial to garage to euro-lech-pop, is driving stuff that 's got some mti*grity A lot of people are so stuck in classic music, hut there's so much good stuff out there." June said "This show cs a mind opener, and people seem to like it It's a fresh change.” "There's a huge amount of people that like this kind of music." Scott said, "and it's also important to lx- able to experience new things ’’ for KLCX, then, The Cutting X is a way to wake up radio..