DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS I | 9n4|M */.89 ; 6 36 exp FREE 2nd set of prints* ■ ,j m musl accompany onio< CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO 1231 ALDER • 683-2500 ROLLER BLADE RENTALS 2 HRS 4 HRS ALL DAY HAHN/tV FOX'B ^ NDERSONS fif^OWTIINJO UOOU5 SALEM AL ClAfVJV COOV/ALLIR film Ml 199 W. 8th Eugene • 484-7344 f FREE MUSIC 1 BUY 2 USED RECORDS OR TAPES AND GET ONE FREE!* One coupon per cu»lonw*r per flay We Pay Cash $$ For Used Records, Tapes & CD’s '(Free used record or tfi(»e of equal or lesser value) Expires b/1 S/92 HAPPY TRAILS I 361 E 13TH 485-5351 & IN CONCERT Friday, May 8 • 7:30pm University of Oregon E.M.U. East Lawn General Admission: $7 00 Ticket Outlets: Tr*• it Lift1 • Raintx>w East West • BiNe Bo 'k House • E M U Mam Desk For More information. Call: (503) 342-7572 l-ri'sh location* ami a friendly. < ■ operative community are roping in a slew of filnu'd inflnyi ai Hu I iywnod movies Between 'Pori land ,1 n movies were filmed 11 **r* In re< nfit vt-ars. blot Vbusli'rs j 1 k<■ kiiulcrxnrlrn (.op I hr f« urn"- and Short Cm tut wri-slint upinscenir \st. .mi whili- StvihmPmvtrhiaho. portions of Point tlrrnk and Shot trrrtl were fdmi-d in Portland I his timi- an mud, stars th<- liki-s of Madonna Martin Sheen and lav Dimaw.ii will tii- tailing Oregon hiiini- whili- they're on !m atioii on this side of tin- Northwest, chipping m their share in what appears to be Story by Ming .i mights Hollywood cash-iti on the latest and hottest mm n- genn* mis pense thrillers Three move's .if'- being shii! in Port land Hath-of Evident r. starring Ma il.uina and William Dafoe. The Temp, with Timothy Hutton and i-'ave Dunaway and Danger Sign. with Marlee Mat I in and Martin .Sheen (hi t. >p of that. a I ISA cable feature Liu i. about a military offi cer w In ■ wants to design a > oiii|niter that can sense human emotions, and a television murder mystery. Dot lor (aggies are also it1 the vs - >rk • lip in Astoria, teenage Mutiint A'm/ci In riles .1. and Fri-c Wilin' a story revolving around the relation ship between a killer whaf- and a I* , are in produc tu m f or the local community. just the idea of m .vie stars within proximity is eviiting A • >rdin.- to Merry (.avava of the Astoria Chamber of (airnmerr e, the film companies are not just shooting on location, but also seeing the production through every step from sound staging to editing right there in the commu nity ( avai l attributes lh- appeal of Astoria to its diverse environment Astoria is representative of a lot of other plat es in the world. ' she said We have the ( olumlna Riser (mrge on one side, the I’.u die Ocean on the other, the forest behind us and plenty of lovely Victorian homes. so film companies can pass Astoria off for anv place they w ant The same universal quality goes fur Portland We have .1 variety of locations here from the desert to the imfan and woods which makes it really convenient for the film < one panies." said Hollv McLane of the Oremm State l-'dm and Video Dive si 1 m Also, there's a certain isola lion here whit h film companies like w hen they want to get away from the tired Hollywood''''scene (;• Mid rapport is also a plus " I’eople w hi come up here from LA to make movies talk about how fantastic the Ini al crews are to work with,' said Wi itilsen Also, liir the film companies, reh1 1 a ting and set ting up shop elsewhere 1 an he a pain when too much red tape gets m the wav The Oregon State film and Video Division tries to make the transition as smooth and hassle-free as they can liv seeing to filming permits, finding shoot mg lo 1 at 10ns, 11 Kirdmating the casting and generally ironingoul whateverkinks might exist \11 this business naturally trans lates !.! a solid shot ill the arm for the local economy There's definitely a big trend to make mm tes outside of LA added VViMilsen "It s growing That's the most important part of our ottice, and it's exciting to see I fie lot al film industry expanding Extra! Extra! Read All About It For all of you aspiring to a future in the movie industry, listen up! This is what you have to do if you want to be an extra or help out on any of the sets. Danger Sign/ The Temp - Call Central Extras Casting (503) 223-4520 or bring a snapshot and head to 953 MV 19th Ave. in Portland to register. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - Wanted: special effects crew, costume and creature suit assistants and technicians and seamstresses. Send resumes stating relevant experience to: Golden Harvest Films Inc.. Hanger 3. North Tongue Point, Astoria. OR 97103. or call A&M Casting at (503) 255-3785. Doctor Giggles -Wanted: male actor for the role of Doctor Phillips. Must be about 50 -years- old. with hair, at least six feet tall and fits into a size 50 suit; Identical male twins, about 18- years-old for the role of football jocks, and nurses, any where between the ages of 20-40. Also, crew needed for construction, make-up. hair and wardrobe. Fax resumes to (503) 786-7855 or write to L&M Casting. P.O.Box 86861. Portland. OR 97286. or call (503) 230-8813. These are paid positions. Body of Evidence no longer needs any extras. UE & GRILL DEER G FRIES • • • • • • FULL ORDER ■IRECULAR FRIES A P*tm» all dot (ILL HIOKT Savo 70< 1461 it 6. 19th 344-2295 E49 AIDER 344-1960 I'm; Agony I he \^r «»f \riuct> IcatuiiMj; I’uimi lhr*n humcr U e\i*;i >f’ jW / i'u ' ,Us i l/#f» ’ 4t S 00 p m And Thf Ecstasy (,S~ SIMX) & F Substantial Student Discount ('debralc Handcrafting With l » ! iTTSfook Adams nam Clare Norele Noon Zephyr M . iso BethelTemptoChoir 3pm Kudana sjttt Local Mm • Gnat Food • Lira EntarMinmon! 1Q—teip».mH0«S8»tE-M»>0* l.ighi or Amber $89 (Pony Keg $55) Speii*!. Boml>er or Stoul $99 ($60 Pony Keg) Pic4vc vull 686-2^39 to reserve AiiJitmnai charge for depone* TAN EVERY DAY, *> tans \J15* «\I L s| U Ul I( \ 1 344 2691 1888 Franklin McKenzie NuJ«ni l>nl> M U> .Vitill S- SO Vl*^- JlhJ llaihih SI SO k*l Si 00 » A/% B*“i Ai McKenii* Theatre (1 VO Mill) St. 11 U» 747-MU*) ottv* i u»> iifc «-%!>-4 ii f‘ «*^.4(UWN»A w. t fU ««S )Iv4 V 4 •-* *«> Rumuno JALAHF.NO MONTEREY JACK S2.h‘’ lb Sharon s jalapeno TOFUHELP A ^3.10 lb Salsa Je ( asa fresh salsas $1 89 tnu-raU Valley KiKhen CHILI BEAN Dll $ 1.49 3 BEAN DIP $1 S9 black bean dip $1 .39 (iqu.- Authentn M«-xu an C heeses panela S3.*5 lb PNC HI LA DO *3.2!> 'b Fresh CILANTRO 69 C bunch Casa V lasta refried BEANS 79C ca. Northwest Mexican Foods CARMEN'S CHIRS \\ . r* H«*kl ’ 1 '* ' $1.»9 lb CORN TORTILLAS ■ ■ ■' ‘" ' . $ i o° 3 pkgs / ' 1 .Good >prtt30-^_«0_ 1225 Alder • 345-2434 i 5l i .10% OFF ANYTHING AT L IN THE STORE | Regular or »nle Price ( POSTERS : cos "CLOTHING b' V\ Bfoodway .inl A Room With A View' Where \m;els I . 1 ear loTread J Ik - _ . . . _ > a - a . ' « T ■ W 1 • s > MHifl j.'jiui l. u D' -ji- i a ANHAiU LLA A»HiA h't Hi ■ i'A(H *A »IUA < IIWl) I I I V1.R( K ks ( R\l)l l THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE THEATRE MASK ENSEMBLE “...mastery of dance, mime and acrobatics..." NEW YORK TIMES SUNDAY, MAY 10 7:00 pm EMU Ballroom ONE NIGHT SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY SHOW ( >c > l it y f mi* i d 3h