Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1992, Image 13

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    CVfjfcm I\ul> hrnrruLl'i \X rskly Musk I HftiUv, IXaue. Mmirv \ uUo io\d Stghdift iiuuir
May 1 , 1 9 92
Song and Dance
t Hill A ) HAY l
Fh# Arnold Horflwr* (>Uvin{ M t •• u.
• nd rhfthm and Mum wrili imfcwm •' t Ml
j. m •» (*«wi 1 >m*« ( «f»- * lt*i ' ’ '■ K Vviioih
Av* Th* < «*rai t haryr i» and iwi on* umt*r
21 will )i»
tw _J Si an lay I'Xiltn • x»r/ *iu<ar player win \*t
ttum at * pm 10 the Hull t **ntar % Min
( uoorl Hail Umiltd aiudant tu kata tailing f<« SV2 and $ i <*
i <n lw pun haaad at tha KMl' Main i V-*k * I’V * • •• fc 'h« I* '
offka a* M*7 SO*HI
(alwnte a ttva -piaa * Latin dam* l»af»d will |i«rfciini •( iru > !e
Mayo crielaalmn a* 9 Ml |> m in the WOW Hail 2 *1 VV Kighth
Ave Aiimtaanv) ta I» at th* d*»if
Tka Hand will |aih»i» d 0 Vi |> m a* Ta^ >< >f • < »> 'V
Sida Inn H*4 I IMh Av* Tba <m*r < Kar^r i* f < and n« • (»*
uml«r *1 will la? admitted
I nahakrald* Ham w ill jwf tor in at \i MJ p m at 1 •> im % ( <ii i*y*
Sol* Inn H'*4 I nth Av* The ua«i < har|g* ia t ' and nu (»»«
under ^1 will !*• admitted
Viw William • Fu|g*na m<»lero na k n mil land will j«nrfurin
at '> Ui (I m in the WOV* Hall 2*1 W highth Av* Ojwmntf the
•huw will tw Skye leihuming traditional lajt modern Utah
n mga Tu keta av ail aide at t he d«a H w il I ar II It >r J'
Th* l.ar l uUiTrti h Dam •(•■n(an* will per hum a< ’ p in in the
Hull ( enter a Silva < *«»< *r1 Hall Tk kat* tailing !<•* 11 '■ an 1
II 2 SO i an h« JHin haaad at th* KMl Main Ibwk or l»y a.i.ugth*
liunlliti at nil’ MXX) limited aludant diarimota «|e a v a. laSle
“A h eatiral ofTrumpeta * a t owwrt (Maturing at due lu»t» trim
and quartet* will take plat * at Hpm initrallt tun eft It a: I #* 1
h I HIh A va 1 W ka* a avallabia a* t he d<*»l will aall lot k-4 ^wiafai
and $. aludenta and wninii
Tka (>r*K<m (taapwr * korun will |«want naw mum by
l nivartlfy c umpailion aludant a ai * p m in Haail < on< «rt Hall
»#> 1 1 l HI h Av* Salat luma will imluiU wo*Id pranttaraa *il
mum wnttan li>r aub a aim bfnaa quintet piano and amall
i horua Admiaaion ia fr«a
THt 'RsDA Y MA Y 7
I am peat a ‘van hranataoit altw r*«i band will parti* tu a< * WJ
pm in V%( )W Hall Kigbth Av« Kakiah Paddy • hard funk
band will iqwn tba ahow Tu kata available ai t ha d»*a willaaJJ
for f,”
Visual Arts
"Ahuut AUiti Arnund .*
>h* itli* tJ a finm aft* J«gr«a> a<u<I«nl» • iKiImI
tharf i* i*o -liaplay ta 'h» I aV'atux A taaa* <>«l
kary m i in iam ■ Mai! Hi* f w»* • » Sibil whu h
will b*af uf« i Ji.m ui<a ui» ami }«aio?
la#» by »ht«w ! •*«daii<» will run
'hr«-u|fh May I
leftrey W(4m «
'be I ’aiveraity a
VmI ■ uJptuiM Ihutl p«iniin|i iiw U»
signed ■ifiuti Mill <.« diajda* m the Alder
(.ailery 1MJ fc. HroadMay through June 2?
Ill diajday hta '«»' emtadlished id
i Muwun >4 Art 14 W) tohnann !.n The free
rihdut Mill ( » nits u ue through May )7
|ai>aneee (ulluial and Ite.nraliva (Mayetfe* • ' f.e Idle >4 an
evbtlnt <>« diajday in I be Wauda ft arna Art < enini : i!U I I Vh
A»c r eaf u fad in'he e thihit m ill tv I eoaha d<d ia n>l Uni aimie
and i/on garden lauteina niaaka and tl«v«na an 1 cmaaf iUmi
Mill f« to* aele T he Jiajilay Mill > onllnue through May I
Maran| hull! The javaiveee Shadow Play* la ' -n of an
rab.bit i'|en at Ihe ' ruveiaity Natural Mialory M uaeIfurtai Y
ISth Av« The diaj>iay featuring Ind-meaian aba<! »* j>u|'i*u
Mill remain >j»c throughout Ihe ymr
V uiplutea by A ugv. »l t K> aim a r» ■ >n dtajday id i h Mu kj it. i t
AM Ul>Kdmaiat ! n T He e*hit«l will < «>«• mu< lfef‘ ghMayJl
1 rji
"Dig My Ten.jeteat M -.ia * an eahltu' lea' ::g > l a1 «a
IcrtfV ia OH iiajuay in Ihe M.aearo of NaJufai Hta'. iy i ’ IK) h
IMh A va 1 he e litnl i a ongi t n £ and all di •tialiuO ia »ugyr aled
“ A v ian An hole* la Hinla N*a«s and t gjra * a e»h ’ f • ■»' ■ .g
turd nr »la . i.i Ira led f,-y a niuf Inal rue ft« ! '• <t«Jgy lierti V\ ia fief
m i i. * *■ hi I .a, >ay i n I he VI u aeu in of Nat ui aJ M . a' ■. *ry If **» • ■* b
A*o Iheakhit;*' * ingoing and all donation ia *ugjgn»ied
"Kihiopta • Miauled Traditions * an nf>, thai r o •. ~na 'he
nfliidill e of i ataittK ( h f i*l» an and '»» imh I at igp iui Ira 11 ‘ .1 ;tia CJO
hlli jMa m ; (hr • Najday in Ihe Mu arum •< Nat..; a. ’I;at >< y
l(i*i I 1 *.lh Ay a TU athilni n 'ip'itig aa I • I i <1 alum i a
'Am kasokigy itl < *reg.m * an eahilnl that U«<fca a! a and
tnnra native Je t.gna it 0*1 diapiay .11 lh«- Muaeutn of
Natural Hialory. 1 nflO K I'.lh Ava TWaahdn' i» - ‘ and a
ti donatio*-- ta au^jeated
Havana t rieiuia Animal He|.> rea**W ai e<vi in VurtkwvH (i*H
Aft." a-'i •thih'l thal fee!uim Noflh»eal ( .*ael «*f •« a;l«a k
non d iijiJay id I be Mua-urn / Nalutal I'.aiory l- f »h Ava
Ihe emhitiil ta uujj'.nnj; and a ti dooaltoe it *o^jje»od
~Ariw«ik J ' • Iwaafit (cm fha ! mvaraity »
Mtiwuno/Arl will tak* i>*a» * (nun * Mia mi
j. m \m Friday May 1 ’ b* n.ut *».l i*u>
gaflw ;jain!» through l^aiWlMM *lai< i fty; *• h
th« Mawuin at An !4 M) > hna*>:. ! n 1 »'■'*
ati t» | >UM h«»*l (of 1*. « tha a.r Ptf of ' »•.«
tour lo ad d 11KW to I ha U*u f iba Muaacrr. <<( A»l
will b<wl aa ’ An walk 3 jwily m l o§wn houa**
'.a Sunday Stay ) frtrtn * «> 4 m> txi
Susan I ijam* I load will t*> al iDa I'nivara.ty •«>4»Viia
Wndnaaday May ft from l Z fi m tn ti|B ! h*i
taa>k ft.fufM //i Mr Th» !**>*.».tfi. ,y **
Sake {>la< r n *ha jjrnafal !*».* !ajiar*m«nl i*i 'ha »« ,■! « :
t In e
Alternative sounds steal airwaves
Story by Layne Lake fish
The music scene drowns in change
these il.tys
Country Inis thi' pup (harts Pop Inis
thecountryi harts Alternative imisnyurs
mainstream Ami now. mainstream h is
gimi' alternat ivt>
For Ivvn hours .1 week. anyway
hU'.X <liH*sn’t want In tin .1 slat ion I hat
sits arouml 011 ils hull ami wall tins the
rust of I hi? world go by, "said hr 11 VVi irili'ii,
I tit1 station’s program tiiri'i tor i hum's a
lot of ri'allv gm.it music out them that has
a I ill In hit mom of an alternative I failing,
ami we're mil going lo close our eyes lo
it "
Filter The ( oiling X The new show,
which lakes to 1(M 7 s airwaves every
.Sunday from 10
11 iit to midnight,
stands as proof I fiat
the industry is
i hanging and tfi.it
radio stations
aren't afraid to go
with thi* musical
Tve heen
wanting to do
si iim-lhmg like this
for tin- last three
VVorde n
Back then, management said no Hut
when Worden was promoted In hi1
current position six months ago, lie
decision was made, and Ins three-year
old program idea was launched into tin
planning stage "I guess you i on Id kind,
say that it was a case of me finally getting
my way
"Bui mall) pi!<i|ili‘ in
radioiim shirtingtogt't hip
In thr f,n t Ihiil groups
hki- tin- Kill Mul ( lull
i'rppiirs anil Iain's
Adihi li”ii an' soiling
iiuI sli'iws whuffvit
I h\ go 'i nn ran I
ignnm that, anil kl.l X
Will i I
Aftur a half dii/i-n
minilhs iif pri'paralinn,
I hi• ( hilling X i ill through
airwavus fur Iht* firs! limn on April l'l
Hustl'd hv Murgan S< nil. whu lid I k.SNl >
In in- a pari iif Ihis mw prugrani, tin' livo
shuw In lists ill usii:. I ivn fra I urns and inum
Mush is wha! wo highlight," Wurdi'it
‘People in radio are starting to get hip to
the fact that groups like the Red Hot Chili
Peppers and Jane's Addiction are selling
out shows wherever they go. You can't
ignore that.'
- Eric Worden
KLCX program director
-»,ti<I The show plays cur rent alternative
minys, as welI as what wi: call rex urrouts,
songs that hit the ir pe ak from one month
to mi>! yar ago. and p.ist modern songs,
like’ London (lading' hy The (lash and
Don't dhange' hy INX.S "
I he1 stio w dims lft the1 (II) play or rosl
hut only twiir At 10 tt). tin- "So VVti.it
fnaturo lots tlir air 'Livery wook wo pick
.mil wr M ini Mimconi! nut In ask
lirnpli" vvli.il Ihfv think," Wiirilrn s.ml
"We tin'll t.iki* llir rrspnnsi's .mil spin n
thrill logi'tlmr This fr.ilurr iisw.ilU lasts
.iti<mi Iivii inimitrs
This shuw is .ihinil questioning
things." s.ihI I,mis June, .1 University
senior anti the I man 1 operator for the new
Wliaf show, fut
i«xatri|>li\ v*i! .1 sk
[mm15111• .tliout i nr
run! issmis Last
wm-k. I dunk. wc
asked, flow tin
you feel almnt ills
Irdiutuig cimtinms
in m IhmiIs r
IIS .ill (llllllll
i|uiislMilling mu.mi
and t[ui*sIitintug
I tii? Cutting X also slops Ihn rmisn at
tl 'HI for tin' si'cond fuatum, litli'il
"Cutting X t’ropagamla " Lsvnry program
ni'i'rts a tut o' nows, ami Thi* ( lilting X is
no i-xi option
"Tins is our vursion ot M I V s Musit
Turn to KLCX. Pago 4B
Taking in the latest —
i-*- • ^
Rci tcu by I ucus i Ciutmiin
The All hick unci Twisted
Animation Ti^tival
The Bijou Art Cinemas
Not Rated.
If society (.in !)<• judged bv
the types of people
liru* up to sec. then we might
l»> m trouble When I s.iw this
on .1 weekday m Portland the
crowd was lined up around
the corner And since it has
been in lingerie, it has sold nut
several shows
It's not that this festival is so
depraved, but it's advertised
■is if puppy drowning was a
feature uf ihe program The
publicity mi this show hark
i'Hs bar k I" ttie if,1 \ s uf Wil
liam ( astle when vomit bags
would tie distributed to pa
trons as they walked in to see
tus latest horror flu k
But, alas, the anticipation
for the show is better ttian the
program itseif it 's much more
en|oyablrt to watch i f you go in
knowing ttiat it's not nearly as
su.k or Iwisleil as tile promo
tional materia* suggests
A more appropriate title for
the show w ould tie I hr Sill
Turn to REVIEW Page 4B
Video Ricks I
Tht People Under Iti#
Sheri: They »hould have
atayod there.
The Rephirer If I were
Jetut Chnet, I'd here e
eecond coming ju*t to
burn the negative of thle
pathetic axcuaa for a film
My Own Privete Ideho:
Worthwhile picture of
young people! alien
Uttte Uen Tele OK.
Jodi#, w* raapoet you
The Lett Boy Scoot
Broca Willie go#a back to
good of' rafiabla viol area
to aniura toccata after
hit Hod ion He we