Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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    Deia vu: Building planners reject sculptor’s project
By Rivers Janssen
Emerald Heportoc
Whul if Mil holongelo was
told hn wouldn't (»■ ni!«dod lor
Uh’ Sistlnu Chapel after all?
"What'" hi! would exclaim
"Hu! I've cleared rm m hedule
for the next year I've turned
down countless other projects
in iinlii ipalion You can't do
this lo mi! This is how I make
my living "
"Sorry Mike." the Chapel
commission would sjv "We
jus! don't have the money right
now We liked it But we pist
can’t do it
Hut everyone knows the Sis
line Chapel was completed,
and fortunately, notxidv had to
deal with an irate Mieheltinge
Hut a lo< a! si ulptor wasn't so
lucky with his piet e
Hill Horsey, a University
graduate, is feeling very hurt
and confused right now He
certainly wouldn't he so hold
as to compare himself to Mi
i holungelo. hut he Is a hard
working metal sculptor reaiiy
to work on his most import.int
pro|ei l to dale Hut unlike Mi
( helungelo, he w as denti-d Ins
Slstine < Jiepel
Horsey was to put up an elah
orate metal gate outside the
» i .
new Powerman building next
l ii Hay w a r d I i e I d 1 iie
Bower twin foundation indicat
i-d $20.IKK) would in' spent on
ilii' m ulpture. which in tin ii
gai limit lor Oregon's 1 portent
for art law
HufMiy's plans (rumbled in
Mart h. however, when he was
notified, (he pro pit ! would mil
go through betuuse of ( ost
overruns An angry Harsev
who said be never believed the
project to be stipulative, was
left hanging
"It's an extraordinary situa
tion.'' he said "I was just trying
to give great dignity to Mr
Bowi rinan arid his building
The t ontroversy i omprises
two separate issues first. the
Powerman I nundation rejm led
Ins work alter apparently com
milting the props t to him And
second, the Bowermen l-'oundu
lion circumvented. the Oregon
arts law , w hit h is why the i one
mission ordered $20.00(1 lor art
111 the first plat e
The Oregon law reads as fol
lows the appropriations for
the t (instruction ol ariv state
building in the amount ol
S1 (Hi ouil or more shall on huh
1 pert enl o! direr l i ouslrut lion
t tists of the pm|e<'t for netpiisi
lion of works of art
The Powerman building i ost
K 2300
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A yj. 700 gate was put up at the recently completed Bowerman building. It was a
the project originally planned for $20,000, under the Oregon 1 percent for art law.
Photo tiy 5o< K*«N*irTV»r
cheap replacement' tor
around $2 1 milium to rum
plele, so S20.000 was ulxiut tile
right jmmmt fur tIn- projei I
Hut bemuse Hill Bowerman
wanted to Inulil tlir building on
Ills own terms, using his < bun e
id i mitrai turs. he had the I ni
versjtv Inundation. a private,
nun profit agent.v. lease the
land from the State Hoard of
Higher laiiu atiun
That means the Buwerrnan
building is nut a slate budding
It is privately funded and is nut
on public lands
Nobody disputes that The
Hmverniiin Inundation found a
vs a\ to t in umvent the law Hut
sunn the building will fie
turned over to the University,
and vs ill fie taxpayer supported
and taxpayer operated It will
111 ellei 1, he a public building
Apparently the Bowentian
foundation wanted tin* si uI j>
lurr despite its ability in get
iiround the arts law Itowerman
had asked the Lane Arts Cnun
i d to (unduit an artists mu
petition, from which Marses
was si* I in trd Hut it didn’t work
tliat is av
! hi* Lane Arts ('.mini il has
done its lies! in Marses s sup
port )ohn Rose, a ( oumil
hoard memher. said the l'nicer
sits has no ext use not to follow*
the I.IVS
We ss.in! the L'msersils to
shoss the kind ol integrity that
it'her inismesses around town
hase done. Rose said, citing
L ..*. in Water and I*.lei tru
Board as hav ing tieen iespei tiul
! tlie arts lass ’The I 'riisersity
ms! kind id failed," he said
Rose I j e 1 tes es t III s e rs 11 V
President Myles Brand should
step jn Tim council did indeed
send .1 letter to Brand asking
him to intervene, but bis re
sponse indicated support ior
the Bowerman Foundation
Hursey believes he was griev
ously wronged He said the
Rowerman Foundation spent
S^.500 alone on the search lor
an artist, that be was selected,
and that a prospectus was
drawn up lor the work, which
he said a< Is as a contract in the
art world
H.irsev had to take up work
as a welder lor a hydraulics
ntiinufiK lurer One e he w as told
the project was his, Hnrse\
stopped pursuing projects. He
turned down several, thinking
he wouldn't have tile time
Now he has more than enough
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