Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1992
Anger over verdict results in local violence
j Crowd angry over
Rodney King verdict
rallies, marches
By Daralyn Trappe and
Germ Koeppmg
Emor.'et 1 .nD V.’ sets
Students and Eugene resi
dents outraged at the Kodnev
King trial verdiet venti'd their
anger in .1 campus rally and
march to the Federal Ihnlding
that ended with broken win
dows and at least one injured
Protesters broke If) windows
and two doors at the building
following the impromptu
man h by about I fit) people No
arrests wi re made because the
damage was done to a federal
building, any possible charges
would he made bv tile federal
About 400 people gathered in
the EMU Courtvard at noon to
hear views from African Ameri
cans the day after four Los All
geles policemen were a< quilled
of using excessive Sort e in boat
mg king
Many of them spoke of the
need lor a( lion and getting lhr
attention of white America in
yvords that proved to i*‘ a fore
shadowing , I yv ha I was to
I’m sick of talking." said
student Duran Beasley "It’s
1 me !nr st uiion I’m su k
of taking time Everyone says
: ustice w 1 i! im \\ • . fin k . !
wan! to ill hole when it gets
Student Ern \V.,:.t told of tin
tune when he yy.is ! ! .ears old
was walking home and had 1
pole email grail hire and slam
his head on the humd of a ear
you right now and no one
would giy e a !u ►. 'i esl, rdav
they proved him right
U e need to unify w e need
to work out the negativity in
our own communities or we
won't he hern in 100 years
W.inl said "Don't lorget the
You need to speak up and lot
}>« > )11 kn<e,\ \! it u ; il not toll i
ate this, will no! tniemte tnsti
tutiunullired r.n isni
dreg Evans. c undid,He for
mayor of Eugene uni! president
of tin \iirthwi st regn u-il i Imp
ter of the NAAC.f. <•< hoed the
sentlUionts of many when he
siiuf tfic problems reach fur lie
yonii l.os Angulos
All over the country people
ure livid, fie s.uii But do not
n t this puss on und fieconie u
I urn to PROTEST Purje C
•‘* f >io Of W- • V- '«} *»
Tekeba Bantu (top) speaks to a crowd of about 400 at a campus rally
Thursday, while protestors who later marched to the Federal Build
ing (below) confront security officers
L.A. students
in ‘war zone’
By Rivers Janssen and
Cotieen Pohhg
f mo* aid Ftoportors
It looks like ii war /one,
said oni' sindt'iil
"ll s as if a squadron of
bombers swop! through Ihn
c 11v.' said University of
Southern California junior
Robert Hit ks
In lire wake (d the l.os An
;.;eles riots spurred hv the
Kodnes k i ng verd n t. xtu
dents troin the INt anti tlni
versity of California at l.os
\ngeles are watt lung the
most serums violent*' to lot
the t itV -Inee tin Watts riots
ot tons
The violent e is so intense
that officials t loseil the I 'M
i ampin. Wednesday anti it is
exported to remain I losed at
least until Saturday All ell
tram os to the school have
freon sealed oil ext opt one.
which is being heavily pa
lin ks ilv es a blot k from
the 1 SC t umpus in Sou I h
( .'mitral box Angeles, where
the imls an' predominantly
located lie has seen a video
store two blot ks hum where
he lives destroyed fry lire
\nother market live him ks
aw,iy has been hi; fling out of
control lor a day He took a
drive Thu I sd a y and saw a
city invert'd hv graffiti and
Mat k smoke
t IS! graduate student Lau
rie Smurlliwaite said she is
seeing itO's if) all directions
outside ol her apartment
I urn to L A. Page 6
.40.' baik>» ait !4 % . -lor turnout
✓ Etreo Mab'a!.il '46
✓ Anne Wayoner 64?
✓ Barbara R< 1 jets 63r
✓ Jose Balderas $77
1 Safende 191 * Yes 296 No
2 a LTD No Refund f.T 7 Ye1; 118u No
2 b LTD Refund 1438 Yes 570-No
3 OSPiRG 1711-Yes 489-No
4 f e« Reduced 806 Yes 1346 No
‘ ■ - - 1 - ■ • ■■■
Students nix measures to cut fees
j Measures to buy new van
for Saferide, continue
OSPIRG funding and LTD
service pass
By Mandy Baucum
Till! ballot miMMiri s ih.it would ti.nr
ruduii'd or idimm.iti'd incidental fn-s
wore axfd tiv students during the gnu-r
ul election U cdni sd.n and Thursd.n.
with each fiiilmg In .1 (onsideruhle ru.ir
Student* did support Infer other
mr.isuri tii.il '.v11i .tiiii tti tin* fees ,d
rc.iiiv ni plat r
This one tun.■ SlVJHti request from
S.iferide that will gin lh.it Kroujj .hi .ni
iiitioti.il \.in passed by thr widest mar
j»in nl all tin- measures S.itt-rt<i<• is tin'
nighttime shuttle servile fur women
The Volt' W .1'. I .'i i 'I to .:‘lfi
Alsu un thr ballot worn two |iro|><»s.ils
s ihfmtt. il fiy LID th.it gave stud, ills till'
i hulu' between ,i S'. SO per ttrrm . Ii.irg.
tor unlimitifii use ..I l.il) .inti tin' tits
: i lilt i 1: U.lt i. Ill III thr Sly-fit to .1 ritllind
Thr set ou.i proposal was for .i S', ft)
t barge that would keep the right to . re
University students said yes to tlntr
ri’luni! rights unit supported tin V> 'll
Increase Students voted 1.1 tit to r>7ti
lor tin- refund option, (>/' wanted the
non n fund option hut 1, lit*) didn't
(In the (IsriKt. hallo! measure '.in
dents voted in t.ivor of maintaining the
groups .innu.il budget of SlK’.’rm lor
the nest two Veat■- Students now p.iv
S7 ‘>0 pet student per term
The li t : mdid.ites { fiosen in the ,'i
era I elei lion, according to voter preler
ere e were Klreiii Mehretab Anne Wag
Turn to VOTES, Page i
Oregon softball players Tracey Simmons
and Kim Manning have been teammates
since grade school. This weekend, they
play their final games together.
Sn SPORTS. Page 9
Students interested in finding a job with an
international corporation or a career out
side of the U S. can find out what steps to
take Saturday.
See CAREERS, Page 4
More and more major motion pictures are
being filmed outside of the L A area and
Oregon getting its fair share of the busi