UNIVERSITY MEChA oraanizes holidav By Daralyn Trappe t"mtn i o Associate t d'tor ( lino d«' Miiyo is sometimes seen .is jus! another rxcusti for .1 party, but members of (In' La lino/Chicano student nrmi|) ill I ho tniversitv huvo organized .1 work of oven Is to provide edti cation uboiit serious issues fac ing their i (immunity The events are already under wav and will continue through May r> Some of the tope s tor discussion include Latino youth in crisis and racism at the l niversitv Diana (‘.ollins. co director ol MLdhA, said the annual (ole br.ition provides a tune to ed mate ourselves hut also the community at large It's a time to firing the community and the Universilv together and to give fiack .1 little bit to the commii nity what thev've given to us " (lined de Muvo is ,1 com moirioration of the time during the french Mexican War when tlie Mexicans fought off the takeover of the city ol I'uebla Allhough the city was eventual Iv taken was a svmbnla time of struggle and ri'Msl.iiii i’, Hol lins said. .Hid i ontinues to stand for the fight against tv pression Some of the highlights in elude • Today Voutfi .ind Aelis isn't. .1 presentation In Kliza belli Perry in Room !t> Pal ifu M.ill at 5 p m tollowed by .1 Youth in ( risis workshop at (ip m • Mas 1 hrasttio 1 iamhee. .1 history professor at the l'(liver sit\ ol Washington, will speak ai I p in iii the KM l! ().1 k Koom A dam e arid talent show will be field from 'I pin to 1 a 111 if! the I.M1 Ballroom • M a y 1 A w a i ds ba nipiel rer ogm/ing strength Iii the 1 rim in 11 nils at White iki-r Si hoof at l> p m • Mas > Arte.: Yolanda f.o pez ssill speak Hi Room U I I’l i; It. an (I Iii U p in I or a r omplete si liedule ol events, s t ill tar t the MKtdiA of file at Mb 1508 or III KMl Room lid) ET ALS MKKTIM.S Students I of l luilon v»,! t tonight at ? M) in KM l (.ixlar Roam K (.ay-1 imbian and Mill (.alboli* support group will rnmit tomtit from 7 u. u pm at the Newman ( < nuu 15V) Kmerai d Si APASl’ v*tll rwwi bung* • ft of*-, ». • Ml SI J.llAMi >! s lap anew I anguage I ahlra v% ?» gh: ai *» :io in the Yarn* da 1j»i y*.•#** laib (.in Ip K will im»* n■<* ' i . Ml (anlar Room I) I rip (aiilily grand opening h>r Ouui i. i Club will lake pla «• i. gfil at 7 Hi at the new building at live « uttuft •»! l«i!. Avonum and University Sin*! VVoiiii-n u» (hr Sen M Salvador win fxj die uU«* ’t a lvcturv by ( ail men Morale* ? the hMlN tonight a ’ i:: Hoorn 5 » S iaiwtem e A H* epl. w . !m oriight a'. . at 12 W» Kuuaid St Anti Srmitivin in Ihr former Soviet Inion wdl be the ' f*u ;f a J.v .vs lay at 1 t> Mi m KMl (, «dar H A Urn Hi I |4(/ i uih m< for Harry lonwlale W i. . *«• . rvlajf from :• n j M1. *.«? Way : M lw Han * ■ , : V o u t h and a i i i v i v in in I h r ( hn alio I ulino i uimmmili * f.- u, uf 4 *p««h by r: {.>b*(h Kerry f Portland Impart Pa* »f»« :Rh! jl H t >pm« M Si ;ib Aj iillrf\ irs* Miirk*h • »< alT h i upatwmal Ihrtapy vs-,.. •••■ ' - . > ' a vs rk»h ip iclay a- I \0 , Ki f f 1 ) f>4 ( )f .!: } (all ri;uch>n ( hi Alpha < hrulirn lelliiwvlnp a haVB a K'jbsI *jW4ioi '-Hr' M* K-- ti *. .• W .. .iifiwUp Hr t 1 *<• - w I|eul ft CJinaUaiUty and 1 s* A Bihhf Study vs as- • > U> : . «t ihcv v\ »- . May 2nd • 12-1:00 General Book Dept • Ages 3 - 8 $ 8 Hufyfn' Birthday. ImiL’ Bear'. UNIVERSITY or obi con Children's Saturday! ******* **************A• The Bar At The \ ;V.v/.s/o/ i •l .wtifiMi*t ir A ,tr jt iiimkji *■ .f»ii k^nj «I •*¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥• »»»¥¥»¥ Create ycur own ( FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS PHOT OS’•WORK MICH QUALITY IMACIS A MNMCT CUT kinko'S thr • npv unitrf Great Coffee and Espresso on Campus Find the Coffee Corner's GREAT locally roasted coffee and espresso on campus at EMU Fishbowl Skyli^it Cafe Breeceway Cafe Willamette Flail Atrium Allied Arts and Architecture Cafe BARBECUE & GRILL FULL ORDER ^REGULAR FRIES W P*ifwr ifcMprjgr Save *u wr to* nuwaHT #v* 1461 /< E. 19th 344-2295 E49 AIDER 344-1960 Scholarships Fellowships Grants Loans Scholarships Fellowships Grants MONEY FOR COLLEGE & GRAD SCHOOL Tin- src rrt lo finding monr\ Is Knowing u>h«T»* .iihI lor what to apply i>m databasr matrhrs InfoMiiallon stippllr-d by slndrnls with < 11 ■ a 11 (I > alloiis and i<*<|iilrrmrnls limn ovri lens ol Ihoiisands o| llnanilal aid soiiri rs irpi rsrnl Iny, private solutes, Institutes, tor[k>iatloll.s. Individuals, assoi latluns. sjk-i lal interest groups, medltal linns, loundallons. and olbris Sriy lies ('.pa| apln-d ( all now lot FREE Inlonnallon about • I Mil Kt'.RADUATK FINANCIAL AID MATCHING SKKVK K l$ri')| or. • CKADt ATK/PR( )FKSSI( >nai. financial aid MATCHING SKKVK K ($'.'•) STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES Mon I 11 H a in M p m Scholarships Faltowshtps Grants Loans. Scholarships . Fellowships Grants ■e r***ai £. erybody ’ is Somebody Baby! B Lots of beautiful cards & gifts