SHOAH Continued from Page 1 enough people rei ogni/.e the problems or if the economy sta bliues. but hr said he is sur prised to hear rear lions from some of his friends hat k home "I talk to people on the phone, people I respe< l. who I thought were on tin left. Prank said, and some base said we have problems with people coming here Other German students spoke of how they faced prejudice against their heritage when they traveled outside ol tier many Alike Bald said she first dealt with it when she traveled to Belgium at Hi. 'People would say I don't have any thing against you. but I don't like Germany. " she said I had a friend there y\ ho had a Jewish grandmother, ami yy hen I came oyer to visit, he told me not to talk about Hit lor Buhl said another etu ounter sayy her meet someone yy ho gay e her tile " Hitler greeting flu I Zuckerman, cu-direi tor of the |eyy ish Student l iiion. said he fell the same way vvhen he traveled in Pin rope. and he hei a me defen si ve when he heard i nticism of the 1 anted Stales Zuckerman spoke ol the need (or improved communica tion la tween the tyvo and noted that remembering is not blam nig " Another | e yy ; h s t u tl e n t noted that he yy .is raised to be 1 leve be shouldn't blame the children lor the sins ol the par ents. hut a! the same time don't buv ,i BMW (Inn ! support |hr (Unman « ortomy Jonah Bookstcin, also from |St . ci hoed (hatcomment by relaying a family feud that en sued when a (.erman produi I yy as purchased An audience member bamd agreement from many yvhen she slated Ilial y\ e innately make a dlstliil lion hetwen US and others and yy e usually end up hating others because they are not us We really nerd ! deal yy I til that aspei t oi ourselves bei aus'e yy e a 11 fhavr I ai s! u ff n our backgrounds-'. Ingrid Ihngherr an exa hang. student from t ,• imam said it is trine tor hoth to start over "The alisxvt i is not to blame someone mx age fill It.” she said Von just hay ■ to ap proai b. people d i tlerently All involve-1 agreed *f: it ihlu ration is the key . but - Hie kind wont yy i H k lor everyone Win n 1 tie.ii its t i e here (aerinan ai adeio; • hange students. It Sell sit loses tile per spedi\ i ol yy live id the. ('.eruuins are lining braiik said "in order to edui ate them: 1 think movies are worth a lot more than museums The movie Hn!t>i ai/s; stirred up more people and stared more people than ail tile eslii bilious that happened after Wi rid War II in- said Kdui ation is impel taut, tie said, not only edut ation about what llappened. lull edui alum about iiuyv yy e i an seep il in ;i happening again MEN’S qno HAIRCUTS cr Vi* » -t %w»w *\ V- l-i' * _ ■ «• jr <•' . ‘* DUCK THUS SALON Mfv *, 1rv, • My f Mi) H lu«n^ ’ii 4 inch*! ' • k*»< kr*K k \ run a* as I I.osvi Its \M ) (,I||S . x (win **•'«* :*i • ■* » . «*> • *i' f> South Eugene Chiropractic Center ’* Sjxtrts Injuries * Stress non * ('hronii l’n ihlems Dr. Frank F. Muhr )% E. 18th st. 683-9070 i Sttislcnt rates Near C 'ampus DEMO DAYS Friday and Saturday for New 92 Outdoor Equipment & Clothing , Representatives i-rom... • North Face i • Sierra Design I • Jansport j • Hi Tec I • Thor Lo • Asics • Wigwam • Eagle Creek Travel • Eureka i • Mt. House Foods • Outdoor Products 10% OFF featured NEW PRODUCTS Fri. & Sat. only! Additional savings qtorewide! • Teva sandals now IN STOCK • Outdoor Cooking Demonstration Fri. & Sat. • Free gift with minimum $50 purchase. • Free socks with shoe purchase. ENTER TO WIN!!! NORTHFACE DENALI JACKET* $140 value) PLUS other great prizes validated parking 79 W. Broadway 085-5906 Crescent Days Are Coming! 50^ OFF ANY V MENU \ ITEM If* ' “TCBV % I hi' Country^ /W hxjurt. • i I \X* i 1 ItL M 11ki ?;•!.*. Wi’.i I ‘V%S j lankhn J , I t.»:.»im >\ \ ilLml I I Evening Master's Degree M \KKI \<-l \M> I VMM t I Ml l< M*1 i t.utulv '• p- )\* thrr.ip» pn h«n*»l shutu • ImI'Ii* .il • 111«11«*'• brief (amity .mil sysli-iiis .ipj -f < ■ \ 11 l> * n'tiUMliiH' . linn >1 » »f iciit »•) UllKUl LLAL’LKbliir L-ROWIil (fr.lining * >f 1. ,nl» f(.*r «• ft»■* hv »•^flism .m«l »ls imiiih v hurt h »ir \ »-li *• mih-hI u ii u* tHr l.i («•“.( n -.« -un o • in>1 pr> >v on moth- h I i • H* st i i.iN, ,ir** h« Uj \1 nd.iy A- 1 htirMl.iv evenings • A Imutit t i >f y.t i iu.Ui'f« Iiov\ >hi| •- >\.' .uli,;.«'»i ti* .ju.ilifn-» 1 students • \( ( i . rvpj n.illy .i• r*i11*• * t*N* rfhvv. ,» A• Mti* >n f S* h» h »ls .iin I t i)!!»%;«“» • Appll- itH'll illlii- 111! n 1, 1 ' 0 I t at ion int|iiin<-s • l >r Kuth \ lanmlmk I >ir«^ fcf ? < .r.uluat. I‘r< >>-.r am Nt t K»st ! 1th V, c 1 tik.’« in (>K '* '101 tt all ‘lIM1 or I sm 1'41 JVCC \ i\HV,\ (HP MS 'OllfGf THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON L_ Hey' It's Frank and Cindy1 Haven t seen you folks for a while J