EDITORIAL Jury verdict sends disturbing message Here was something that seemed clear cut. Four white Los Angeles Police Department officers savagely beat black motorist Rodney King, and they got caught Even worse, they were captured on video lor the whole world to see over and over again. For HI seconds, the officers delivered blow after blow — fit) to be specific — to King s body King's leg and facial bones were broken in the beating, but for these officers, it was just another black man subjet ted to LA PD polity. In fact, several of the officers joked af terwards about the beating King took. One even taunt ed him at the emergency room, saying. "We hud a pret ty good hardball game tonight you lost and we won." Officers Laurence Powell. Ntacev Koon. Timothy Wind and Theodore Briseno thought, at the time, they would get away with thr healing, and al though a \ ideotape showed otherwise. they were riglit After nearly a year of controversy over the beating, after a lengthy thr.month trial, and after seven days of de liberation, a six man Reason dictates that no jury in America, given the tape, could find these officers acted justifiably. and six woman |urv lour mspame one Asian ann no blue k.s) found th.it ‘Hi blmvs to a disabled suspet t’s prone body do not constitute exi essive force The verdict itself would not generate much contro versy nationwide if it was just King'-, word against the officers' accounts Hut we all saw the condemning piece of evidence the videotape of the heating It was clearly exc essive force It was clearly an assault. Powell, who was accused of delivering the* most blows, sairi, 1 was completely in fear for my life, sc ared to death" of king because* lie believed king was on PCI*. The videotape, however, clearly shows an in capacitated king, in no condition to c hailenge officers, still being brutally beaten. Reason dictates that no jur> in America, given tile tape. could find these officers ae ted justifiably In addition. Hriseno told the* jury that he thought "the* whole thing was out of control." and even tile* most naive jury should have found these men guilty The officers obviously used excessive* force, they obvi ously filed falsi' reports, ami they obviously thought they could get away with it because king was a black man The incident xvas clear cut. Hut the sy stem tailed In essenc e', by entering a not guilty verdict, the Ventura County jury sanctioned unnecessary violence against the citizens of I .os Angeles and said that these same* citizens will alloys themselves to live in the kind of disgusting society where such iojustie es are allowed Oregon Duil\ Emerald PO BOX )t» CUGINC ORIGON $7403 T *v*j l>*/#y f '% «.l*--y M wlay I*f ’■»*> du^og ! ‘w K fyoa yutv mr%1 1 mu,lay n'%1 Ificnulity during ?n«» n.-mma* t>y r’xt Oagor' i Putxanmg Co Inc etl "•*» Urwvanuty of C>»gon I Oogor ! 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ToP*n Sna/or VJU* Classified ISiggy Ml<►'•'■ Manager A.a -a S'^a 1 oronro Business ►«:'> > a tXK>o cnx Jmty **■> Production i -gm! W' •« /*taA* W v'oorJ-'-.i'tv ••» .»• r* ■*»*•<> K- «• . i „ «/ S Moai1 J«» •«••■ v i * .*#> Ouo M ' obb •'*> M *« Mi»” U Jar- w fkK.i v: .A* 'u* A •'«» »uf>' >»' w V a a K*hJV\ General Manager .> <*:» K«« Aav*n;mit»g r *.« y> Newsroom 146-SStt (kiimMi Olic« J46-SS1? Di*i*i*v Adv»f1iftjng Clftftftrfiftd A vfv• Mi• ing 346 371? 346-4343 h°w prnmtu P£/j°t mHT'm the son u& a wsrns.' HTT v.x .'Ji nr 1 f-art'ON h°3',Lt Ostly FEDeFAL bureaucracy H'PE Fopei6m ^K£p-5_dg The pep'C'T Declare 5ANKRuPTcY r0" l\ Banner-rippers show me the light j THE FINE 1 PRINT BY PAT MALACH The word in m In linin' something on campus vim don't like or don't agree w itli' Destrov it1 1 llilt N thl! lessllll W l> l .111 learn from the actions of some of our more progressive and opcn-mindmi students on i iiinpun Tuesday A mob of these righteous do-gooders stormed the summer si bool ad vertising banner hanging above llth Avenue tore It down, painted their (pnlitirul) rorrei lions on it and dropped it on the steps of Johnson Hall What could one little banner have done to rile the ire of the enlightened There were till ages of 11 historical figures on the banner all of them were whiti True, a l‘Diversity that pa Vs extensive hp servn e to d i versitv should be more aware ol the subtle messages such a banner i an put out. but de stroying something because you disagree with it is a much more heinous i rune against our society than one ilia omened banner There are better wavs to ac comphsh things During the w inter holiday season (formerly known as Christmas), the I’m versitv bookstore dei orated its windows with a mural com prised ol several while char.u ters A group ol properly con corned students took the issue to the bookstore manager, who had the artist come hack in the next d.n to add some color to the painting It was activism with a point, and it made a dif ference. So what steps did these guardians of banner diversity take before deciding to remove the advertising from the v tew of the lest of campus' Well, there was one letter to the editor of this paper but summer session Duet tor Ron Trehon said he re reived no complaints about the banner So alter one letter to an entity that has no control over the situation, the activists de i tiled they had exhausted all of their options to have the prob lem dealt with And in a mo ment o! unplanned mob van lent !■. they- righted something they saw as wrong Wi ll 1 see ili.il as wrong And then- .in1 .1 tot of things on i ampus I don i like But iifli’T Tuesday's ( ivie s lesson I have seen the light M\ mission has tieeume 1 leaf One thing ! don't like Is that tills l-.arth Week (el eliration we've been enduring for the past few days has lost sight ol the big pie (lire instead of an ev elit to eefue ate thi' masses about environmental concerns. what we've got is a week that's been co-opted In the same old activist fates we normally see- at Saturday Mar ket l-.arth Week has become an eve use to bring in had folk mu sicians who sing to the 1 holr. So when I walk In the groovy granola gathering that turns oft the u t\ people who need to learn the most, I'm going to run up on stage, disable the poor folkies who happen to he there, anei smash all their instru ments I've been taught that's the was I., deal with things you don't like And the next time the l.esbl an. Gay and Bisexual Allium e pills up 1 photo montage on its door of group members en gaged ill fellatio and other sex ual aetivitie’s, I'm going to tear it down because 1 personally find it inappropriate, as I would lor any other student group In i ,im‘ m\ attempt .it using s.itin- to highlight this issin* has eluded you, hit in« put It in clearer language The people who decided they had the au thoritv to tear down the banner are hypocrites Kvtrerne hyp ot rites lor all the cow Hop we hear ahout being diverse, being an individual, and allowing ev eryone the right to form and ex press independent beliefs, the unstated truth is that you are expec led to express only pre approved beliefs What hap pened Tuesday was a group of people dec iding their personal judgments .ire the only correct ones They decided the banner was wrong and that no one else at the University should be able to see it and form their own opinion alxiut it 'The traditionally oppressed became as bad as what they say they are fighting against Op pression from the left is on no I’m going to run up on stage... and smash all their instruments. I’ve been taught that’s the way to deal with things you don’t like. higher moral ground Ilian op prcssion from the right, and it i*. not the wav to create healthy, long lasting (not reactionary) change ()! course, this state ment is not correct and will he dismissed as the ramhlmgs of another culturally insensi live while male, unenlightened. Ingot, i r.n ker. palsy, pawn of The Man. eti , etc . ail infmit urn I'he only interesting thing to tie seen is how thoroughly the Office of l»uhlii: Safety investi gates the destruction of Univer sity property During spring term of last year, lour students were prosec uteri tinder the Stu dent Uunduct (lode tor their rules in painting the sidewalk near knight Library to protest the removal o( several tir trees And those of us concerned with equal rights (and equal re sponsihilities) can only hope Oi’S launches as tenacious an investigation into tills incident as it did into last year's hale-fli er boondoggle In an effort to find the person responsible for posted tilers that were inter preted as misogynist and homophobic, OPS rounded up all known lesbians named Kirs ten and put them through in timidating interrogations Of course, it was later discovered the fliers were made und posted by a lesbian student who was attempting to use satire to ad dress the military’s misogynist and homophobic practices This banner incident is no different than the cases men tioned above The Student Con duct Code has been broken. University property has been destroyed (SDHO worth to Ixi ex act). and the students responsi ble for it have the right to fie prosecuted just as harshly Put Maluch is tho managing editor of the Emerald