Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 29, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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    AD yelled out of hearing
Associate athletic director
Barbara Walker stormed out
of the athletic department's
budget hearing Tuesday night
after taking offense to com
ments made try Incidental
Fee Committee member Sue
L)o< kstadnr
Dockstader was "outraged"
at the two options presented
for cutting the department's
budget and told Walker "the
AD is log us over '
Af11■ r two hours, tin- fit' fi
millv voted the athletic de
partment a S-poreent de
crease. however, the budget
will he reconsidered he< ause
nobody from the department
w as present for the li t vote
"While it may he fairly
common for students to
swear.” ASIJO \ u e President
Priscilla Warren said, other
members of the community
find It extremely offensive
Continued Irom Paged
tv arrived while they wore painting the banner
By then a group of about 40 people had gathered An impromptu
march occurred as the banner was carried to the front of Johnson
Hail, where it was left
"It was just spontaneous." Naillon said We saw it and didn't
agree with it
Naillon said the banner revealed -that the University.' which
claims to be committed to diversity, is actually indifferent to the
needs of minority students.
"The banner shows all that the l;rmersitv has to idler. and 11 that
is it, then why do they want us here' Naillon asked
Naillon described their action as a statement that minority stu
dents want representation and as an affirmation of diversify
Lisa Lawrence, Black Student Union director, was also at the
"I'm all for free speec h, but the University says that it's so corn
milted to diversity, and vet there were no people of c olor on that
poster and that was offensive! to us, she said
Lawrence said the banner is symfiolic of the insensitivity at the
University and never should have! been put up
"it shouldn't be up to us to tell the administration th.it that sign
is offensive." Lavvrenr e said
I'he banner was done by Baden ft. Company, a Kugene advents
ing agency, and approved by Kern Trebon
Trehon. the University's summer session director, said the lack
ol people of color and women was pist an issue of simple oversight
and pruritic allly
The faces were; silk screened Irom a summer school tins here,
which displays picture's of Hi philosophers, sc lentists and social
scientists Booker T Washington is the only person of color in the
bren bure and only four women are represented
The reason Washington and two of the women were not pictured
on the banner. Trebon said, is that their images were photographs
that are more difficult to silk-si reen than the drawings of the other
Thu banner w is not intended to be a complete portrayal of the
inteilec tual atmosphere. Trebon said 1 he banner is not about in
cluding or excluding people, but to tell people about summer ses
Trebon said in the broc hunt they were able to include a more <ii
verse intellectual tradition
"It was a primary com turn when vs > d id the brochure that we get
a good cross see turn, and 1 think »'• did that. Trebon said
Trebon said he is committed to diversity and any problems that
exist yvere c allseed by oversight, not malice
1 hope; people won't make more out of this than it is, he said
John Crosiar. the University News Bureau's ac ting diree lor. said
the Office of Public Safety is investigating the* incident
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