I Offer good with I selected stylists only ILLUSIONS 1511 Lincoln Willamette* H o j br Don PERMS $29.95 LOOP RODS-SPIRALS Mating al $39.95 HAIRCUTS $8.00 Illusions • 345-1810* j Good through May 29, 1992 Must present coupon | BARBECUE & GRILL BEER & FRIES • • f ••••••••« FULL ORDER REGULAR FRIES W IMn ffcwajp Sava dunraxT ,v> 1461V, e. 19th 344-2295 E49AID6R 344-1960 UNIVERSITY Saferide, OSPIRG, LTD on ballots By Daralyn 1 rappe { v »«f,i 3 A/jV .»!o * J on conipms Although the ! w O h a II o t memu ran that would r i'd >n <• or i* 11 m t n M t r >. t u d o n l Iits h ti v r> gotten Ihc lion's share of alien lion on < .imjuis, there are three other measures that \s ill also he viil e ri o n I h e»e I II Vo I V e OSI’KH. lame I’ransit District ant) S.ilerit)e OSPIRG Hie Oregon Student Pubiit Interest Keseart h f.muf). begun MENS HAIRCUTS $ Nil*» ' «■ M> •' *»at ' * ’ »s Vs f »»' ' f-fprpw< I :;1«i DUCK TAILS SALON Q.NLY 5 \4*> l)|i/i • Ry { ) fitX < **********AAA**# ITu Bar At I im ; \ V.V /. s ling Hits means: learning to re dut e w aste in purchasing recyclable products like reusable, plastic coffee mugs instead of paper cups; remembering to reuse products such as pajx-r bags by taking them with you to the grocers ston\ and making it a habit to deposit all recycle i materials With little effort, (he l/mseisits of Oregon I has learned to reduce, reuse and recede l ast ' year 1' off) Recycling deposited l,lb4,000 lbs of paper, cardboard and metal products and 750 gallons of motor oil and paint thinner With the amount of effort it took for you to learn reading, riling and 'rithmatic, you can learn to recycle as well. Take the time to reduce, reuse and recycle, and take the time to care about your environment. For more information call: , 346-152*}. RECYCLING (cycle re i or u Kecvcies University ot Oregon Student Recycling Program. Celebrate Recycling Day Call o-4n-43!v’ lor today's program schedule Looking for a good deal? Read section 130 in the classifieds. on campus .:! years ago by con sumer udvix .lit1 K.ilph Sillier, has •! funding setup that is dtf fereni from every other student group on campus i.verv two vears. OSPIRti goes to tialiol with a request for .1 s pei 1111 funding amount, r.illier than going through tire Incidental fee (.ommittee OSPIKti is requesting the same funding level .i total of Sit.' ’SO ii year, or $2.50 per student a term .is it rei i*ived in POO OSPIKti works on h range of environment.il and consumer issues from providing .i rent er’s rights hotline to the annual iimiiminilt Hunger Cleanup p:. ..t Ollier projects include lose awareness, alternative en ergv vs ■ k and a sale drinking wall i i ampaign Although a state IMKC also exists miinm that goes to the student group is used lot sepa rate pru|ei.Is and i annul go to ward work on ».Iot■ ■ or national ballot measures Deborah Hallo k OSPIKti chapter chairwoman, said she is somewhat concerned, in the climate of student pnnit ol higher tuition and ini uleritol fees, ahout whether the metis .re will pass Put OSP!K(> s measure has passed eat h time v\ i!Ii a suhstantiul mandate* from the voters LTD Students a! thi l niversit\ in ride on I. I I) anywhere at iir.v lime, courtesy of a hallol me iMire that has passed lor the pas! tour years providing free : . ses w .th e.H h term s regis tration During each of those years, students have had the option ol a refund if tin v do not want to ««• thr mtvk e i amara v>eav it. LTD finance administrator, culls thut refund system un "ud mimstrative nightmare" even though relatively few students choose that option Only lit) requested an option this year Weaver said I.'I'D (ltd not in tend lor tin- refund to f>e an on going option, but agreed to it in die beginning bet ausu of uni er tainlv about how the program would be accepted by students Tins year, students will have two voting choices Part A ol measure 1 would provide un limited service for Sr> 50 [let student e.iclt quarter with no refund option, and Part it would -provide unlimited mt vice for 55 70 a quarter with the refund option About .1,500 students board or exit a bus eat b day from the University transit station alone, Weaver said, and Til pen.ent ol LTD riders identify themselves as I adversity students Saferide Salerido is the free nighttime shuttle service that provides transportation for women, both on and off c umpus Saferide directors are re questing S15.280 to buv a third van because two vans are not enough to meet the number of requests received each night Harbara Rodgers, Saferide co tor. said five to 10 women ale 1 urned aw a \ ear ll n Iglit Tile new van would provide additional off-campus servile, where door is the most de mand, Rodgers sa id Salende began in 10H5 after the Office of Public Safety lie came overwhelmed with calls from women wanting rides home Rodgers said ridership tripled last year and is expected to at least double this year DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS FREE 2°“ set of prints • coupon must accompany orttef CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO 1231 ALDER • 683-2500 Computer Products & Supplies Inc. f;"£r IMk SI/]MUn IB* / I IMHb 51. l’*» 4 H fc/ JIMha $1 ,sis ) »>mi ConAgurafton' - Intel 386.486 CPU - 1.2MB FD - 40MB HD - - 2MB RAM - VGA Color - 14" VGA Monitor - - 2 S P/Game - 101 KB - MS DOS 5.0 - AST Rt St ARCH Prrmiain I1/JS4SX 2«Mh> Brave 4S*>25Mhi A ulh*>rxir4 l**aUr Twin Head 386SX/16 Note book Leading Edge 386SX Note book imiAi 240C tx: !f»l t ^9 00 lot* I 1S'/I6 d»tk pro Urt 00 !•* **.<,*%%<* l*»/ t % 1034 SW T #yKv OH 8 7205 PT.OO* 223-84* 1 Fai 22t^0«1 2001 * rank tin BFvd Lupin*, Cm t/403 P*on* MV 1314 Fu 34V1376 Mon Krt 19 » Sal 11-4 p*rt» *n<3 \+L>ot f tnjnctftQA • v*iU5if