ASSAULT Continued from Page * a lone I or international students, t nmiminii ration is always an is sue. whether vs ith ’language or unspoken signals. Stark said 1 Infant i liarit v ss 11 ti cultural communication and behavior c an lead to misinterpretations that can lead to trouble Some one may assume that I lov e you' means I want to marry you' " Stark said Stark, along with 'Krill Collier of Sexual Assault Support Ser vices, just completed a video for international students called [tut I Thought You Wanted To,' Cultural Differ cnees'-of Rape and Sexual Ha rassment I’he vj-cieo, to be released next month, is a training fool that provides international stu dents with "model behaviors to use m uncomfortable or po tontiallv dangerous situations, such as those that c an lead to date and ac i|iiaintanc e rape In sue ii situations. Collier said, the nerd lo hr assertive and ( ultural riiittnn often t nine into conflict In one sirnario in the video, a Japanese student ;s having ■ dinner with her host fannh wtien the sun touches--'her un 1 i I-r the table file student doesn't want to do anything that might offend the fins! niotJiet lull she is very union) ft>rtaii!>■ with the son's is-hav tor Other issues confronting In lernational students are stereo t\prs about their cultures. am! in isf (inceptions the students themselves might have about Atnerit ans I lie 'sub m I ssi ye Asian woman the strong' African woman ami the sew Hispan k are some of the per . vasivr sti-reot Vj»'s Stark and ( all her :: 11; tl t e: 'lied these kinds ol ass . - p! . re. .,11 lead \mefi i aim to treat foreigners m in sCtisitiv e and or inappropriate w a\ s ian tins reason, taillier said S A S S v o lunt '-its r e 1 e I v e iiHiltli ultiilal it a i lung to (on NASU Continued from Pago 1 Musi 111 the time vn'- It'll them where thev < an get the mlnrina tiun." Baker s.m! In addition. NASI' members m iKt tups to Oregon at .1 Washing Ion reservations in entourage liion Native \me;uans ! tome to the limerslty hast tall. 1 percent <>( V S students enrolled it the l ’niversitv weie Native Amerii an Baker said ret ruitment is one of the more dillii ult activities \\S' lines lie; else .■! what si;. :.s;.!‘!s li Is the I liiuTsli ■ minimal support for people of color "It's hard to ter r people when there's Ho Native Alltel u to studies program and only one Native American leaching faculty, she said Next tall NASI' will hr: spotisi.iii g ,i ■ otiletent ■ i n indigeno ■ peoples in conjunction with the ■‘•noth anniversary "I < 'Iambus v oy.ige to the Amerir as Perhaps the activities NASI' is best known tor at the t ms erst t\ are its twice yearly free powwows The first one this year was in (h 'oher The next is st heduled lor May 11e 1 ' in Mi Arthur ( .uni Ber said people from all oyer the country will he partu ipating A1 though the group has not set a final dale. NASI would also like to have ,1 Native American film festival some d.iy i lose to tie spring pt IW VS l >v\ r flout their own assumptions • 11hhjt the people thev serve Seek 11Ut help alter sexual .is sii;iIt or harassment i.m .iiso he .in additional tr.ium.i for Inter national students It's hard enough for Amen • ins to seek. help. Stark said But for rn.irn other i ultures i mmseling ami therapv is lor i ra/v people In addition to the UfKloming v ideo, other lampus resouri es provide bilingual and i !v sensitive materials to inter national students about piersun al s.iletv and sexual assault t AK1 ( routing \ Rape free environment. offers a bilingual l.ngltsh Japanese pamphlet that Hit hides a sei lion on so< lal and r ultural different es. four see n.irios in whith l.ip.inese stu dents might find themselves, arid tips on rape prevention and mterv eiitlon Sale ride d I stn butt's ill for in a brot Imres m lour tidier ent languages Chinese. |apa nose hor* an and Spanish 1 KNOW THE FACTS: A lot of campus rapes start here. Whenever there's drinking or ilmgs. tilings can get out o! huik! So it's ik' surprise that many campus rapes involve alcohol liut you s!k>ukl kixiw tiiat under an> circumstances, sex without the oilier person's consent is considered rape A felony, punishable by prison Aik) drinking is no excuse Hut’s why wfien you parly, it's good to ktxiw what your linuls are You see, a little sobering thought now can save you from a big problem later }*<« further information, you may contact any one of these resources • Sexual Assault Support Services 4X5-6700 • l JO Counseling (’enter. 146-3227 • l JO Crisis Line. 146 4488 • UO Student Health Center 346-4441 • I Jean of S tudents. 346- 3210 • lJO Office of l*uhlic Safety. 146-5444 • UO Women's Center 346-40% • Men Against Rape. 346-4206 • (lay and Lesbian Hotline .. .683-2428 Sponsored by the Office of the Dean of Students. Unwanted Sexual Re has tor Task force I O V O l) K s u f c « s ^ [ .! )t. ! M ! t • .! }’{«■■ n?-- « \X tk*»h‘ ’p in ( I HI MO.NIAl. DRl .M MAKING 1 n r! i. !. -r K «r f \ H • -i m a n May 1 I I: M) s-S s>)(t - • ti r..• n (•rouiul floor. M ♦ v ] I Ml 7T77T JLt V Ilo t hAf i JO# $ >«w* nvi n rr»vw, r f AvwTfi1 $ *Vt» A« [>r, m, mult jf f»fc.' $ Atx> w4 !U, my k*t A«prt * $ »Vi my rvu^jrx* ritm 90 up' $ Wh*t # tfw* k f*> murjnt* ’ $ ^YHJd I U* (E) tfw M%\At9* ' $ Hem. uig *• * L»» tr 9»< mT mon*y' (*« A«l« Acrtdfiitt UmI 343-1473 #nt •«# #im wm non ro cm#i SUBSHOP 1225 Alder • 345-2434 GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. ”29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 2025 Franklin Hlvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 0(J I(lO?$ |>i'».lsim1s: ['()NKIM I ' OVER THE HUMP NIGHT WEDNESDAYS lOpni-11 pm mis is uu sv nk;ht! // ^Guido's \ 13th and Alder 1 THE FAR SIDE B/ GARY LARSON Keep (he door shut, Ernie! I just know that dang cat Is going to try dragging that thing Into the house "