Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 29, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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Cycling team sweeps regional
Thr Oregon t lub < vcllng team put the icing <m
the i ake l.isi weekend with a resounding win in
the regional < hampionshtps .it Tri (aties, Wash
With this win and two others at Washington
Stall’ and 1.astern Washington the Dinks domi
nated tile region from start to finish
The championship*, held in conjunction vsith
the Tri Cities Collegiate Sports i-T&tival. reflected
Oregon s dominance this venr ’I he men's lean!
swept all three events, and the women's team fin
ished second to a larger Washington ( ontlngent
I'he weekend kuki-d oft with a f>0-mile road
rai e Saturday morning that saw a lead group of
seven break .iu.it during the nine-mile climb that
began only five miles Into the event
l our of the break awav cyclists were from Ore
gon Tins group staved away until the finish with
senior Luke I’mgel taking the sprint for first
place (ollowed lit Ion Hridenhaugh, Matt i letch
er and Miles l ight who plai n) third, fourth and
seventh, respei lively
In the women's event, senior Jennifer Wndelti
enf ountered some laid lui k vs hen she flatted 10
miles in I u the even! and could not get (I replace
ment wheel Kilters (lull Smith and S.ir.ih Brown
Went on to hike se\ enth and eighth plat e
During th.it afternoon's 10-mile Team Time Tri
al the men s team averaged pisl less than 2‘t
miles per hour to defeat Washington State hv a
massive -to seconds The women's team, again
lac king the number* of other teams, finished a re
spet table sin end in the team event
At Sunday’s criterium, the Oregon men com
pleted the sweep with I’tngel taking the sprint
and riders Light and Ben Kaplan both finishing in
the points Vendetti continued her undefeated
streak in the ( rileriutn event by taking first for the
fourth time tins season
With the men's and women's team scores com
bined. Oregon won the regional points i hampion
ship far ahead of Washington Stale, giving the
Dur ks a lierth in nationals for the lost time sou e
1 <m<)
The learn has alreadv made arrangements to flv
to Atlanta, (.a . on Ma\ M and then to head to
Rome On., where the national championships
will take place May 1(> and 17
Continued from Page 8
sign fur Hills (.reek Reservoir
There i' 'i 1111 *;l> landsi aped
t s forest Servin' information
(enter about 100 sards down
this road on tin1 right side
I.'xac llv one mile from the
highway. turn right onto paved
Rond 21 at a sign for
Tlmpanogas Lake follow this
road another 1 2 miles and turn
right at a |urn lion w ith Road
Tins one lane paved road
does have turnouts, hut it is
steep and winding with mans
blind corners lake vour time
and use the wide spots 111 the
road to avoid an unwanted
meeting with someone going
Just past tlie lour mile mark
(there are brown milepost
markers on the right side) look
for the easy to spot Inker sym
Ik.I sign .it thi' trailhead A nice
paved purking area on I ho loll
suif is just u lew yurtis before
the point where the trail begins
Aliout 10 yards off tin- road is
a small bulletin board and a
register book for those wanting
to leave a memento Two trails
start at this point, but only the
left fork goes to l.arison Rock
The right trail descends to the
Middle Fork Willamette River
near Oakridge
The l.arison Rix k trail is only
•t mile long, but it packs some
interesting si enery into that
short distance The wide path
leads off through second
growth Douglas Fir and hem
loi k forest, climbing very grad
ually and switi liing bar k twice
The purking area and Road
2102 can been seen about half
wav up the trail, Indore it In'
gins climbing a bit more steeply
up Lurison Kor k's south slope
Rhododendrons (which should
be blooming in .1 few weeks)
and ferns crowd the trail most
of the wav up
Inst one-tenth of a mile lie
fore the trail s end. tfie ror k it
self t nines into view, looming
ahead 100 feet over the trail
The path winds around to
1.arison Rock's steeper north
side, with views opening up
west down the Willamette Riv
er canyon.
The last 100 feet or so climb
steeply to the r<x:ky promonto
ry Stay to the left and use a
couple of com rote steps to
make the asi ent easier
The views from the top ex
tend far to the south, and Dia
mond Peak's snowy presence
dominates the eastern horizon
A small portion of Oekridge
i an also lie glimpsed far down
to the north
Juyson is u sports re
porter for the Kmerald
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