Oregon Daily lime raid 3 LINES •> 3 DAYS ••• 3 BUCKS! For Sale items under $100! (see ads for details) 100 BWTMOAV GREETINGS HAPPY 43RD BIRTHDAY PETE "YOU STUI)'' Ixtve-, Michele &L Skill! ■ '.« f (I • ft t Wf*h** > 1**0' f l*‘l (»•« w#ll '•(K)li' Wt 1 *jf \ Congratulation* to our natw Spring Pladg* Clakfc A - ■ . ' ■ * • i, 1 ’ A, <•■ > (' t tu t ■ *»f N l i‘»* four Sittara ,\ \‘!> j A mim k*iium« to Informal Hu*h at Theta Chi Wadnatday Ajml T^th bPM l 1 O- » A> -.*1 T CX.r» P 4MiV 1 ^ ^ E tftlh and Umvaraity 14S-46M JnonM H\ KMKRAl.I) CIASS1MEDS 346-4343 UnoMo to COM >rM our oftieo? Fhi froo to pact your M &y totofftono jo*vq yoof VT5A of MASTf BCAPO 10} PERSONALS \r COHGWATUl A TK>MS t)ar« f <# » * * o! F'*' ,v«* <* « *' *xs « gr**iV ,- V n ■ a C,< »'*0 H- «' l Or- yO.' o '.-ynyrr • AX A AZ *!>AH T *%«• * % Vy llliG Wa f.«r: a • k* IWn FREE! TODAY ONLY' II < OH 1 AS! NAM MAIM'. WilH III! I I in H ■ ; A*/.!* f (• a; Com# IN PI ft SON from »S p m lo Mm wX* I MU lt> plftt • y> -r * »«• r» l ov• lh« K*pjn» 1>#H* Ud*«* 11 HO Seniors! ril.o .1 ' '■**«,• *•%»<• All <1 •' ««*«' l ov* You* • 11 HO Welcomes Our New Pledges • , A ( 41'' I A. • ,ry • M.i> • .1 Congi*lutft«t•» | Mi I A »U»A . • Hi 1 . V • loti Moating P-aco ttgn • **i .. loti Sony S dime CD c tango* Unvo *.!, S- ' _4, iw*d'<: ns TVPttC SERVICES T1 YtNC f INGE MS Typing oorvico f oat. accurate piofoaaionet Si O&poge, up 4A4 OOlB JO THE TYPING MHO in. if«M c; * ,-.r : *> A.; ,«{o»f .ivl «i C 4 6*1.1 6ot*8 a *' r'4» Boggy o Typing Service i »p*» AM \ ml* 'ypg Ml'VH**-. Or IBM i.u'np. ©*' c*<] ..I*-** pr.r'W 'a’*» Coll Boggy at 142-4666. A 344 0 ru. HOBiN a GRAD SCMOvX APPMOViO ?C y«WU !taV-A««»kO P-* * ground TMT-r t jti 'Olv^t w vxv l I}1«ng l au*i pi ON CAMPUS' I Typing 6 wo/d piocoottng t>S ! »»• *.«' «. , ■.»■■ »’.•> . 1 ,»■ .4 turn around I oo p<* up i I cte *om or car-o x Jot'r *54 'MAS E AGl E EVE TYPING EDITING By «ipvo/Kad w*^#/ P^t D d«t*Otal'Or %t jO*n* AftordftbM HC'-oa oAS»!*nc;o L wgn Typing. 454 ’Vtft M5 2257 mTYPWG SERVICES -PRO* tSSIONAL TYPING A- m>nj w * •«** ; » ,. *»*» «*»'■» -J >S ' H'>. T»tf WOMO SPf CIA LISTS A:n: ”»j 4 L>«tt*‘<»p f‘ • •.* -''*5 »-4«: vr-oo* App'tnmO t «’-*»• ’•rt % • ’:. o M l IS 10 (M 41 M3 1VUKI» » SMV. 60S F 13th iio FOR SOLE HSC. A .■. t CAMERA SHOW Sii/un/uN, Win 'Jmi 10 tu I /» rri / iih) 1 h 2 I •*)”». (rvr Vi Moll*'btada* . »* i •*)*» /arwth TV »0i ‘ 'J !.»■ <» |b00 vou(.Nm * . .t t A. *..i •• - H *44 .'?? M uvtX'V'igSi »JS BUY OR TRADE tAr'anlad vll K» * *4. i«s CARS TRUCKS 1 960 Dataun ?10. . ««*» i9«iS Honda Sfxaa > ■. *v ’ii » a#f>a T'.'i'Ut % M 6*) ttonda ! Ida i'60 * ' **■ a; Honda f 1*10 60 V *> u. u «> . *5 «* ti* S-i M »u Cantunon Road B*Xa J icanant cu'OiiOi '»* W'M ' ,’0wP S.’OCoOo 34 3 806*_ 1001 Spaoah/ad Stumpjumpaf Comp ’9 -n H’uV. 90 ?j* l>aort» XT Bu'm» *^aJ o»< axx3 $660 l '•< 686 4 4 39 i«S COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Groat daal tor farm papara Alar 62C ST monitor pr n*#r and word procwskor P'og'am Onfy $200 T *»sa# 'o %«*.. 344 4320 Mac i mo ah aofrwara U*x5-a» M Macpamt m &o« o»x>t»nad Sy*!am * comp*: Both lor IT 26 343 9493 Macmioth * • ug »»• *»• i » ► 0' »a Iw £'-'■ <»■ 5yV«*™- *n' «*» jyrm*' bodrrj V' **» -JO f*8 7 *I‘iO(i w«rt 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH1*’ A® T -v *,» art *.o'n <* VHS VC-M *, *'rt Vortttn T ‘ xy~41 9? * 3 175 INSTRUMENTS AutoKsrp 0»ca> Schrmdl J9C obo fift'3 «.*»: » D»gO»th GSP 71 pr»*mf>muHi f* ?5 o'*®.*’ ' 4' ** "'*! " p&* *' ‘ »>5 > '»“■■•. tin?- :« » $*-v uoo F •r\*ul gurt*r M «. {" n H* M 1M TRAVEL !i*«»i'fig Soon? A«•: ' J • » i «, ,! ! ; A * »«*-»•• - •, *• A rfc5- ui >r . »«: l , , <» u * '4. 144 . M • SCHOi AHSM*R> : I .i • •'«/ ' j ‘ .< .» Ac! ■- . t- * K « j SI CON DA MY SR t iAl i DUCAT K>H f’HOGHAM * . ?05 OPPORTUNfTCS WOMEN RULE! Ts* IK' • MOO* PK©W!» P*. ** HAT T % **•■ .-•• ■"««::« »*r«*'ixrwv^! o' !'*» ► «■ .•' ftvt* • A«A> ^KX,r.!*.nt Te*J*y ’ K p r- *00 W Mrt FREE! ~ PADDLE CAPTAINS CLINIC MAY 9TH T hrs <: ' w co»»* tx»< p**dc1*u < 4^p!a'', s*> » Pf» rwg sPflKK1 •MQw -wrj ?>£WVo !t* Jd*m» $•. Ns<- Mu^-Cmki $'6 i,sto OuKSOQ* Ut. 4l< *,_ Nf ID A JOB? ■ <• «»* «« <*> • '.4 4 o' .1 u< * A>* T t 4’ [ ,.• M.t, rt .!•:, *; »l*j o •• .s a a i ( i 210 HELP WANTED t AHN M> M V • S . • ! •» ■. Administrative Assistant Cmi > *V A A(4>f» on ASUO IOflH J Of w»ork *ttjdy • -i s** Apn: . #1h Wj 4439 for ’.'-otm information VWC A m an aqua! oppoMunity am ploy a r Ai ASK A )MW M i MPL OVMf NT ■ . t t S' . - > •-.* •., • ; .• & I- xy c>v.» .. : , tX: . t •> to * i • Cruise Line ( ntry Itvil on Board land mda avail yaar md lummu ci2o43A333 210 HELP WANTED END the SEMI STEM WITH A BANC' •' *x*-' Earn h^n C'«d* o* do*n»r* Mcf'day o'*«r ng CM covsk C <*nj applications on ck^{x»» lr.!C',r’ 800 97? CS;>H ««* « Miring now for aummar racraation po»iftont Laadara aapanancad in a variaty of aporla and racraation ai activity akiila l»ad«n will run ctivitiaa for our aummar play ground program For mori infor mation cafl 687 S312 aak for Andra or autwnrt applications to Human Rssourcs Dapl. Mm 101. City Hall. 777 Paarl St, fugana OR 97401 Poartion filaa ramnn opan until )o6§ art fHlad lOUNGF A DINING ROOM HE l P fWid Roovr*' Mui’.i Mnt K l .;> jo A;,p-, ,< ’•90S Wo*i! < .1 r- A .-w [ ^gii' -o ThtS ,« ,»5vor SpOnv ! Appr Oragon Daily E mar aid DlSPl AY ADVERTISING ASSISTANT . ,i m»v position ig oaparmar- " at t)a ky da 'y dovgr-ni and P»ch up an application at tha ODE front Oaafci I MU 300 Closing [ dat# M.iy tat 199?. 5 p m I Oi T n« t St API I .aid Stud-**-. Program APE ,S rsn.-p 4 ;,!!•> A;v • at u- % ■ »» ( Ai l . ! M M • ‘ 1 A, . i'll • ,, M *, -i 1 I - -W. 4 1 Tha International Sfudant Aa&ocia aiactions May 8tr A, p i .i «»» : 4. py 4 prr. 1 -m.. . • ud „ a: -o ISA a" ,u f. (. I MU '4(1 470' A" Eq ai . '» A* * ' ' .*• A * , mpKJy *»• Arc you Enthusiastic? Articulate? And seeking greater involvement? If so, the U of O Annual Funds Student Caller Program is for you! t gain valuable marketing and < urniminir atlon e\|wrten< e l e.\< rllent part time job. C ram $<> guaranteed base plus I minis j f APPLY NOW! 346 3433| SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES Summer is rapidly approaching. You're probably wondering how to combine the tun of summer with the reality of working... At Harrah's Reno the summer is the most exciting time of the year! I he area's recreation activities abound with golf, tennis, water skiing, boating, hiking, fishing or just relaxing in the High Sierra sun on the beaches of l ake Tahoe, less than an hour's drive from Reno. And work is just as much fun, with the continuous thrill of greeting new guests and meeting the day's challenges. We are looking for enthusiastic, outgoing applicants who would enjoy serving our guests. Personnel Representatives from Harrah's Reno will be on campus, Thursday, April 30th and Friday, May 1, 1992 to interview for summer positions in the gaming and food service departments. You are invited to complete an application and sign up for an interview in your Student Employment Office, Room 12 Hendricks Hall. Hanalfc. CASINO HOTfl RENO The Better People Place. EEO M/F U.S. AND AUTHORIZED ALIENS