Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 28, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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Marathon softball weekend
wild, wacky and exhausting
So, whiil iii<i vmi do with vmir weekend' You
probably enjoyed the wannest day of the
year S.ituMaybe you went fishing You
might have even studied a lilt id bit
The Oregon softball team spent its weekend
pliiVtng softball Big shot ker. right' Well. the
l)u< ks didn.'l pins lost one game, or even two
t hey plused eight
That's right Light games. 1 innings. 2'Jl outs
worth Tnplehrader Iridav Same tfnng Saturday,
then ii mere two game1 Sunday Heck, the 1 M
fans at Howe field Sunday must have felt jilted
when Stanford didn't show up lor just one more
The marathon weekend c.ume about through a
combination of an already heavy schedule and
the make-up of a doubleheader .against the Cardi
nal that was rained out earlier this year
Oregon was slated to play twinbills l-riday
against Stanford. Saturday against Arizona and
Sunday against Arizona State Hut the Ducks
head roar h. Tumi Brown, det idetl to lark on the
make-up games as well, and the marathon was
It all starter! .it 1.’ it) I ridav afternoon when
Stanford's Minerva Tirado grounded out to Ore
gon third baseman I’alty I’vles By the time Ore
gon shortstop Kim Manning ended the eighth
game bv lining out to second base, the partici
pants hail compiled an impressive array of stalls
lit s
The eight games look an official total of 14
hours and 10 minutirs to completr but when the
various (ire ami post game activities are udiifd
in. the total probably rear lie-, mote than 20 hours
In ieher worth., the Die w ‘.pen! nearly half their
weekend at Howe hleid
forty nine players from lour teams jiartir ipat
ed. and 4‘) runs were m mod
Nine pi!< hers gave up just two home runs Until
were hit by Oregon, one bv Manning and the oth
er by t air her I'rar ev Simmons
There were 10 doubles, tw triples ami thank
fully, only one minor argument
Hail there been ally repeats of the m arly 1'>
minute discussion Sunday between its. umpiring
( few ami Arizona State hear! r mu hi l.inda We.Is,
the weekend's at turn might have spilled over into
The home plate umpire Abstain Hous. ruled
that Arizona Stat. -■ Kat hel Brown vcuuai hav e
been out a! home regardless ol whether Pyles had
interfered with her as she rounded third base
Hutli House .md Wells apparently agreed th.it
once the interference is called and it whs. bv
House the umpire decides whether or not to
award third base automatically or to give the base
runner the opportunity to make .1 scoring attempt
Brown made the attempt and was easily thrown
out House made the judgment that the interior
one e didn't directly affect the phis s outcome, and
therefore Brown was out
The play ended Arizona State's best scoring
< bailee of the game, which the Sun Devils wound
up losing Ml Naturally Wells wasn't happy with
House's decision, but for some reason House do
I ided to prolong the issue by refusing to simply
let the game proceed
In addition to the umpiring debat le, the week
end's S20 fans witnessed 17 errors, eight by Ore
gon and nine by the Dut ks' opponents
Oregon's offense was inconsistent over the
eight games The fJinks had 1 hits in a 10-0
thrashing of Stanford in Friday's ihirti game, hut
they couldn't manage even one flit against Arizo
na's Debby Day in Saturday's opener
T he Duck pitchers did hotter, picking up three
shutouts All three Oregon hurlers Kin hello
Taylor. Amy (aid win and Natasha Dumoski
threw no-run games
Of course, the most important statistics were
wins and losses All ifiings considered, the week
end was a sui cessful one for Oregon softball The
Din ks won five of the eight games, including a
four game sweep of hapless Stanford, which has
yet to win a game in :17 attempts this season The
Cardinal isn't even an NCAA team vet. and it
Oregon played nearly even with second-ranked
Arizona in Saturday s second game Codwin held
the Wildcats the defending national champi
oils and the onlv team to beat top-ranked UCLA
this season to just three bits, but she lost on .1
single unearned run
And Sunday the Dm ks split with No 20 Ari/.o
na State, pit king up unh their third win this se.i
son against a ranked team on the strength o! l av
lor s five-hit shutout in game one
It was a weekend that Matured tfie wild and
wai kv (.Sunday s umpire i o.n h disi ussion, whir h
nearly ignited a not among Oregon Ians), domi
nant performances (shutouts from Day, Taylor,
Cod win and Dumosk 1) and tie- gutsy (Oregon out -
Beider Martin Metal: e ung Lye ! : nine Friday
alter Ore.iking a bone in her left hand las! week
end against i '< ILA).
Vet when it all ended late Sunday afternoon.
I'm sure I heard a toilet liye sigh ol relief ( tuning
Bom Howe field as 1 Walked out the gate
An son /at ob v is ,1 spurts reporter lor the Finer
Broncos, 49ers pick Ducks in draft
By Jake Berg
It must have seemed like the
old d.ns to |errv I rt'i
Frei, who ((Mi tied tin On
gon football ti’iim (rum 1907 71.
is now a scout lor the N'Fl s
Denver Brunt us Denver made
former Dm k Muhammad (Hi
v er a ninth round draft pit k
Mundav in the \FI 's annual
t'ullege draft
Frei si uilted Oliver hist fall
and said the iornerhai k s ablli
ties were the biggest fat tor III
making him the l‘Hh plaver
i liusen The Dm k senior is a
dei athlete lor the Oregon trai k
and field team
N’umlier one is that we like
Ins athlelii skills. Fret said
I'm looking forward to an On
gun plaver coming here
Another Dm k going plat es is
Matt FuBountv The San Fran
cisco 4‘lers made the former
Oregon defensive end the tJ7lii
pick overall, near the end of the
1 tn plaver. 1 2 round dr.ift
The Broncos are looking for
Oliver to compete at the corner
hack position, where nothing is
h i k- d up as far as starters go
Muhammad Oliver
l-'rei N.mi
I think m professional foot
ball, the positions .ire open ev
er\ vi-.ir." Frei said There are
certainlv no promises, but it's
like Here is the opportuni
ty ' "
Ami i chant e is ail tii.it Oli
ver is looking lor, tie said last
Ml basil allV take w hatever !
i an get. Oliver said "I'm not
in a position of being pit ks
Those returning plasms at
tht• corner for Owner are not
big names. Fret salt!
it isn't tieep at all." I rot
saiti "They are good football
players, but not of star calibre
I ret said, though, that earn
ing a spot on the team de
pended more on the player's
sk ils rather than other players
"It's not what they are." Fret
saiti. "it's what you are
La Bounty said last week he
figured his chances of getting
drafted were small
Billy Wilson, the -1‘iers scout
who looked at Oregon last fall,
said he liked LaBounts s skills,
but questioned the lineman's
moderate (i-foot 4. 200 pound
frame But Wilson said last
week that si/e would not lx- as
much of a factor .is talent
"He's a lough, hard-nosod
kid. Wilson said
LaUounty, who had been
running in case he was drafted,
didn't think be had much of a
shot at getting picked, he said
last week
"1 just wish for the best,"
l.aBountv had said