COMMUNITY Personalities define mayoral candidates By Tim Neff Emerald Associate EdiU* Debates betyyeen the four Lugene; niavoral candidates may be a little tamo [in', war On any given issue they're more likely to nod their heads in agreement rather than st.irt spirited arguments But what the campaign lai ks m i undid, it makes up for in personality If elected, you may spot Ruth Bascotn chiseling away at the downtown lounlain withal jackhammer You'll probably run into Mars Md.auley Burrows at Knight l.ihrary. chocking- out hooks with the University; library i atd she's kept lor the past ill years dreg Ks.ins will he running hx al govern meiit with a straight-laced Business demise nor And il lie w ills the electron, laities l/./y Whi'tstine’s black derby hat and ilg-ir would he< mm universal symbols id the mayor’s office Lac tv tispiraiit stresses the importance ol a clean environment, supports elicits to de velop new housing in the downtown area and views the lhiiversify as a cornerstoneoI the community Ruth Bascum nascom, nus lived in iugene lor .')2 years She is .1 city councilor, 1 h.urs the Metropoli tan Policy Commit tee and represents the council on the Ku gene Housing Pole v Board Bascom said ecu llOmic development iliiil ii i v ii uiimnihii coni nrnx must go hand-in -hand We should spend our efforts mi reusing the vitality ol existing businesses, rather than recruiting new businesses, Bust oni said ' Kecruitmg is done Is-st by maintain mg ,i be.iulilu! i ny .mu .1 beautiful 1 niversi tv " Mi.; h .il the problems plaguing the .1 m n town ni.ill i ouki hr solve.l bv h..:urn resilient nil housing to got sonic people down there she sun! ' IV.iseom s.uil she w mid ’j.n kh.immei the i rumbling downtown in.ill I.million open (Hue Street lor \eliiile tr.llfii and in stitute ,i ni'tt downtown strategy It n il! never he ,i ret.ill ,ire.i hut it i .in he ,i .mil tin.mi nil renter, she il.isi oin envisions the Hull ( enter .is ,tn "iinehor ' lor the downtown area She also supports r onslrui tion ol it new puhlii li hrjrv to or ( upv the remodeled Se.irs build 10th .iml rh.irnelton streets I he l.ugene I.ihr.irv is .i drsgr.ue i on, s.inl 'll is .i si/e it. Ihi(I\ Irving to hi into .i si/e eight rout rnr.ll 'faxes wtiulll proh.lhlv till,1111 e run strir 111hi ol the new library. It.isrom s.inl It will be ten kv to . mil something that r>] pert ent ol the voters will agree to " Marv MrCaulev Hunnws H ti r r D vs ■. . ‘> 'i served in the: stale t e g 1 S 1.11 u r e t r imt I'lT.I to lUM.' she has lived in Kugene since I'MiS She said she has always tell drawn lo Ktigene he cause it is an "ext it l ny* < i (v "It’s sn diverse It’s a challenging i ny Burrows s.iiil the University is .1 m.i|or (at tor m maintaining diversity "lilts community is what it is because of the University It's also what makes the electorate so sophisticated Like Bascom, Burrows stressed the need lor a new library and suggested that a cum lunation ol taxes, toundation grants and lot tei v money < ould pay lor it I 1 an t imagine a sophislu ated 1 itv with (Hit i gii.m! h'hr.irs shi1 said Hurwiw v .iK.i s.itd ■ Kiigcm- mus! not pur mu' ih uinmiti ili'i i'lopnu'!!! ill tin* iA|h'iim' i>I lh<- It» .il 111v of 11!<■ lift .111 sf til tin1 t .11 in's In lli is i it v. ihi'v rv mil going to attract bustnossi's II ion Hut with tin- ijii.ilits nl lilt' I think wr i .in In' pit it v and i boost lUirrow s s.iii! nnr of hrr mam hiih orris is tin I Id I n^ .i bettor relationship between illi cit V ko\eminent and the public llvere is sin h a hvlmg of us and them ui laigone us and t'llv Hall Thefe's got to lie a conduit with thppeople tlri'n It ant !.% .Ills. .1 II yi*.;r old ri'.il oslulr oilu nr. i\ ruunion hiv i .rmp.iigo on .1 pl.itlorm mn |ih,iM/i's h u in .1 0 rijjlit'. n»v.Til ini'nl rn lor in .md I-, iiiuiiiiit drvnion muni Hr sail! tin' lu'V to .ii lili'V inn .in\ )'< r,it In till I III Im; I 11.1 litions We nerd (i) Link mnrr .mil more Inward bringing environmentalists. labor .mil other groups min tin- proi rssrs allei I the i il\ he vau! ■•.ml In- iiImi would push Inr .1 lean rr city government In 1.tilting sevnal mill management positions I vans, who is 1 hr Northwest regional president ol the NAAI I’, said ihe < its s lm man righls 1 ode needs In he updated lo pro lei t against discrimination on Ihe basis ol ses tia I oriental ion t'niler loans' eeonomii devidopmenl plan, downtown renewal would begin In opening Olive Street and cm (imaging pri vale developers to Imild resiliences lie would also remove the downtown ! i\ li mincing district, whir h he said li e. not met I ! CANDIDATES l> < V DO YOU DREAM Of SLEEPING on A CLOUD? FUTON 1122 ALDER 686-5069 I !m\rrsily ot NottU rn It »vs .\ Cutup Ail venture'''' Catch the Magic! NOW K1VKI m\C .it thr iMUksrn oi okfuo\ 1>4V ( 4inp l ourwlors ami Swim Instniitur. f»>r fn»sitn*ns wuflilwulf kcvnvi* n*uiultrip •* living sIijm'ikI .inJ «.»l!«*>*,«• » I f aj'J'L 4fuMW v i'll 1 M* I r I {.ill l m\ rrMtv < «l i »n April .M April 1**0 ( .itA) 11/. i H > A A \-in j>l.»\rr AITI.Y IMMI I>1 ATI I V 'it i«J ( r(tvt lUOi’i Do: Christine Clark S •1 ■ If »Jf ' ' I . i U - '; • . •1 , fiee Slide Lecture •«s / ■’ 30 f - ■ >0 " • **’k 2 Dag Workshop • • • •■ «-«« JQ.: d .c 5;- • !. i 1j< "■ . 't Jtii 'A. \/ ’jJr 1 • U . Ai. 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