Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 28, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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    Eco-feminist to speak
on patriarchal abuse
Uy Daraiyn Trappe
( r*'-»••,| ; A*. „ a*«i * :‘S ! /
M.irli Khcel. .1 prominent au
llinr and .h I ivist in (lie ecu
feminist movoment. will tie on
campus tonight in speak .ibnui
tin- i oniim lion lidwnMii the
abuses o( women rititiit•* and
Klir..I s presentation, which
takes 111ii( t• a! H p m in (he
|-,M I I n Room. is i i.i spt insured
b\ Students lor tin l.thii al
! [r.itmiii! ol Animals an.l Mi n
Ap,ainil Kafir*
K ii• . I is ila- (itiiiiti■ ■ r til i i-iin
mis!is liii Animal Rights. a group
that slariiii in tin-■ liny an si In
1 <iH.’ Sim i mitr dm n d in tin
1 1 book l\r ll'.il I Ilf,’ I h r
U m LI . j .-.111. i In ' nivit sil \
polltn al s. i.'iii . I'rnlrssiir Irene
Her presentation ss i SI int bide
a slidi' sin ns in vs iiii ll Kllt'i 1
will sin ivs what she i a I i s I!, ■
i i mi mi uni I il n nt ili'- i n a l
infill nl animats and women in
nature under a pair tan hal sin i
Mu el - ml she w hi attelHjii
In dials logethei images and
photographs from a wide vane
tv ol souri es. mi hiding mvthol
tips pop i ulliire pornographv
and pictures ol ainm.il abuse
I trv In create a < tunpusite
picture ol the vs av -■ in whit h
women and animals are per
i ei v i s| under a pair I a 11 ha I sol I
els - he .aid. and vs hat I Its
to shi. w is that vs . alien and an
m.i is ha v i- heen >b;.s tiled ill
similar kinds ol vs av -
kheel said she lot uses on tin
wavs in which both women
.md .uni!,-iK it* pi-nerved iiv
Mimr.llmij; 111 t» i.ilUjiiefed lint!
Oil'- MTU-'. 1 1 -.lilies shows.mi
•inllll.il l>elt:>; Ill'll down If! I fo
i|**o I . j by .1 IJi 1 lure ir,
.1 (M rn .j'Mfiin, map.a/ine of ,i.
'■Mil; i:; lie l lif; !; i il !i e.i f i
" i ill-re s .1 similar (igl-Illiil
there hlll-ei Said ' i tr\ In
show lli.ii behind lln's. differ
•md Ih.ti i1 if; s.i.e.f .is-.ert
III.ISC U line v-i f, id- !;: . ; 11 ;
pie. i.l; on lii w.i me all . ’ -
.uiij animals
1 siirnetmies .i\ lii.it ihe
: (tow il .
- ■ ;i .t! f.ijo!s i;f on r environ
llii'llt.l! I t,ls;v tie; .iiise ;! s aim .!
lie male jutittiry in m.isi uime
sell iijeiililv and lh.il has
tli .lori(.lli\ ftei-n .i l|uesl lu i-s
I. ltliish self 111 ll|l|iusllllin I I 11.1
K fu el Silld (III plelnisr of
riu feminism is that there is no
nei-iI lor any so h forms oI
a!; .anil- Ih.ti vmiim •. aimi; ,;.
ami all iil tlalufe have an lode
(u-m ii-lit i s i slriii e
! i.iililioiiaHv a ifivisum has
> -.III helwe. : , ! lie an .!! 1.11 '
er a I ion a mi i-imniimii-iiUii
II. 1 IV e 111 e o I s Mu e! '..111. W ; 1 h
Ihe animal liberation move
nielli I olll el lleii w llll ihe sill
lerin^ of miliviiiu.ii brmj.;s a;.if
lln- environmeni.il movement
i on. er uni w illi lln- tii In i . lii
mutiny as ,| w hole
M v in !jn- ! : ei . !- :i-..:a- ;i
-. i i i a I il will help |irnli;i- I!;
;- i j;, hlieel sail) ami '.!■• in
lltete is a i omimmaliH about
dev eloping i innp,is-.i in lot a i.
■ 1 i he i, , i;, r a I world
Panel: Date rape convictions difficult
By Carr e Dennett
• '• i i l A'.v f (Mr*
I. :.vv<ts from both sides of flu- fern •• agreed
.1! .1 Mi.!, i.iv night Rape and tin' Law panel
tj..il r.ti ,iM s .in- difficult to prosecute,
tmt they -iis.igre.-d over who is truly -innocent
uniiI proven guilly
I), !er , ,i!!./Mu-y I errem e (lough said the
* ir.-ji.: dp: if is not'on the proper ution but
; ' r . d 1 ip; -1, largely bei ause of puhlit
:i 1!. i , .'; hying by women's groups
, : :i,aw has hern ( hanging rap
II.:,-. a, It.' past 111 years. (lough said "It's
■ e, the wav of making-it easier 10
get a a . I It Sioll
; ► , iai 1 1 iimr attorney in the Lane
( :y Lh-.tr, ' \!t irney s offu e disagreed "1
1 i,. 111.. tor *: y Mu Its .1
p - Ill :s are l!:-s! ..>ely to
, , ":y I -;,1,r sinmni and the m
- . * ,y ■ ■ a. ! 1 1 a he: ii- -1 .si dale
r. dten pa vide little tangible evi
■ . -i , 1 yy. ad y her word"
re 1:1a
shades -of ^r.»v (dough said Tin- more? gray
there is. the more doubt (here is in the minds
of the jurors
This gravness is amplified when alcohol or
drugs .ire ,t I.ietor These eases ,ire difficult to
jirosei ute bos ause the survivor m.i\ not re
member exactly what happened
You have to prove hovond a reasonable
doubt what you are theorizing," Kosydar said
Tases like this fall into tile i ategorv of sexual
abuse which classifies the bulk of the sexual
assault cases prosecuted in Lane Countv Sexu
al abuse involves sexual mterr ourse or contact
without consent
kusvd.ir said intoxication is not a legal de
fense. per se. m Oregon
Nape eases liecome more difficult to prose
cute when the survivor delays reporting to the
police 'consents to some sexual 'activity, .of
willingly goes home with the alleged rapist
t.ould said deals are made on many ol the
ami g.unis cases, especially il the survivor is
uc.siir.- about continuing with the trial and the
a1 - us- d is afraid Ills attorney won't he able to
g«t bim off
1C . ( -I ms of the Lugene poljr r department
nd i.1 jji■ survivors are not locked into prose
i utmg il they notify the poli'c e
Continued In i Pa je ’
!■■ • .r.mi .tin
Until p lilt .■ ;!:■ I SASs hav t
w vi’f. ’ • : i to form u f.ol
ia hnr .111 v <• >■! 11111 \% 11 h titil h
aijcrii ii- having !iuj \ u UrnA in
Si-n-it .it in-.ul ( oilier saui
\s j>.irt i i HI’l l It .imnig. o(ft
! s ; :' tlii' vs tn*n respond
i •. i.ili-ii! i rime tin' must
imji .r!,s:11 tiling is in prntis t tin*
V H lift) itnill I'.ltlli't iniun < ul
lilts Said
; \ if ! mi in t hr Miimlh'r omi
• :, ?h«*h Ihi* prrsvrvation
! < • v . i f r: • jjfiij lhi‘h the .im-st
; i! ! :, < ■ • ■ -1 i ; . 1111 , ( . t) 1 ! Ill N Ytl 1 (i
()iii <■ .it thi* hospital. ,i nursi*
! 1 • ^.’i :i*it*r takes thr
ip:.'. ale mom, said
i ' r.' / ; .hi ‘.c manager at Sa
! H ■ i:! (,« nr:,j| Hospital’s
<'iiir.'p Ik \ room
Anv im mediate injuries an*
tr>-.iii'>i <m<l the v ii I mi in tln’ii
..-.kill il hr or sill’ Wiitlts cvi
r gat her rii lor possible
!i: . < ut ion ol tlif ir altai krr
If tin vu lini .mil tiir polic c
vs .ml r v id ''ill '■ gathered. the
[ :4rs, * < k. - s lilouil. saliva, so
■ : .111. i h.nf samples .111(1 puts
tlx- v h tim's i lothmg in evt
ilenc e hugs. I rilz said
A physician, will) the nurse
present, lines a pelvic exam,
lakes samples for .1 venereal
disease screening and answers
am questions the victim may
have. I*ritz said
idle hospital then offers to
tall one of the two organiza
tions offering support services
to sexual assault victims
Before the patient leaves, lie
or she is given new c lothes and
a pac ket containing information
afxmt support groups
Ihe next day, the hospital's
Soci.il Services department
gives the- victim a follow up
c all to find out if he or she is
doing all right, l-ritz said
\ 1 S i \ \ (ilunti ' i \ sh.u i1 thi
\ 1 ion ill ,i brl'.rl 14 U l It >l 11»%% 1 >\
making a h >n;i ilium >n m iln
i mninuniu tmiav lit i^hirt
luiuri s lake sha|)i' wlu-n VIM \
\ i ilun'.i-ci . iiii i! uli.’i' ani 1 dr\ rli >|>
i i immuiuu i iM mu t*** Ui aikli r - •
:hf mam (ai es ol |>ovrit\
Aliri \ i hu 41illi-gi' t an ri >•■
41 unnlcted, \ IN I Aiilli issnullif
i immi mnitv to put \ oui I’lliu aliim
[u WOtk lit 1 ('.ill sill st‘U lilies
\ 1> 1 A V(dunu-cisIrani lilt- skill.
skills uilK a v i',il 111 unique
\ 1M A r\| xiniH i‘ i .ill | il 11\ ulr
\'IS 1 \ Volunteers .in- assigned :.i
j n o|ri t sponsor u hn h mas be [im.i'.i'
hi iniblu non prulit organizations
\ olun'.i in aitisities mas include. Ini:
an' no! limited to, oiuam/im; lood
distnbtttion eflotts, neaiing ndwoiks
it support liteiacs projects, 01
di-signing programs to combat
substam e abuse
In addition to acquiring
valuable and rewarding
t'spcneiu f, V IS 1 A \ olunteers
mas receis e delennent or parUal
cancellauon of certain student
loans. \ IS l A \ olunteei s rec eis e
a lising allowance based on die
economic level ol the
i onununUirs thev serve.
As s ou look tovs ai d m aduatiou,
consider becoming a \ IS 1 A
Volunteer VIS’lA oilers vou the
opportunity to shape a eonumuutv ami
share a vision ot a better tomorrow.
For more information on becoming a
VISTA Volunteer, please call 1 BIX)
■\2 \ M8b7.
Volunteers -i Serves la A.-erca
. :STA \ | 4,1 at ACTION me feoera Domestic
. alee- Agerry Wash ngtor. D C ?05?5
V-* . ,i W
%t# A 1 < / S M■ ' ««’ ' . ‘
U-- r, lu: • By f Ml l M<w Orrter
de Mayo
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Kuiz Kalkoatl */.*'
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