UNIVERSITY Frustrations abound with financial aid office By Rivers Janssen Emeraid Reporter Tucker (Iruikshank lost his fi naneial aid i hii k A phone number fur Oregon Hall hail been Written in the space lor college (odes on his financial aid worksheet That phone number happened to co incide with the college code for Treasure Valiev Oommunitv (.o liege in (Intario. Ore So h l s chet k went there while he staved here That didn't upset him so much After all. it was a i or rel iable mistake So he went into the financial aid office to fill out the forms, where thev told him it would take three weeks to gel it bar k He got the check eight Weeks later, once the term was over In that eight weeks, he grew continually frustrated with the financial aid staff 'It wasn't their losing the check that got me." Cruikshank said "The problem was I had to actually blow up at them be fore thev would research where the check was You don't just go there and get servii e You have to demand service Tor mam students. Kafka nightmares seem to define Ore gon Hall For these students, Oregon Hall is a bureaucracy an au thoritv stria tore that defies log ic, runs on an agenda no one understands and exists siinplv to make students miserable Junior Stefan Smulovit/ re icived an extra $300 with his (’residential Si holarship last \ ear Apparently, the financial alii and cashiers ufliccs both paid SUM) to Smulovit/ when only one of them should have Surprised stem these t om plaints h\ tloing everything possible to make life easier for the students My primary taint ern in this offlt e is that wo. treat ev ery hotly in the most i (insistent, equitable. effit lent ami friendly manner possible." VignowI said And for the most part. I think wo t an liv e op Iti that Vignoul said he tries to tor ret t any complaint a student has When \ pass problems m aid is lor students !.i learn the sy stem Most of the guidelines the office works tin der are federally mandated They i an I he changed from within Therefore, the more the .indents know, the more they rail tell the staff, and the better they i an fie helped ( ookmg tor a good deaP Check the t merald APS ******* •AAAAAAAAA AAAA A# [ hi Bar At I hi \V;\/.>/"/, •i .-Hii.x tal>ir \i .Jnnk» t .irji lit mi>liiifthi \lu I Ml < i .ill ( i i»ti*r I’m--.* lie. » \X < ifKsh*»p m < I KI MONIAI. DRUM MAKING Insiiut i»- r K i f f \ II o I (11 -i n ******* May II • : SO s"S s‘)(( ■ ii- iifu’ • *n . !n a111 <>ni(iii(l II