INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES MAY 2, 1992 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON WIUAMKTTE HAN ATKII M 'too AM 4 :to I'M %: i Sl tK In U % $r» ( M lim Tkkn* KM 11 Main Ixrnk MNDCMfTABOin INIKHNATK>NAI. < AKKKKS IN < ttfiMiMinfc attrmv Trmtie Srrviir Kdur *tw>n Tr-u»^jinrlj»fk*n I'MirlMn Kfwwmlr iWrlojjmrnl. I jim |Ui«tir»rNR Kitumf Srtrr*rr Fr» lifx-fc<> and turlntf SHOAH w i £ i : k I'hc l niversily’s Holocaust memorial rvmet»l>erinn tin1 extermination <»f over ft million Jews only 50 years a^>. April 28 Him: “hating Hair" Interne* with Auutiwtf/ tumvijr oiv) Vdvl I Va c iWe *uikr I Jr W*cv! I 00 pm. Cedar A, KMl April 28 Bernard 1iiiv ikit.fil i jikh.Utr M Ihr I 'nivcntfy of ( Nrcym I 00 pan I niar Rn»n A. f Ml ,\l a y 1 "Juirwy lhn*ii#i I’lJamf': A link I*v.wnm*io b\ kxuh Fini^at tn m hu milt etpefKtfco »iil> I a-Jmi I ury«. on Jcur. I 00 pin. lien I imkr Kiatti. I Ml L T orkcr'• r« •*:.». kf«l lum her Mond.iv fin;lighter*. NATIONAL hosed (In’ remains oi toe ___ town s i renter whic h caught fire during .1 series of violent o earthquakes that 1 ,niscii about S51 million in dum.igi' "I guess it s unemployment '■ said i«>hn Mock, pointing to the blac k hole that once ysas the lum ber store where his wife, Arlene worked was our only income ( luuliup efforts also were under way in I cirtil na Hio IVll, Petrolia and I'erndale small towns in Northern ( alilornia s Lost Coast region clam aged by Saturday s magnitude fi <} temblor and two sharp aftershoi ks early Sunday Ninety-five people were inpired none serious ly. lie < ording to an informal sur\ ey of hospitals The Red Cross. which had completed (i5 per cent of its survey hy Monday, said inn homes yvere damaged hy the quake, and . * yy ere unin hahitiifile Alxnrt 1,000 people registered at shelters nr Km Dell and Si otia. hut only about 100 ai tuallv slept ,lt the two I enters Iter .else of the1 magnitude ol the two-after shot ks, we re finding many people are reluc tant to slay inside buildings They are using tents ' t leeping bags, said fcMi/abeth (Jtnrk a Ked Cross spokeswoman lie stale ()ffic e of l.mergency Sen'll es eslimat : i damage at S') 1 million Coy I’eti Wilson de clared Humboldt ( aunty a disaster area and - ounty "IIn nils said Monday they’ll ask the Hush administration for a federal disaster declaration, making damage y h tuns eligible lor more aid The quakes spar' d the large Sc otia c omplex Ik longing to Pacific Lumber ( o .. whir h operates tie i onipaiiy built toys'll of neat frame houses, but i : > ,! oyer si ,u k-. ol I umber in tin - yard AtHfu! 700 mil! workers were aski it to report to work Mt.r..f.»\ In begin cleaning up 'said Pacific Lumber President John (Campbell The first sennas aftershock hit at 12-52 am Sunday and measured f> t) on the Kicbtrr scale The set oiid. magnitude t> r>. hit at a 1H a m Both were centered near the spot where the first quake struck, south of Eureka, about 270 miles north -of San Francisco People as far uwuv as Fresno. Kit) miles to the south, felt the second aftershock Siutiu resident Hazel Sarlund said the first al teisf; uT was bad enough Then she saw the red glow in the sky It was terribly upsetting," Sarlund said 'll felt like the end to everything was coming " The fire raged through the town's shopping center destroying a lumlier yard, pharmacy, (id le. shop, grocery store hardware store and varie ty store By Monday, only a firyv hot spots re mained Children, yvhose schools yvere closed Be cause o| the disaster, watched the firefighting ef fort from ilieir hit yi les Some scare bed smashed newspaper vending machines for coins The initial quake started finis in jVtrolia, where the post office and other buildings burned to tile ground National (luard units trucked in drinking water to the four hardest hit towns Thousands of aftershocks have been recorded, said I’at Jorgenson, a U.S (ecological Survey spokeswoman in Menlo Bark During the seven-day period ending next Sun day night, there's a 1 f> percent chance ol another aftershock ol magnitude (i or larger, and a f>5 per (cnt chance of another magnitude 5 or larger af tershock. the I S( ,S said A magnitude li quake can cause severe damage and a magnitude 7 quake is considered a "major” quake. (up.ihle of y\ idesprvad heavy damage EES S S 1 ( ) Sluilrnl M r * 11 h I n * u ( iiMimilln •* ** ►’.* ‘■ ' f Ml M• >4rti yA u»r«« 1<>«» * ^ 4 v. •• i Mi ( 4 'U: K ?n i A Drmm 14I11 1 4 1 >• (■ a • * n » ( 4M>|>U * I 4‘i Ml V* ' . . • » ' a' f* K • • 4 I m id« m 141 I p* (.oinmillri* « 4: ■ Ml in the i Ml H hc4' !. t-’t Stutjeflt ( 4f*‘. Ji*> !)iu'i>u"«'; ! I S.SA 1 ISA Ik-j-Af!!f A:- .» 1 the as < i : * * :f 1 * VS ! !' ft !j| .4- fi |- ''.i f Sft K n ! f c4J !»•-.-1^1* f r MSA • ■■■» ( *fr j - . * K.- •,> •*[ Si.'U* 4ftd !: ! >-' v. Kdu. 4-.; m tr, *,J.r K' ' Ikmtd Itiiinmimni 4nJ Annual I ilwtalum tiS r*- ih* t»p». i.f 4 Uid* Mj' ► »..«* ■ ►' . • v y. ? f a> mg lltitr w.'.1 A J ' • * 1 • Sf, M •..,4a y a’. 5 m KMi (« ka- ifl« t >}*m »K n vi in s Hm1 th*• it ft’\A f \f i ,\uit* m*> iv '• '• /»> h f ittr puf’ln .ill n f t Ah UJtt the in, '■•fiu un/iMi the farm taif* V .■» ■•onis is • ■/■'/) j'.i ’n . ! - * 1 ttfl' vs: ■! *»r- r . f ■; • of 1 cM-ftit and thi'f w hfJultHl nMii'W i^<’ vs N- Kistrrt f*ft The ! tn.-f.jhl f/n» 11 pi hi >' «■•-/(! **i ' ' h.-animat >■ '■ *.'»/** r (Jos (J\aez Mexican 'Keslaaranl and Lounge is inviting \ ou to a Cinco de Mayo Celebration with Caliente. They will be playing from 10pm-2am on May 2nd Come dance with an increasingly popular group in town CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 6K3-5889 S3 Coburg t enter ) Aon OnCoburg Rd TUESDAY s p A G H E T T I | ALL f YOU r CAN EAT EVERY TUES! indudes U Gaik: Bread 11 30 am 10pm Pizza ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamett* 484-09% ■ RESUMES .e voir resume .1 tr-nfessioru x> by having it typeset it etter Perfect Graphics Suite 500 EMU 346-4381 9.5 Mon Fri