Oregon Daily TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 143 Don’t tread on me • " by Su.y Nicksii and her daughter hat e /,«><*. at tt-e pa-.n ted in a volunteer to help set up bonttia ..<• !ht? EMI I Courtyard fur t ar" Mor da, all •' is tr-e, /r ( '( Election turnout low, to no one’s surprise j Political science professor says student attitudes vary from apathy to distrust of system Ry K.rsten t ucas H< i|ii>\ Lee ami Karmen lore will l» I iiinv the of III la I volt f of 1 < a'HIa I niver sity students with a ballot ho\ mandate from only ’ pen m! of them Only I i S |u rt ml of tin- s.t ut I * * f y t body J‘)g students voted in the ASl ( ) p: ;:iar\ »* I«*i lions vvhuh determined tins year’s \S{ () 1. x« t ti I i v * * race lat um! lore rrciMVi'tl S7 port ml. or ! ’ i ’ Volos enough lo c laim victory e\rr three othor Ik kels without a runoff In othor word-, if things don't t h.mge tho way students want them lo. an over vv la ! u; m g m i o ? i ! y have n.» i m** lo Maim* hill ihotr.i'K i". if they hliy tin idea that 11 a ’ AM ( ) hi. the power to ; h.mge .myth mg i'he. vo: . turnout was the lowest m three y ealS Last year, about t *» percent ul the ‘tu d«a.: h. i ! y tur md out lor tin* ASt ( ) pri marv election, m which Jennifer Hills and h‘Sc Hi i VV.it*.on narrowly avoided a runoff Kei ent campus political p<« rl u ip.il u m ; .» : :, 1!. i.,a AM ( ) primary a hen more than .ft) percent of the student body Young people* traditionally vail! • ss than .my other group m flu I'mti <1 State*. During the past tint , years par 1st ip at ion m ASl ’() elect lores has fallen he low the national voting average* lor young adults, which has hovered around It. pen ml at . ordmg to the ( surra". . for the Study of tin Ainenc an hire torat**. .1 \\ i !• r.\‘U m ! 1 ( tv eaH h g; < -Uj) Illii! studies l s j>*»lill* ill jiurUc ip.Uion \ S I ( ) elrt thins runril i nutor John l.» din an --.I!.! hr w , d r,ap point rd hut nut surprised In tins n-.ir's turnout tor the A St () jirim.tr v DuImIi . .ir«• umi.iIK i’.uikI indicators o! stint! • imlt rest. (u«ulnian said. and tins v ear Irwcf students turned Up tnt dr hairs \ ’ tin- « -uni id .it' as .i vv hulr w rie niuh ! i i < m I * • r. i ’ i * than last year, (aimim.m s aid 1 hrrr w «•;« tn >1 a-, many hit anil right issues < ,ihn 11.• ian .iIsu l»1 tuiit! thr low turnout tin a ge nera I d t *•»-in h.mlmrnt with **tu ilrnt g< )\ rt uilirnt \St ( ) l.xet iilivi « andldah i i-r/t'orr Pharr. Morgan ami king, lArguson r\ pressed il i •-.!}> point mmt with stuiirnf votri turnout Pol low mg thru victors in las! un k •. (in mar v. la a a hi I Ion vowed It) m a k r j m i i i h i a I }) a r! 11 11». 111 o n a j n i < • 111 \ to| mat \ r af You vuiiiM hoju (luring. .) natural edition v.ir that morr students would got out and Vote, i-nfe said Political si H'tu !• Professor James k Sulio- k i, who t r,i( hr i t : , rli'i tions, - aid students dun ! a, pi imafiiv hut au*.r thr v af r othrl'W r.r < k i upr d i hr V I r. hr f r to get a d rgrrr , k U if H sk ! .,i |i I k ; A a I ■ . 1 d S. ’ - turnout in student i let turns to wide spread brlirt that student govrrniurnt r. v irtuallv mramngh *s i hi s kf i. n% t h.it i! U-!• •■! ' ! !.! I r f r n i r h< < .lira the \S l nilt I . !jaV I' lit I all lliofity or power.' lu said 1 111* national politic al atmosphere has aho negatts el v influent rd students vot i h g 11.: • l! • k i ■ -. i' • » i -id I urn to TURNOUT Pa Police try sensitivity with victims j Officers trained to ease trauma of reporting rape By Gerrit Koeppmg tr* »,'ra • > Roportuf Si* a util Assault Aw i * »/* //1 >, iv , , , ; < fuuii '>nrn One cil thi- reasons often ( ltd! lor tin- large nurnluT dI unrepnrtcd sexual assaults is tin- pci reived insensitivitv iif police unit hospital emer gem V rooms Hu! the lingerie police department anil local hi ispi tals are t rying lo i:;aki■ the : ►. ol repuj! i up rape i .iMi't Beverly (uillins. public information officer lot U’l). said lh« department trains ltn ollii ers lo hr sensitive Id the unique problems of ‘ '.oil .iss.mll and scuiai assault vk lmis • i'Ii "flu ers undergo six niunl! .! inn : training. vvlut ll mi Julies sensitivity Ir.i 1111f;j; !s ! i ;i i : r 11 ■ s tiie ,i,; c' ! logo on p . n ■. .. ■ ( < Ims s.iici After O.osr - iV months, office!-. . j ' go on p.ilrol iilone. but tire still on probation for iinolher year If during tfi.it year dies eniounter .i rape situation, the', .nr evaluated 'in hro. they handle tfie situation, (aillilts said if pro! telle . x ist extra instrui Inin is provide:I. • ,;.j VVe ah.\ av •• try ' • pel oat now die at h ast one rape and one homit id' ( niliris said In addition, i.ollins said even oilu er has one Iratritfig day a year that is delta ated xual ai. !.e • RAPE I' e;■ Holocaust survivor Often to talk tonight By Lisa MLiegan ' " era ] A'.. .t'lf t ! ’ if Win n o.l vr,ir nlii Bernard Oil.•!! talks about Ins ilniil hood, hi’ speaks ill a Liar.'lv attd ihle lone Although SO vi.if have passed since lie Was I teen alter m Ausrhvvit/. Ins mem ones nl the smoke and Him shots o! the concent rat ion camp are still painful I remember tru. kloads of people being drjven there ill most ever\ day and hearing the mat htne gun lire he said II Km Ve eyer (11 urd a m ri.Min, 11 w u u I