Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    Softballers win five over weekend
By Jayson Jacoby
; •• twa ; S;"y'.s M«p< 'tor
I he Oregon sollb.ill Iimiii fin
ished iin eight-game w mi
Sund.i\ by '.pliltmg .1 clou
biebeader with 20ih ranked Ar
i/iiii,i Mute in front of 1 ’ ! tans
.it Howe I' h-ill
Kachelie Tavlor threw ,i five
hit shutout in the first game
unci senior calc her I race \
Simmons- singled in .the game's
only run to give the Ducks a 1 o
The Sun Devils c irnie hue k in
the second game with two runs
in tlie first inning on route to a
.11 win
Oregon's marathon weekend
was tlie result of adding two
make up games against Stan
ford to the three dnubloheaders
alreadv scheduled
The Duc ks started it all f rt
dav afternoon by winning three
straight non c onferenc e’ games
against winless Stanford Saint
dav Oregon dropped two games
to second ranked Ari/.ona he
lore capping the tripleheader
with another victory over the
(lard mal
Oregon won the lust game
Friday 1 1 0, tie* sec ond 11-1
and tin* third IDO On Satur
clay, tlie Ducks lost (>-() and 10,
and in the Saturday game
against Stanford Oregon won
The Ducks finished the week
end with a 2 ,t-2 7 overall re
cord . -112 in the i’acaIic 10
(.onferenc e
!irspite having pic heci 1 -i in
gu■ to Dottle- l .allUIV, tie S,,jua,
mole trom Ottrus Heights, t.al
it retirt i she Sun Ilevils in or
tiie oniv run thev would tus ,!
in the bottom of tlie third him
Hr»do by U« t
Oregon s Anna Poore (25) roadies horsed lor an out at hrst base The Ducks won live ol the eight games
they played ovor tho weekend
M.inning doubled !u renter
held with Hill! out, tlli-11 stole
mm: o n il l> i» m‘ Alter I, v 11 ti
Km", nii.ii! strui k out, Simmons
lineil ,i single to right, scoring
M i oni in; ,u id gi vtiiit (m a
1 0 loud
Taylor and the Dm tis itoilgeii
.i tni I let m the top ot the tuurth,
when \ri/on.i Stole All Ameri
i .in Kiichel llriiwii was thrown
out it the plate on ,i contested
Brown I;.id earlier singled.
e '; ■ ! V,
let to II o w e it , o I . n s . . • i ,
grounding out to ser ond
Blown r.m into Oregon third
baseman I’.dlv Pyles, then was
I h: i iu n mi t try mg to si i -re
Arizona Si.de . o.i..h Linda
Welis " ■ 1 »: in noi
tiles iIim ussmg me piay wim
the two umpires, while the
small crowd grew mure .mil
mure unhappy nut to men
tii jri vocal .itiimt the delay
The held umpire had i ailed
interfere!!! e mi the i ullislun In'
! vs emi I*V les mil Brown, and
Wi lts . untended that Brown
was entitled Uith to third Base
and making an attempt to
I'lie umpire made the
■ li.it Blown would
h I. ■ tie. :: till'.wII out regard
! I h" mletlereni e. hilt tll.lt
thereafter, is l a', iur hree/eit to
tier ; » th shului; I III the season
V. r
you tiav.
nave insurance, mill so ii gives
you more incentive to will,"
Taylor said "1 didn't pilch my
best game, lull I piti hoi well
enough to win
Oregon he,id coach I ami
Brown vv.o more generous in
her praise
She pisl piii heii an ex< el
lent game. Brown saul She
was very confident and poised
ll w as a strong perlormam e
U ,• were in the same rut
w e vi’ hern in tor a while
a aid Wells w hose team
I a doubleheader with
: v regarded Oregon State
..1: . rda V We had several
11;; . ,-d opportunities to score
and didn't have any timely
hi tie mghtiap, the Sun Dev
lorn t i SOFTBALL, Page 1?
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