Evening Master's Degree MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAfY (faintly Mtulics, p*ychoth*rapy. j*rv*fw»i«>rw»J vtudu-s, biblical vUrIm-v t>nH family therapy and syvlctns approach l«» it>uiwlin^ clinical« iprrn ni CHURCH LEADERS111P/GRQWT11 (trAtntng of leaders for etfts In r evangelism and dviwmi* t him h development. using the latest rvsnunes and pros en mellnsis) • Il< >tli degree pn>grams require one year of nnirv work and a thesis or a project • Most classes are held Monday & I hurvlav evenings • A limited number of graduate fellowship (SI 2<*l eat h) is awarded to qualified students • NCC is regionally act red i ted hy Northwest Asms latum of Schools and Colleges • Application deadline June I. 1W2 I >ms I appln at ion inquiries I. > I>r Kutli I larrm link I >iris lor of ( a ad date Programs N< ( H2H last Uth Al e lugrne OK ‘<7401 or iall i4t 1M1 or 1 Him hhs |M| NCC NORTHWRST CHRST1ANCPI l.h.f Since IHdj U of O GRADS ^GET $ ADDITIONAL J A WwW BONUS M ON A NEW CAR NOW AT SHEPPARD MOTORS ir* Chfy»i#< Corporation % Cottage Assistant « Program In ADD ITK >N to modal r«*t“>4f»s arwl tp«v a Imar*; »r>g p-rograms oH«*?ad to tha pot*» ¥w*'r» riow mafcmg a %rnmc1 groop of y*h« U*s a v a .%*>»• to graduating StodantS *«!h A 1S00 .n1ti«JOo«i cash ba<* I v«N»yt> termor» wtK) «n arvoMMd o» Mwmi f'tt* ikyM «iV»' 6 rrtonCh* •! *n » t fMII«] 1 >4tmju ix vxvwruty • 1M' 4 '99? yrmirntm* *ho m «' y«MW 4 >\»*r c* po*t graduate 'teyfae fro**' « i)4u^» t .wmar ^ •rtroteO » a Of doctoral* program vnTw kti mull !» ito« vw»i! 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[■or tin- .iv id football fan w ho has not been sal isfic d wifh I hi’ [ilas in professional spring leagues Auty.cn Stadium was the [ > I a ( o In lie on Saturday A guod-si/ed irnwii showed up to watch the Oregon ft a it ha II team hoiti its annual spring ultra stjuad game, whir h was full id oxi ding lug plays, one after another: no helmet i am net essarv As expected. the (Been team, consisting of players on the first-team depth i harts, dominated tlie White 41-14 in .1 game that featured a tout h down on a long run from si rimmage. one on a punt return, another on a ki< koff return and one more on art mien option run-fiat k t he breakaway nature provided head couth Ktch Brooks witfi some hope of ' ' tiering Iasi year's season performam e We didn't have enough lug jii.ivs alter the first two games last year. Brooks said Alter today. I think w e has o some new fat os who .in- t.apatite of making leg plays One ol tile newi miters who i .night the attention of Brooks was flanker Derrick Deudwdet The redshirt junior from San Diego made a strong i use lor himself lo tie the Dm ks' ku k returner in th* tall with hi s no yard ku k return lor a foot hd.ovn to open the set ond halt De.idwrler a iso i aught three passes lor 72 y ards, mi lulling a pretty one handed stab of a Doug r Wusgrave 1-4 yard pass Dcadwllcr may t. t always :!■*-1k■ the sun i al< 1) iiki• (senna Anthony) Junes ! .it when hi' dors i all h he's i v tling.' Brooks said i lirji'-r! rruati t-s Dt-adw ier and senior K- Is s said the general ( .th . k at the p, sitlon is stronger than last spring "The i|uarterb.u k play was spotty and err.tin . hut vs i are ahead id where vs < were las! spring H.' .oks s.od Vd.odVs jumped up and sard dins is mV position and y ou re the r outer..lets Sophomore Damn () Ned. listed .e. No 1 entt ; trig tire s< rimtnage. r onrtei ted on live o! ins 15 at tempts tor Hit yards, but he also'-threw two,inter (.eptions As Brooks pointed out, all the blame can't he put on the quarterback It's hard to make a solid judgment on the quarterhiii k position because a lot of wli-at they are aide to do depends on what the guys up front do arid w hat the rei rivers do, Brooks said l !;r perlnrtnunn id Musgrave, V ■ J at quarter la" ' INTRASQUAD Pi,;.- '. 1 Monday, April 27 7:00 pm Gumwood Room A panel discussion on the legal issues surrounding rape. Featuring: •Joe Kosydar -Senior Attorney, District Attorney's (Mike • Ierrenee Gough -Defense Attorney for accused rapists •Bev Collins -Office of Public Safety, Eugene Police Department •MaryJan Murphy -Psychologist, U of O Counseling Center •Frank Papagni -Attorney, US Attorney’s Office Everyone Welcome sponsored by the Pre-Lnv Society