Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Decathletes eye NCAA, Olympics
By Dave Chatoonneau
Errwratcl Sp'.v'is Reporter
Not rnanv people go! to sit Oregon's Ivso
det athletes compete this weekend it the Oregon
Invitiition.j 1 at Havwafd Field
And that's a shame
I’edro daSilva won the dm album and -.| u .11 if led
itir thi’ NCAA (diampionships vvitli a score id
7,H7;i !'!)(• decathlon was held on Thursdav and
FTida.v. will'll attendance was .sparse
daSilva said lie te.11 le d his season's best mark
vvitli solid porforniatn es ill all tin '.events
“I just took it nisidaSilv a said I; just want
ed to qualilv, I d id ri I set any '.personal ly'i.noK or
anything "
daSilva is hopeful lie will maki the Bra/ihan
Olympic tram this slimmer, and qualifying liir thr
NCAA meet gives him onr mom meet ti • prepare
lor it
I have two inure meets (hr Nt i A A s and tie
l\ti 10 meet to get readV lot thr Olympu s.
daSilva said Condition wise, even thing s great
Some events need a lot ol work There's a lot'ol
room lor improvement "
Muhammad Oliver, who qualified lor the
NCAA Championships in the dei athlon earlier
this season, did not eotiipete in the event Oliver
instead opted to work on individual events
The senior lirst ran a personal best in the lit)
hurdles Unfortunately. few Ians remained 111 the
stands as Oliver bounced back anil lor 111 from the
high jump to the long jumji
As most til the crowd filed out ol Hayward
Field late in the evening, Oliver was busy match
ing his personal best in the high pimp and just
missing a career best in the long jump
Oliver said lie may have 1 us! himself .1 personal
best in the high jump bv competing m two events
at once
It could have 1 us! me a lew mi lies in the high
jump, he said ''If I would have rested, I know I
could have made seven feet in the high jump
Oliver cleared t> HI 1 * in the high jump lor
third place and real bed 7-t i in the long jump tor
set und place
I.am e Deal, another possible Olympian, lie.w ed
the hammer 7r>7-7 to win the competition, break
ing Ins meet record Fa-Oregon star Siott Mites
Muhammad Oliver was second in the long lump
with a ?4-3 at this weekend s meet
finished third with .1 throw of I‘> ] I
Oregon s Art Skipper easily surpassed Ins com
petition in ill'1 javelin .is his throw ot IS 10 was
2r> feet I,other th.ltl the sei imd pi.if e throw
Decathlete Dan O'ltrien competed in the morn
Of; developmental portion o! tin- meet, depriving
Host from seeing the predli ted lev. >rite ill w III the
■old medal in the decathlon at the Olympus
) linen competed in the lit) high hurdles, shot
jut and disi us
In other tr.uk .a turn this a ► nd Oregon's
loh (.lav took lourth in the lilt hurdles at the
’enti Relay ., and Oregon's entry n the medley
flay tilllshed tilth
I'he I Jut ks' bigg, meet SO tar . .e.e.un will
happen this Nat i.,v when they !e • W uiglun
Future Duck throws
javelin for biq win
By Jake Borg
tS{xjr*s t il
Ashley Sirltiiitii won tlif
battle of pest, present .111(1
lullin' Oregon i.iv<• 1111 throw
ers ' Saturday .1! tin' Oregon
Ini itation.i! tr.M k .mil lii'li!
inert .it I In v-w .iril I: lelrl
Seltnen's hi it throw of
l ’ t 7 ^iive'ii glimpse nl wind
()r*’j_:i iii Ians 1 tu 1 v|>«'< t from
her tievl season Seim.ill a
former t1.1U01t.il 1 hemp from
1 Si who will 1 om|nile tin
Oregon nt*\t spring, beat nut
I.inner I)iu k \( \ \ < l: iin(ii
mis I’,111 l.i Herr\ .1 n 1! 1111
Smith .uni collegiate le.liter
Kim Hyatt
tlri'fjiin's newest transfer
wiis ot) smiles .liter winning
her lust competition 111 near
I v a veer
Its been .1 while suite I
won .1 meet Selm.in seal
It's Imm'ii e long time
Selm.in was snout! el the
NCAA Championships lest
veer it none other then lies
wen! Held tu no one other
than Hurry, now her room
mete llerrv had to settle lor
third Saturday with .1 throw
ol I ’ t On end Smith, the
N’t A A i hump m I'MH. wes
set ond with Cell
t)regims Ity.Hi who won
t lie |e volin 1 utnpet it ion at
the Penn Kclays on linns
dev . took tilth w Mil e lh i nil
thi 1 iw I he '.eti lor is die to!
1, ."ale le.idel W ill) ll"f see
-on best throw it! | OH <11
thr Pepsi I rani Inv national
April lit
Not Ion bail lor a dayA
work for Selhuin
li nice to gel the r onfi
ii I
An (if egon s. ho. ! rer ord
huliler turtieil lirs! grade
leai her and now Olympic
hojiel ii I p ro v iilei) .1 not her
meet highlight
Van-lie Peters. who has
liken a lea v e i> i ahse nr c
from leai (ring al a Spring
liehl elementary sr hoof this
year m hopes of making the
() i V in p 11 I e a m , Won l h e
I. aio meter run in a blister
mg rat e
The lop live limes in the
run were .ill heller than Ihr
tor in e r in eel r eoor<i of
•1 JO 17 IVlors' was the top
finisher with an Oivmpii
Trials ipialilving time of
4 1-111
Peters said Saturday's riu r
is her first "fiome" cumpeli
bon of tlie \ ear and is one of
many steps to tile Trials,
w hen she w ill i umpeto ill
troth the I ,r>()<) and t.tHK)
Peters, outfitted III a I
shirt with the words ’ (io
Mrs Peters ’ on tfie bai k
was not even i hallenged in
the rai e hut said she could
have imi ix-tter
It was a good time, Pi
ters said lint \ oil alw ays
hope to run faster
I 1
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