THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 F 18th Ave fi OREGON BRASS ft QUINTET •’ Faculty Artist Senes Mon., April 27 8 p.m. $5 General Admission $3 Students / Seniors C JAZZ COMBOS I ft UO Ensembles Wed , April 29 0 p m $4 General Admission $2 Students / Seniors ft COLORADO QUARTET /ft Chamber Music Senes y Award wmnng stnng quartet with sriger L lisabelh Braden Thur., April 30 8 p.m. Reserved Seats $6 50 to $15 50, Students $4, $7 at the door CHILDREN'S CONCERT ft 'The Fxotng World ot Dams' , Sal, May 2 10:30 a.m. $3 Adults, $2 Students and Children, or $5 tor a Family I or more information, call 346-3761 (Music School) New Skinny Puppy album is shock and roll By Tim Neff f. •: ;i!@ f if * Skinny l’u|>|)v s music is about .is t ute arid cuddly as its name Thu hand's highly moclwm/i d im him industrial groove} is a meal grinder twisting melodies and sounds until they disturb and annoy And if you're thinking rnsv thoughts while listening In /! Wights their newest album, you're probablv more disturbed than the music The alburn grow Is to life. < areens .' ! control and finally flat lines It s ,t mid, minute ride through Skmnv I’uppy s hum her of horrors tiuilng a phone interview i’up.pv frontman Nlvek Ogre desr nt*d i Abies as an expression of his ..personal 'fieri hell The allium dm uments a period of rnv life when I w as hiliintijd, Ogfe said I lie lyrn s are of a highly personal nalure Production of the alhum continued de spite Ogre s battles vs 111> hepatitis and drug abuse It was a very twisted time (or me, he said It s like I was climbing.up tins moun tain and currying aii tins negative weight, and I could either pimp over tile I lilt nr hang nil Ogre hung on. hut the alhum tuki a it ue sinister direction, ending with tin 11-mm ule rrcpitem. 'Download I'he song short circuits from the beginning and lades to a fi.ii line drone Hut 1 fie album isn't all cobwebs and tombstones There s tongue ill-cheek hiumu Skinnv Puppy's latesl album, /-j%f Rights here .is well S< rapyard" is a shuck and roll oritirjue of the iriuMi Industry The song distorts ro< k riffs into a sonic at rot ity exhibition At mu' point. Ogre's heavily synthesized vo i als degenerate into pompous rock ballad stylings And then there's the mysteriously miss ing tenth tru< k On llie ( 1) version, it or < u pies a rnicrosei ond between the songs "(in uslance" and ' Download A song railed Leith.ind Shake" original ly occupied the spot, hut never made it to tile p leased album The song is caught m a ieg.d battle between Skinnv Puppy and timothy Leary s publishers over the song's inclusion ol Leary's comments alsnit a had acid trip Ogre said Leary gave permission for Puppy in use the mil-take. hut Ins pub i ishers protested Hmvi'vn "l.efthand Shake will he per forme.I on-stagc during the hand s upcom ing tour, which begins May 21 Opr. did : nt know the formal sehedule for the upcoming tour, hut said he honed to perform in Port land. Ogre described the tour .is "a trip through the idea of paranoia meets se!f-perseeu lion " As always, the concerts will he a mix of music and theatric s Those often shoc king performances have caused tin1 hand problems in the past When the hand vivisected a gore III fed lac simile of a dog during a previous tour, they wound uj) in |ail VVe u. re arrested lor disorderly conduct tree a use the dug lookei f too real." ()grc said ()gre assured that the forthcoming tout will he equally "haunting He also shrugged oil Widespread rumours about the unsure' future' of Skinny Puppy We re in fairly good shape now, Ogre said We re all taking it one step at a time Ogre and fellow puppies, 1) Rudolph Ooettel and (levin Key. are active in pro jects outside the hand The breaks from Skinny Puppy have been therapeutic lor Ogre' "The other hands have taken away a lot ol the negative feelings I've had while work ing with Skinny Puppy he said And with fils personal protilems behind him. Ogre feels his < readye juices flowing I think I'm through dealing with myself, and now there's a chance to deal with the writing," he said ET ALS SluiJrnli (im ( inlhi* Wmtlrn ** m : • r.-.fii • s in KM' <-*••-»■» W -m f ( 11 min Wall *« • < *} r - f. ■! by th* ( > 5 ? !'?■ K'«* " * : a’ 4 ] m >3,' . K • . « Ml l KA y% < > ■ n.’ ’ o' n> i M ( 4V.Ul Y Ml SI ( * •< *• H .» ( ■ :I * ►. ‘i-* “ ; *•• ' !■ • '*.*4 .4* . I r. I 111 *111 4 I I w ( nmniillrr •% * ■ • . • i»ii|oy «| •> 4*) ,* )t*> i Ml 1 ip bu-d-K*’ii f ' S* i leri'. fmjrtjan ■ ' Mu I 'SSA 4 >*■•*A A I ) j'"i thf* AS O . ' f JH *> : Wi !' i ■ j'.: -• «» j KM’ n *-■' tf • • l ««r I •. 'ifi-in S MSA, S > .«• i t jt'V- j Kr-. v ■ ' >' s ,4f I*, a f ■! !; . ativr } - s K4|» Jiuj Ihr I JM «•. i »- ■■ : .** . a* ’ . J-*.! ' * ! W - S«im H/r- jii.J H j.t■ n in K- i ' ii* irn ks KKl JGIC1N ( Imsltan Mmaiitv and |ihhiu*w»» »s 5*' ’it- ! n U> 1.1 .1 tilfc* im: nh’ If: • ?*» ’ invfald 55 I h imi d ii i r F a i k i r ( n i I a i i a n I r 4iivi niilnil alisl vs -s 4 €. 4 K Contact LENSES complete package includes eye exam Dally wear spherical All brands ol replacement lenses available Ciba Wesley Jessen Bausch & Lomb Hydron Barnes Hines Vision Mart SERVICE •SELECTION - SAVINGS Gateway Mall Springfield 746-9922 (NEXT TO TARGET) Free Public Lecture l ( ) SvihHil nl Ion mail sin pi infills / //< / lh \nnu,il Kuhl / <•< tm, "(ii.uid Dtsi^n. lri\i;il I’uiMiil: Mow \N t Mislri'iii thr 1 oiindti s' (lilt" Robert ( . Mil) nard 1 *nI>1 ishi'i iV I iliioi I >,ik liimi 11 ihniii \\ ciliK‘sda\. \|>11! 2l>. I ‘>.2, 1:00 p in CANCELLED V ■ , A' , .. Huh! i tnhm /unit Recycle This Paper IE III YAK I ALLEY CURRY DISHES.Ig.3.50 sm.2.50 BEBIM RICE...5.50 CHICKEN BREAST STEAK.__ 3.50 YAKJSOBA NOODLES.Ig.3.50 sm.2.50 TERI BEEF.......3.50 ACROSS PROM DAIRY QUEEN 1306 HOARD* 345-9555 i RrsuLirlv $1.50) W ‘. v VhtfJ Campus SUBSHOP 1225 Icier 345-2434 \i< Vrth.i v'*n S ’ \ .*rv - -r With any At her .1 is. mint* i>r •-Hipon* C^rw* CVH8JXMJ (H’f i UShMIUT i * pi ret* 6 l2/‘£