Republicans grilled by audience By Demian Mcl ean Emora d Contributor Two Kepubli( .in candidates hoping to un Rep Peter Defazio tins November squared off Tuesday nv a deflate sponsored fiy tfie Rubi con Society However, neithercandidate laid a glove on the other instead spending tfieir time defend ing their positions to an aggressively inquis itive audience About 15 people showed up at liel-'risc.o's dale to grilf (amgressional hopeluls Kit hard Si hul/ atid John New kirk 'about their- on abortion, environmentalism and mimigr.i titm On tin .issue-" id- abortion New kirk side stej pe I aiidii'iu ■ members questions about w's rights : m a batholu that s my■-personal religion lie said, but in the same breath voiced support lor'tise t onstjtutiohal right' to . iuxise abor tion- : Pressed further on the issue, he answered. "I have to live under a toial Repuldu an plat form.' which includes opposition to abort ion Asked again about lus personal views on abor tion, Newkirk conceded that people have a right to choose to keep the government out ol then lives Si hul/. was innie.liiri i about his position I leel \menia has created its own liolo ia• ' ,!111 ;! |;.e, to stop," he said of abortion i in- on A exception to a ban on aixirtions. he said, should he d a pregnancv endangered a woman's lile On tin' subject of immigration, the candi dates disagreed Newkirk proposed u (omplete end in foreign immigration until the country'?, unemployment rate reaches fi percent When vve t.ike foreign people in, we give, them free hospitals. free money. free every thing And we re putting our own people'on the streets, he sold Schultz simply proposed stepping up nil rent efforts on can King illegal immigrants The i undid.lies s.iw eye to eye on the etivi ronment.ilism issue The h'ndangered Spot ies Act should tie re pealed. Schulz said We need johs and tun her now It s obvious that compromise is mi possible The hndungered Spe< ies Act is one ol our biggest problems Newkirk said ll robs us ol jobs Until legislation emu tuning the Act is en acted Newkirk suggesleti the Umber industry more i are lolly clean up after harvest and keep debris out of the rivers On tin issue o! t rime. Si hull/ said We need tougher sentencing, including the death penalty w'lirrc.w arranted As for measures in »rune prevention Si hul/ suggested putting religion bar k in the. i lass room When asked by an audieni e ..member Which'god tin von want to put bai k in lie classroom ' tie answered A Uhristtan god Absolutely Hut S< htdz quit k!y amended fns answer to include a Jewish god. as well 'We re a JudeoUhrlstian countrv bai k to our fieginnings, that's where it is. he said Speaker emphasizes plants’ healing powers By Koa am Roberts \ ; ■ i .1. it ! ii i- t s and K !;:• I -, : adltumul ii, ,, isi 1m- i>r> served tor their | > 1111 ■: i I lal In solve manv ),•: ; , i;! ,iI problems, said ;i- \nlhnm Andoh in tho ■ k , |■ mng address !■ ri day rnghl \11 ethnohotanist, Andoh studies how different cultures LJSC 111 .if I Is III! til'll, 11 led l! ini*, spiritual i-nlt.i ncement and And : - a ■< i.h w Ith in African ritual in which he . ..nn . 1 earth spirits anti ask a the sitiaII audionc e In ; • ti .s a whole lut in the ! ill tin V\ as! espi ed! IV in the l S| people have . i-.t ill-, power ol living The sj -nl.i ii aspet I of hie is gone Ah alls believe disease ema ::.,m !he spirit, which is ttie mu;.I Ue must heal our '■ites (r. an within ihun we 1 all I legal lu ileal the plants, the animals, the entire ecosystem,' Andoh said Andoh. 4H, was horn in the West African rain forests ol (ihana fie was 1 1 years old w hen Ins father, one of (ihana's leading botanists, died Andoh said his father's spirit dwells within him and drives him to protect tile jungle, the people and the medicine of Africa "Africa is the home of all life forms." he said "I assure you without Africa, no one would survive \ndoh 11Vi--, m Stitt l-'ranctsi o and :s the 1 S representative to tht- International Organization n| I't ail it uni .11 a n il Medic .11 Practitioners and Kesearc hers a group that seeks tn i 11111111ni• traditional African herbal mrn with modern nu-d i< a I treat III i ‘liiii. ('.Inina i e : I M ■. \ m Washington, IX \:■ : : Andoh v.ed ,t simitar system must lx- imjilt merited tn Attiet na bet iiusr all people rant .i; {.ess the medic a! system so we must tombitie all available alternatives The si lenttst I' not tin- only one with tie know ; edge Ando said Mrn arts want to share what they know with lie rest o! the w orld, hut the devel oped countries must help them survive lo avoid losing valuable cures There’s a lot of wealth in the world to go around Andoh said He said Africa's ram forests contain art amazing number of curative plants unknown to w estern s< ientisls Childhood leukemia, drug abuse and perhaps even the vi ruses associated with AIDS have cures in African plants, Andoh said "These are justifications to save the ruin forests of Africa," fie said Andoh is < realing u botanical garden in Chana to protet 1 and preserve the endangered plants Classifieds 346-4343 DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS U|»« *A»» i 6 24 exp | 36 exp FREE 2™1 S8t Of prints • coupon must accompany ortlar CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO 1231 ALDER • 683-2500 r GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blwd Eugana, Oregon 97403 J < D Z Z < 0 Z CM The UO Microcomputer Support Center presents APPLE ♦ CAEPE ♦ CLARIS ♦ DELL ♦ IBM ♦ LOTUS MACROMEDIA ♦ MICROSOFT ♦ NeXT ♦ SUN ♦ SUPRA TSI ♦ WORDPERFECT ♦ AND OTHERS Thursday, April 30,1992 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Fir Room, EMU Presentations ♦ Product Exhibits ♦ Prizes ♦Vendor Representatives COMING SOON