Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Confmjed from Page 1
Conduct (lode, Drayton said
However, fliers targeted .it groups of
people are considered "oflensive but not
illegal." he said
An Illustration on the other flier de
picts a person on the ground getting
stomped The victim portraved in the fli
er had (IAEA written across his forehead
GALA, (lav and Lesbian Alliance, is
LGHA's former name In Drayton’s opiri
ion. this, particular flier does not violate
the Student Conduct Code because it
does not single out .in individual
Representatives of the LCDA. Eugene
Human Rights Commission. Jewish Slu
dent Dnlpn. Black. Student Union and
the ASDO who spoke al Friday's press
conference attributed the "hate fliers” to
tear and urged students and community
members to take action
ASDO Vice President Priscilla Warren
decried the fliers and demanded that the
perpetrators he held accountable for their
I am asking the students of this Uni
versity to he on guard." Warren said, to
speak up. to speak out, arid turn in any
body seen posting fliers which in any
wav threaten the civil rights, safety and
well being of am member of our comniu
mt \
Speaking on behalf of the Fugene Hu
man Rights (,'ommissum, Arwen IleSpain
said, "As we stand in opposition, to this
violation, we must remember that our
differences are not what keep us apart, il
is our fear of being diflerent"
la u Ward ol BSl'. I'ful Zut ken
JStand Sue Dockslader of l.CBA ex
pressed their concern about rising Intol
erance ol minorities and lie presence of
white supremacist and ant; homosexual
rights groups
Ward said Ihe filers m< iudeif maienai
from three sources The National Social
ist Front. While Aryan KeMstaiu e. and
the (Iregon (iiti/.ens Alliaru e
DeSpain said the recent (H A Iwllol in
illative, which opposes what ihe Ot A
views as stale support lor gays and lesbi
ans."legitimizes hatred that is already
FCItA receives about I hate phone
calls a day. Dor kstader said However,
she said the phone calls have been rela
lively mild in comparison to the latest
"I haven't shown the entire member
ship the fliers because they have enough
to deal with as it is,' stie said
OPS officers routinely pit k up fliers of
all sorts "to keep an eve and an ear
out."Druyton said
"I want to know what's going on and
alert people to possible danger," he said
Continued from Page 1
verslty (aiunselmg ( enter
Fourteen of those who reported assaults s,jid the im i
■.!' :ii was .iKo reported !< i jit:,.( i iv»*'in h .: r:t.i.ii
said sortie ol llif i .isfs may have btvn reported only lu
the Of In r of I’lililu Safety and not.do |hf I. igette I’olic e.
Almost.-halt of the Inrms J i were ft • ••' out I \ the
actual survivors, tin- ms! vvere Idled oui bv a variety of
people, irw hiding roommates, partners. friends, tat ult\
or staff members
()f tlif 20 on iampus incidents, so fro I were near the
Knight library anti the art museum, anti six o< t urretf in
the area bordered by t tth and l Mb avenues ami Agate
and 1 mv ersity streets
Tile fact that these numbers were brought to light
'could term the project a success hut f'.NB member
Jat qute < ilhson sa.id the task fort e dot not start out with
am exjitu tat ions to fulfill
Nonetheless word of the sinless ol the report lorm
and other University programs' dealing with sexual .is
sault is real hlng other st bools
(libson Diret tor of the Mediation I’lugram salt) that
in the past term she has talked with' rejirfsentativ rs ol
the University of Montana and i-.istern Oregon Male
and that other UNH members have spuken with still
more schools who want to t opv some ut w hat tin." 1 in
ve rsilv is tiding
l ast Mart h several University students attended the
first annual Student ( onlerenc e on ( ampus Sexual As
s iult at .the- \ 'illV ersitv ol I’eniisyiy am.i 1 hey illscov
tired that the University Is doing 111 to prevent sexual
assault than most schools
The l.'niversitv of Pennsylvania has a really slick
brochure," tiihson said "But they don't have half the
stuff we tin
As ! SB periodically revises the c port hum it iN
works on other projet ts, including trying to form a set
(mil set lion o! W NT t'I’l. a selhileten-,. , ;ass taught by
Nat 11 a I’elsey 1'he exist tnv; set ! ion I,:! ■ o , ju It x U;..t
seniors are often the only students who run get in
tiihson credited the new organi/ahon < ireeks Aga,:. -t
Ka|ie and i out ernetl students and stall in the resideio 1
halls with, helping the University s ! c;ht against sexual
Continued from Page 1
The mil-lit of tin- mirth was to cin| h i /e the need
lur women !u join together III 11! > -: .illy take hat k the
night .mi! lake t>iii k ttii- right hi ti-i-i -.a. .uni secure
A protest sign ti-.nl, Mv h-.ir i-. turning to anger, m\
.mgrr f. turning in rage
In 20 years. not .1 wholr het k ’ a I t has i hanged,
s.iiil Kugt-ne resident Dm mu- Duet-a he id I i need to gut
political iigmri
After tin- march .1 forum for women to express iind
vent their trust rut 11 ms t..ok plate h .Unwed b\ .11 otislu
"Thu march was very moving, s,m! Hugene resident
Jane Siotti "One woman tame out and said that she
couldn't mart h with us, tint she gat- me a candle that
W as lit
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