210 HELP WANTED ALASKA SUMMER CMPl OYMfNT [ A' J*> 000» — or?* f ■ uo ■rnr\po^A‘Of' Room a Hoard Ov** ft 00C' No . a nacaaary Ut u cy I 4*- " A a \ at ©rnp^rwN program ca; -Sfjdor! F mpioyrn«K'! S**/v»cm at • 206 545 4iSi «>t 1565 Cruise Line Ertfry-lavel on boardland aide avail . year rrxJ aummar 612 64 1 4313 EARN MONEY ftaod^ boo*» MO.OOOy ncomo po<»n; a Uora'i ,805) 96£ 8000. ««: Y 9642 NANNIES Do you ove cnacfrwn? l vw and wr». ^ DC * r»»© room and board groat sAMrins '.tnvni and aducnlonai Opportune** m»n 1 yodf COmm1*'r»wr,* WMt!» HOUMI Nann*«. 1 649 5036 Part tana' Intamaiionai ro(«ii chain N»s 200 Mi-part Itm# ponton* m rttfAH *ak»>CuWomaf ukvicb Tamp,p®mar»«nt potions w ti«M tna hr* Starting pay rata |10 25 No ui p -aq 1ra>n»ng prov*1<*1 Pd«J irtams^'ps ava;i achOMrVup* avrardoO A aam ? 4 credit* on our tuify accredited work *»« per **Y '■«*• yu.ir Won* study only rm«j app'y M..s: taka a typing or proofing twst P'otor o»p©r*»?x;« wit* WordPortoct p° IBM!* Out will Dam Start at >‘> $4Lhr App y - Mm 02 V I MU { Q€ j 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Hooaa and room for rant '*u*f campus Mo 6 bdrms ♦ storage ava Jo « 31 s! 683 55S4 or 683 ’634 Nf AR CAMPUS 4 BDHM HOUSE >600 343 POt 1 ?640 High St 3 bdrms. 1'» baths, nrapuicw garago i’00 No pat* Shown by appoinlmant SPYGLASS ASSOCIATt S 686 1130 225 APTS DUPLEXES Big 1 bdrm, campus. su» y mod#m 1 'oo ut« b as par tong No io*t&« Ava ab4> now 346 4033 Blackstone Manor t 760 Aldar St 667 0684 Rasarva tor Fall T arm, 1565 mo • i*«. 1 oasa lJr*}«.'-.x>var par* ■ g N»».-r M-.s-v. St - oo- lor ' -s Court M b'a-y Campos Aparlmanta f urnishad 1 A? Badroom* >325*450 48*2623 GHl I NWO< >U APARIMI N . 1065 Pattarson MARI opportunity o v»» " *> ui «k/ or i compiui t argw ’ 2 a »J 0* ptld'OOm dvdklD'W vw Now i.arpots "OCXS tt'tops L .1 rxj-'y pars r\g gorgoo -s I i.Our’fiVd ’-U U .‘V " «* '• ' •* Ju" J ?ur m^'u ■ V)'"'.ri » •»«* 342 2183 Janmnga * Co 6834?la L ARGE Cl l AN QUIl T •. «suii* r«*n% ' • . » ’y « Dae* ovii'uil pm* i <>w .ow s - m«r t u V. ’ fi86 54'2___ j l ARGE. Cl f AN QUIl T I Mt HAl U APAHtMt NIS 2 DO'" 1 D*» Uu'O A«,t 4bo ow • A l •> • • l -g • ' ' •*' it XJ •>: • • ( u.o'w! pa'« '>g • ■ *J«* * N«* aft* iant Marvagamant 66 3-61M8 Prospect Park 2 bdrm apta availaOla now Quiat. country atmoaphara w convaniant city location Olhar faaturaa includa pool tanm* Pa *s at Ball court* rac, room A pLaygrour>d Right past 25th A Cham Par* Call 464 6553 _ ns APTS DUPLEXES Redwood Park Apts. Qut0t. Country living With ClCg Comml#rv» Unfurnished 1A2 Idrm 1)70 to 6465 Low Ut »!«■•• On Bualme t quipped Weight Room, Spa Wood Par* 4 Playground L eon dry FeciWtiea Alow Furnished tulle* Studio. 142BH 1600 to 6675 Individually Decorated Completely Furreahed Everything From Cstile TV lo linen* For Bed. Bath 4 Kitchen On St* Management Team 4103 W. 18th 4845773 WALK TO CAMPUS I a pec out t«ght * Ddrm. be* ony Oil tt'mti parking laundry 6275 ♦ dec 96' Pattaraori Drive Dy ;ner ca-i Real I tune No*hw«*» M ) 4109 Would you 14a a really nice room •II fo your*elf with a prtvafe bath room, clo*e to campus, m a new building where your meal* are pre pared tor you? CaM the Collegian. )*) 1255 ■ — Ov •' ' 1 390 Mill STREET f «v»*fTn**y «vgo ? tx*rr' av.t .tD*> «.y*> l argo !>«» • vM’y '»fs«rv«l par* • «g .j /rxlry l,v ■’ *« CkWfl tO U Of C 314 t 1 5th, No 3 DON T MISS T MIS vo'Y 'CK>m . bad 'txvt’ ‘ *- ' f , y ftp;- .r ;**! ov«!*»: pa * ‘sj pa;o T*r» tp, •*' .»«M *. 1: ,»K' y -O*.aU*J to U O' O .V*J Ow* \>W" V-» Vi 26 E 24 th Slraat l icaptional 2 badroom unfl 4.. *t‘ i ,, III il..t vir>4» *% iAIlAiit ;•< vd'ti a *lry i.K3x , p* y ■ V-i-' «•! S-t **> 1550 HIGH ST HI ET Spaoowa I badroom units .i• i tf .» A --.I o U o' O &--OPP Aj .tf ,! t>. •• .»•- Nt > *•.• Jannifvj® * Co 6*1 4213 The Southgate 2 Bdrm townhouas 1 ibi F ancad patio l arga. 1 Bd'm Appro* 900 vj ft Hotr' ' P'* .i . *u i dry On t>ot. ' ■« xxu -A 345-4471 _ Walk to claaa ' DO"* v ««v •» l*fo. 34 S &?B1___ 1 bdrm apt. V '.**> nod ’ Dd"" ■ • $'C*S tip :- >*'■■ ’»■ ' • Moa! ’ «»*• (Mt«J 4!i4 <«/'..* I >■• »4.‘ 4,’*) I bdrm - <*1 ' »»a' w ••* Bu *l j S »»C a »"«»• I’M H«: ,.m xxJ A^i'* ’ o biitt *. ’»rj 1 badroom apt *»»' Haxxj'vx*. I’.i * ij.h’ g'ort! . «**• ' • :y ‘ •" *>’**1 . «g* ■ p*>'S4.’*»-^o 141 ft’ '5 MS 225735 SIS 441 1 1 Ah QUADS Prtvats room*, Ail U Til! til ! i a .'old 4 * ’o» ; M .« ■ ' i ' -*• S4HC Janrurtgi ♦ Co 483 4211^ Ca Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL New 4 fiaautlful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM 1445 a 1 2 MONTH Rf NT f RE E • * WASHER/ORYER HOOICUPS a COVERED PARKING a MINI SS ROOM a SUMM4 R I iM* POOL a PATIOS UAiCONlf S a ON SITl SECURITY P n D K Q t?ovt 3127 Kit»m» •c -o«* tro«i Aa!/»n S^ad ufTij 686-2465 NORRIS & STEVtNS Co 2W APTS DUPLEXES Reserving for Fall Low Summer Rates l mom Kjenatfim] ' 4 2 b«3 'OQm* > b*OC* ?'Om a»mpU6 *442 f 18. tutor #19 O' cafr‘ 344 4780 _ Take over b«M ai IJISwo V>v Oop Sf'-a/o kactmn artn t porv.*- f urn *3M Mtft 343 1009 v Studio and 7 bedroom apartments Po*> a ’<* '«* *»*•» ' «» :«.J f fvs*' So W •g* ' V* A Hk*y artJ torj»l«on 4ft4 ««? MS f 1STH AVC You cant boat the prices **-*« 2 4' 3 tws.t-'HV'' "••% C> » S4 >“S «r•«*? . •«** LJM : Staring ni V*r>V »SC: I orry St t g' ’ ;’>• gr ' iV»l •v;w»:W. rg A'tl a>* .»>»■•* r, 1 V'wa! downfow o 4« ."-g tV S'*'-" ••' -• •Ur*. 'T'yr.' • <»*. >vwn*l yrt'k g \»*> W TV’ 4«4 SfVl) 15TH A OUVR Can Now for VACATION PACKAGE" Naw A BaacriiKii 1 A 2 BEDROOM FROM SS05 * flibff VST MONTH'S HI NT * COVf HI 0 PARKING a WASH! H DMVI M HOOKUPS a l UMOPf AN KfTCHI NS a MINI SS ROOM a CONVI Nil NT TO VAl l I Y RlVt R Cl NT! H 1811 K mgaiay Rd 343 4549 NORRIS A STEVENS Managamarrt Co C OREST V ILL AC. ■ Apartments A -h r *r 1 Qutat aaramty Juai mtfxjtaa from do an down BUS TO CAMPUS ♦ Wl IGHT ROOM ♦ SAUNA S ♦ SWiMMiNG POOt RENTING NOW 2 Bdrm I i Bi H75 » M9imo 687-1318 st t>-g«"» GARDEN TERRACE APTS 1 ad 3 (iardan ; v.jh :«v • ' •«' *>'* i': ’• 44 • $ - Janmnga ► Co bd3 4?1 4 oni ui dhoom *4 ,1 • r- H a * « *!-* i'4 - , l '4 • v u* N *i ■ ,>•«*< S a:.j\ i j .. i- ».» 4 : . 1 - U of O .■-‘Si . .» , . .< % IS .1,' •: M M t Uf * f F ! *- * I < 4 ■ t*n»J g . t>' lil *'■ ' f P i * j S 'u I ' P‘ N S’. TWO BI DHOOMS n, !?> | A • I.- 4#I V .t:' *■ M M i f •*», t, *j N*jw ,»i S' . ■ •», A ' " O a! or l A !” < N*kvjh>-« i "y Go/Ck»n f»rt ’ V • i ' [ i «m«i« n»*d« roonimoU for ? I r>drtt> apartment pamt. c«r|>«t. mmiMtnda throughout ; 14th atvd I’lHorton 415411?. J75 ELECTIONS t ipancHtufa forma for eiinJanf go^arnmaoi cancbdataa ara dua iinlay by 1 00 p m m tha ASUO f laci/itva Oftica Soita 4 t MU 2»o U6ETWGS Tha Shxlafrt MaaNh Inaoranca Committaa * ■ « *» »• it m '■ «> ('• *V»J fk«; " o’ " « i M CLIMBING WALL MEETING 4 I'M ♦ UvaUy A, * At i.Xi’-lotjr Program '>*>'*• Impor , Mw« j Ul. 4'M 2»5 ARTS 1 EWTEBTAMMEMT COuKT c u*-l i w|»> j-*mm i ». *' * to, tataar r%N*. 40*»»S.' ,• II i • •« »•«*•«»/ a • Wv« *•< •• * »»’*■' < • I flu Doutilo I lf«> of V«»r onUiuo .Shakes the CIomi, ill' Sick 4 Twlstod mlmatlon FostlvaJ [:iTr,Ti«y4fa:ruj l 1’lVt M ■ KAMI < WVONJ •okat a* naaarr mm tim v*. 1 Shakes the CJowvn (lac auta paopta cara (»•# pragivancy taat-rig Call Birthright. r>d 7 Ah ‘> 1 _ Plannad Maranthood ' •- * »*•* ■ Ij . ‘ji j { -»f*. .1'*! j\ MU Sing la? fteM'*-! ■***>' I'"’ »J - * ■ A -I -i«plr »J «'•’ »-•' Va ' I 'IMI t^ik ’ •» 1 ’ 'V 4r«J '6 ' * i Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson *.1 *>■ i M; I 'i GET '£*4 PUiTK ! SJBGiSH'’ A'.L / tUt CEVi«B'"f -’ / . CO IT' >*'iYr 1 • ' i • Nt! . ‘ A ■ ■ i \ -i !UV - x *• '* TUW tv ’ ’ M * MW 14 ; [X * *«AN* 4 •*« MHV TU£ nA ’ f» A# • • H '•*/ f< k*i V* 'Vi M> ?9S ARTS 1 ENTERTAINMENT ■ m ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT TAMARA LORING HARPSICHORD Worki by lUirh • Couperin • Suwelinrk • Freau-x>iHxldi l riJjy, May 1*1 a* 7:00 p.rn. Donation: $6. St Marys I piscopal C hurch, 16*» I a%t 1.1th Avr, I ugene. NVt iKii«ir«na ACROSS 1 A'VfcJ'.tm 5 Sign o4 * t>4 0 ( hmm on 12 Wh«<« to frnd 13 OSS ft«N.r«*4CW 14 W <»/*)• 1 3 lorn** 10 tinutito cm d#1ru4y 10 S«aprwt o< 20 r-< •"I fw»g 21 Hafclitvio-* 21 AM«m« !ivti 24 (>.n* ui 20 C* h 31 MuMwf 12 < • «•«»* 14 15 I'M If 1« V« • »’« 4 1 ' m < livo* *. ».*« 42 H-■>••.« 1 I1' 4*> ». #*«l 49 i •> 1 ' l MW (>•#*• 52 A/row 53 f u1ur« M bomVGCd ti*« SI K •n»>*tty ■»6 11nd#< 17 Short Kir* DOWN It H fWOlh" *< % 'toj 7 ( .»I % 3 coat 4 o r. 5 !.h#y r* found 44 (>«kvd 6 ‘4,v*n«h 7 Mof%«K kw l V>Uwi ■ o<> •« • Sffiil 4»»d 10 Authnf/ 1 1 Hon 1 7 Swf# o< • 4td '•olki!w-mi *4 mini 1« V ♦<* 77 Maifcrto U( «Ia(wnmh aoW 30 Good 33 » cm Y«x»# Only’ |mov(*) 39 !•»»«*»■ 39 '.I l(M«f l