Oregon Daily MONDAY, APRIL 27. 1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 142 ‘Hate fliers’ distributed in EMU prompt anger jOPS seeks distributors of derogatory publications By Kirsten Lucas'. Emerald Rujx • vr Ih. Office of l’uhlir Safety is imesti gating two rat is! anti fu>tm>!.e\ual fliers that .outraged students and roiiitnuiil.lv members last week, said OI’S Direr tor (atrev Drayton About lt)() copies of the "hate fliers" were found in and around the I Alt' by janitorial staff ami Office of Public Safety officers las! U edtiesday The slogans "Special rights means less rights for whites' No special rights lor dykes’" and Hex lags your life slinks."appealed on the fliers, along with derogatory illustrations of gays and leshl a ns. One of the liters directly targeted Uni versity student Krorida Adair, an Afri can American lesbian In that filer a tie rogatory caricature identifying herself as "K'rornia" < rudely tells of her sexual ori dilation I don't know what the intent v\as, Ait.nr said at a press ( onlererii e I > i lay Hie onlv tiling I feel is anger There's no progress without backlash What this means to me is that I'm doing something right I think they're more afraid ol me than I am of them Adair reported the flier to Ol'S, the f.u gene poln e department and the Eugene Human Rights (loinmission Drayton said an OPS investigation is under way to find whoever made and distributed the fliers If found the person or persons responsible will tie turned over to Student ( undue t tor prosei upon Idlers targeted at speeifii individuals such as tile one at Adair, .ire considered "ollensive and illegal" under the Stu lent ' to HATE • • 3 Women fight unsafe streets jAt Friday march, women reclaim right to walk unafraid By Sherrene Goular! I r era : C • f A procession of about I41M) vocal wom en were safe as they proudlv marched Friday night to encourage uttier women to gel oul of the housi-‘ and into the streets Women yelled. < hanted and dam ed in the streets to ret lalln their tight to he at If to walk unalraiii .it ti i g li t y\ ithoiit a Sn krtalrd Mart, l*age 4 male escort Th e I a k e It at k the Night march began .it Agate Hall where women grahlred signs lit t andles and sang. V\ ■ are gentle, angry women singing lor our lives Speakers inspired She i rnwil be! re !!;• actual march ttegan i wore m v bl.x k leather j.ii ki*t tonight because i w anted I have it I r .till! e'.i ‘-.mi new tv eiet ’■ 1 , dent senator )o Trigtliu turnons utiloi ikers peered through Itieir VV inflows as ! lie women pr< k eedt . 1 .!. i w:; JHth Street bars honked and passershy dapped m support ol the women who chanted. ' Hey ties. Ho Ho, ttie p.itr:. • t?f M f -W" •*' of P:if Riley catches some air on h s Rollcrblados in front of me EMU FlSt'itHMi GO ANNETTE Former Duck-turned teacher Annette Peters wins the 1,500 meter run, on her way j to an Olympics bid. See SPORTS, Page 7 CLAIMING THE PAST University of Chicago Professor George Chauncey Jr. tells how gay men were able to create a place for themselves in turn-of-the century New York City. See PROFESSOR. Page 4 SHOCK ROCK Skinny Puppy's latest album, Last Rites, is about as cute and cuddly as its name. See SKINNY, Page 6 Unofficial sexual assault forms insightful jwith rape underreported, the Un wanted Sexual Behavior Task Force finds a more accurate picture By Carrie Dennett E rrwKaW As so. j'u t.! • ' Seauul A&s«iuit Aw.»f»ness Month I'ilihir\ noli This is pari onr at ; between 1‘ltut and b binary long The lorm asks tpreslions alxiut the date, location ami type ol on idem, involvement ol dlugs or alcohol, rela tionship id the assailant to the survivor, if the incident was also reported olfit tally, anil if the survivor is a sin dent stall or fat ally member, or a nun-student Ini iden's reported from IOHB to I eh 1002 • Sex-u d Harassment VI • • Ah , >e o (some < uses inr ludod sodomy or gang rape) • f’ufii it I'l.lfet ecu y I • Hat, Ha;e 1 • Hale iv.l j,, St X Abase 1 • A juamlani e Rapt- 10 • At juaintance Rape Sodomy 'Sexual Harassment 2 • Sll an.-e; Rape 1 ()l the to incidents tli.it occurred after fall loot). g 1 were oil a ampus .Ml were ou t ampus and eight gave no lot at ion. said Owen Tistadt, office manager tif the tau I ' UNOFFICIAL b a