Ducks’ leading golfer is shooting for the stars By Steve Mims Ernera Ct Contributor When Joff Lyons was la years old tit' had to i honsr between playing go!! 1,1 baseball tie pi( ked golf and neither he nor the Oregon Ducks arr disappointed with tin: choice Lyons, a native ol Antioch, ( alt* has become the top golfer on the Oregon Mju.iil by winning two tournaments and finishing in the top five in lour other tournaments this year The e.mior was recruited tn main col leges after a standout high school i areer ,,t An:lot I-.. High School He helped lead c : > , , ;;; • . J >( , • \ l If t fit If! (1.1 I I t O f lli.l <:fa,»!11!>i ■ ii11 [j with a sixth |>iai tintsli wed w :: . tl rtf , 1 r, h SM \ ear !,\a ms it. as a . , •; •, , tl!;,' ill ■league - ■ In ai ! W as twite named to the all state team 1,vons sigri'1'! with Vri/.onu after high si Hoi.I Inig transferee;'). to San iouguin Delia (lommunit.V Loiloge alter dei 1 mg ;-ami w ,fa; gig lean; -SI V Linm ns signed w it tl l Iregon V w as se, Olid ore the team last ifi-ring w'ith a 74.7.;s fin; died in the top l a at thr• ,■ tmifii.r rhls tall, loons gut oil to a good start when he !,lushed c .r111 in two tuunia menls and tlmd e. another However, that would only he the start to a ->ensa tional spring season Lyons won his lirsl < ollege tournament in March at the Dm k lie led the tuurnamint by only one strokr brad ins into thr final round bui shot a third round t>U to win tbt* ryrnt by tour His nrxl y h tory i aim- at tin' Sinithvsrst Inti-riolli'si-ita rarlirr tins month ,i tvm liiat Lyons i alls tin- highlight o( ills u r.• <• r Ho brat \rk aiisas \i. \ : ■; u an Di'an Pappas lor till' V H lory ! pi.iy.'.i bad thr. last yrar and yvant i'll to do ix'ltrr tills tinu ' i.yoriv s.liil I play i'll thi- 'ma! : on.! With tin- Iridrrs and shot a '() to liiMt Hi’.in " Lynns a! : '.I Iliad-' it a hut In. k this srusolibu ill'll bnishrd s, i . aid at till' \% ■ :'it , i ill's: a la two’ wri'Ss ap.i Hr is siilldbbking lor ins third v i. tory.ul tiir yi-.ii bind ■.■ in S''t it in thr post M'ason i vv.inT t>' w :tl tiir i'r it) i ii-an-pi ai, ship I \ons s.nd It is a high gna'.l. but I iitiyr to; si't niv gilals fugh. they buy to. ill' tol.i’IY ' ! O' h it ' hi li ! i: k ' ' ; ' i V I', i goal i wan! In I"' thr is st •It know-, liiat a good i n ;.t i inld Vault him, into \ 11 \niri . at. - . trillion. .1 soal lir lias haii lot ! w. y • a s His si unrig o'. rr.u;i- tins y As . i i but it Ins only; pout litiisir at; (law in • thrown out , that a\ riagr would tab to 71 <1 jrli tias < arrii'd lis during thr last lour tournumrnls sriuor Matk Aldrir b said "Hr is playing as wi ll as .myorir in tin < ountrv Thu strrnglh of Lyons gamr his short gamr rspitually puttins VVtim talking about Ills wraktlrssrs, jrlf Is i on fidrnt but not i or ky in Ins approai h Jeff Lyons I don't havr am s\ raknrsM's.' l.\ mis s.iiti Sirs to krrp . y rr s !hin,S strong 1 s i his hop'rs- in pi.»s \ hi tin* 1H»A 1 our afterhis ro liege t areer ends. hut in* knows jt wnl be tourji to auakr i! l or a player to join thr tour. In must first p is \r>.0(H) tii atli%n*i iju.this sm; school, ami trum tin ri* lit* has to brush well in three liita n aments be tor r hr i* * t s Ins playing earth Lv nits will next Ic.ul thr 1 )m ks into ai turn tins weekend at tin- i S Intro ollr v'.ia!.* at 1 Vi So Alto, l ahf It i*. a big tourna men! tor thr l)ui ks as thus will compete against \ri/ona Stanloni ami 1 resno Stair. :hr! tin- :-p !* ■ mis .m thr \\ -.1 (oast Jrtl is confident about thr 1 ho ks i ham rs but said, WV have .i great (twin, but Mirin' people rlun't put forth tin; i-f fort Oregon > team perfurmamo is iropor inf Lyons giMils. fur l.v oils to gum postseason awards, ins teani will probably have to i uinpete in the re genial .on! NCAA championships The Dm ks must finish near the lop at tile I’a ( ifu 10 Conference Championships in order to ad v am e further in tlie season Oregon ljuaillied this week lor the !l nai two spots on the st|Uad lor this w eek end s t.uiin.iaieiil Aldrich shot the low est rounds and is i onlident that lie and tie rest ol the leant w d! he ready to play Considering I won earlier in the year, it I put everything together I i an w in again. Altlriih said It there is one team lit tile tournament that thinks they can iieat us it is ArUon.i. but yyr knoyy v\ e i an ileal them V. vs ell as he is playing Lyons ieels Ins game still needs improvement I am not playing as good as I should 1 yon. Saul I am just lolisistent I take my had 'rounds ill stride yyitli the good i iie thought oi Lyons game improving e, ily ha tile rest ol college gull, hut he has 11; i doubts that his golf career is just 1 i .m ai i timplish any thing I have the latent to do that l y ons .aid Hopeful ly I wilt make \Ii \me|ji an this year and tin'll player ol the year next M'usoll (aiine to dunk o! it. I i an tie player ol tin* y ear (Ins season Women’s golf to face tough struggle in strong Pac-10 field By Steve Mims Emerald Contributor Thir Oregon women's goll team will face its toughest cum petition .ill year at the I’aciFu 10 Cunfereni e Championships in Tcmpe, Ari/. . beginning to day The I'ailO is considered In must golf observers to he the toughest women's conference in the countrv l ive teams from the ( onlerern e are inc luded aniong the nation's top 11 teams, with Arizona un lop ol till- polls Oregon head coat h Renee Baumgartner knows how lough the field is .mil set thn Iimin's goals accord Ingl v I think lop live is realism . Baumgartner s.ud It would he a great wav to end the seasi ai The Dui ks. i iirienth ranked •tfith in tlie uiiitrv, ai'- i - lining ot! an impressive showing at I he Oregon Stale Niki Invita ttonal, where their two teams finished hrst ami fourth It.iuni gartner said thr hist leant s stun- in I in' linal iwu rounds was i school record lor lowest tram total over t*> twins Orison will lake south and veteran leadership a long this w eekenit .is tin- 11 v . w s: j ii .id II' hull's t vs o si'Olor s . om1 junior .uni Iwu freshmen Thu two seniors are Heth \! ,01 / • :, I i j.;h Hot ruing, who will hi til he play mg then I uni i ' iilii'ije tease ton t nanienl Homung could quality lor the national championship Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen Weasel’s World Kraig Norris MA.HMJRAO. W X) STAT COHSCiOuS PCB THE OKTEfi ►VNt KXI EVEJ> TWEO lUtviAL OAuGS? AS AN ADULT . I WVE At MCST IVCW1NGLY BK>£N "HE LAWS Of vr COUKTAT \ MiWtK H 0Ut5TK>. V OMT. I THJEE tVf iMHA OKI ftjTIOCUTHHAlf. AND I ONVI'T UM IT ' G«AT. JUSTGKEAT! TOU Vt COST US THE VOTES 'AO' th{9!f*r fob using aw»s. aho ’■*** the l£P kx not EtajotinCi it !! „—. \ with .1 strung show iii).; tills w eeketit! H. in Hi);, i lliii't s.i nl Hurnung needs to shoot "three 77s or better to mK.mi e" to the Nit A A t !|)ioiisht|is liiiimt Sh.muon M.iirr and freshmen Shannon Hare .uni . M * l! si |U .111 Tup • ran to >1 Ari/oti.i Is the la vorite to w in tin i oiilelent e ti tie. am! even Baumgartner i on idles that ' Arizona will proli.i hi walk iw .it with it Ihe U : .ill .its h.i le w i ai as of till M'\ni liuirn.iiiH’iils flu \ rnlrn <1 iIiin \**.ir uni limslud m i mnl in I Hi? olhnr Nri/cm.i has tin* Million's I *»j * jsl.ivm m mlphotnor*- \nmk.i Sorrnslam who finishoil s»*c ond m !.»■.{ vr ir s i■on|t?rt*ni r i h.MiipioMship bc-lorr j;utii}; on I o win ill’ N ( . \. \ U111 fhi* lournamnnt >.;**!s. under i\ this morning ami < onlin through Sunduv .il kurst»*n (.oil ( a Hirst*. l h«* Nil mo roursr \s ! i(■ f i■ N( \ \ ( h.i m j)ion -h i; > • v\ ;:l !.d - (>!.»« - in 1.11 i• M.i\ Engine Service 1(MH) S It.n.lsm Kit *H • I ugfiif (>K 47102 < >nr Mm k north of V\ fill) • Noljn liul I’l.t/.i Spuctuh/ing in Oilman Autos lor 34 Yoots • Mi ‘Hi ■(/('■. • BMW • Volh'.w.njun • 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts 1 Evening Master's Degree MAKKIM.I A\|>! AMRY IHIKM'Y {family psyv hothrr.tpy, sfudtrv hihlk.ll slUiJli-*, brirf f arnil y thrr.ipy ami syslrms approa- h to uhjiim,Iiii^ i him al r» jmtu’Iu**) UiLKUi LLAiJLKbimVOKUVVIil Hr.lining ■ >f leaders fur effec live evangelism and dviunui > hun ti dev eli’(’III m I, using the latest res*iun es .mil proven (net Is sis) • Hoth programs require unr year of course work and .1 thesis or .1 project • Most classes an* held Monday A I hursday evuungs • A limited numt>er of graduate fellowships ($1200 each) is awarded hi qualified students • N( X is regionally acc redited l>v Northwest Association of Schools and ( olleges • Application deadline June 1, l1*1*? I )irn t .ipplu .it ion trkjiiiru's t« > l>r Kuth 1 ijrrnt'Imk. L>ir»*\ tor i>f Cr.Kiuati* Programs. N< < H2S l.>st 11th Avv Futfrix-OR 9744)1 ■r ..ill 14 > 1MI <>r 1 h‘»» v%s 1M1 NCC NORTHWbT CHRISTIAN COU K .F Since 1H4J