Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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1225 ALDER
rook: soft
1122 ALDER
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Men to host home Invitational
By Dnvo Chartjonneau
'.I ()■’,: ' r .! k '■ .1 : > •
'• ' ■ > ! 'A IM \\ i ■ r
ll ImsK * * i« It;-. 11.«! 1 r > f i .1 i .1! H.i\ w.irti iir.S
on S.itur-i.i\
; \ !■ .’.itilrtj < ■ ...il.ir Wili Vr.i! H.|>
U ' .! i • r i ; ,1 ■ ' IM A ’ ' . : ' '
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r im; ■■■■ >::;• i• ‘ hi ,ii Sk-i
• !o Thu f. >Ui !’■ < ; .1 v • J isT.tv '■ ■: iv
in I'hil.ni' jphi i
l.vi-f V 1 h i! (i'll!,;- .■ hi!!; W a ■■1 ;
SI.ili- iri iii imi. I>H!inpi-r
Hull I .f.i \ \ ! .11; i ■-!''; .1:111 S (;.!: ll - i r;; n .rvi
: ■' ' .1 \ ' 'A ■ ■ ► •
i i'.iin invi!,i! a in.n vs ii; S.iliinl.n • on i i
.I 'l‘i !i-.i': 11 i US ! 1IS ! Ill I'!' ,-i\' .1 ;( ilu! \S I ‘: I . !■ \
I .milii-ii 11 !i,i- ili-.l.irsf i- n.rilii-v 'M ill
• ,m<i ; r.K \ Hollister
A •• ! v !. IhOti-mrtcr rel.l\
»• . it M.ivw,ir<i In>ld is Art Nkjp
; . r \\ ■ I • !(;• .\ 111 . 1 H ill the javelin lust
i :11;' i hitii .in lutomutii berth in the
N( VA ( li.miji i ips
K ■ ii; n ■ i i.it: ',\n 1. : ■ •. ■■ i:11>i•!in!_• in tin
' no, 20(i it. I- Km . • also >ik• -.v to run
on .S.iturii.iv M.irro. h.ivbien filling in lor the in
at' .i I An on • i ai \ m t ho ;oo .md 200. somi'tbing
t!.il I ■ 1111; it* ■ r ;■ uni t li.it happv tilioui
VY. A t: 11 :»' It;' ;|I- eXpef If IK I" It! till'
-iUO ; )• it;:.tv . t;.I. ‘ !;.t ii run the 500 .md
. ■! t it....’ ■ ■ » ,\:
If I tin- V.., ii : it!.;: .S’ n ■■(■!
i III' r.'-t lit ft:- if hi in- iif ’ 'A .; i l li.li ■ .-ii ;i)
t o!if).u.itiJ ,inti [mst i oiii’i’i.i'f fthlftf's
iln iiir.'t wiii !i"jti'i ,ii U t() .S.iturd.iV .morning
.md .tin- 'vs i .if: -.1 ifilviii >.\ i . iiof m ,)! -i ! 0 that •
.1111 r in; :• V • ' -I Or- ■. iif irlr-. w .:. ••■■■
I ' tini; in t(.■ ■ • vfiling ssion
Oregon women’s track
at home for invitational
By Ja*e Berg
li in.tv not havr iht glamour
■ ■I I hs \v• • i • kt*? i< I i'l lili Hri.i v *■
I ml lh« ()ng •: i hiV .o.t! will
havr its ‘.haft nt .pialitv alls
Jolt s Saturday
About 1.001) total athletes
will t imp-iit* a! Has vs ini !■ mid
: n vs h.i! ()n*gon vs i >mm •• Irac k
anti field i u.u h 1 om Hemonen
sard is On- program s gift lo lh»*
Irat k "immiiiiU
F v of v Star ! --as 111 a! this IS
our lisa » f - I•; v .; t■ !o No* thwrst
tfa< k and fold ifi'Mi urn
\nd vs ith -1 am- I the names
< \pri |rd lu ( ulliprU’ m ill*
vs i mien'* In-Id Viiurdav the Or
ogi ai S nv ilat iona! vs i! 1 i >< di n ■.>;
ijti .!r a s>-f V it i ! t : laigrfM* If in k
fans Ion
l iifiiii-r Oregon star Paula
Hit i \ vs li i won tin- 1 MO 1
N‘( A A iavr!in i humph aishtp
vs : I! r rturn - Hayward Fir Id
for rnavhr lh« best i ; mpetitu»n
i 11 ihr i vi-lil
Kerry vs ill square id! agamsl
lvs 11 n*.!a a lorni<• r N( A A :u v r,.:.
( hainpinisv, jiil Smith and Ash.
lev Selman Smith vs on the na
t tonal It! if in i MHM W Milo a
id; k Mllsir, Sr||! U! a i r
trni Oregon transfer (rum l SC.
•.v.ih (In l«“>! in thr t uunfrv .1!
! hr Kl'tO N( A As
():■ srlllul K tin Hv.ill.
1 at rent! v the t olIrgintr trader
m,i\ in- m ihr competition, t«k•
Hv.ill i . ■■!!. j u-t. ii ,11 (hr ! ‘run Hr -
lavs I iitirsduv
Anolhi'r highlight of ! 111 ■
Itirr! t tudd hr ID Ihr long jump.
VS ! i r '! ( ) t t g.,: i s t it I a ; rt 1 ord
ti.tiilt : h.! tr U 1 1 gin vs . 1 : gt
against (inland's Kmg.i Ropn.
vs is ■ • I,lift! 1 It! I: lit ihr vs , ; ; i
VV till .! hr-,! I ,| I R. •;
in.tv also hr rnlrrrt! ill ihr KM)
meter dash vvhrrr shi' has run
a personal hest 11 *»f»
in thr distant r events, lor
mrr Oregon stars Rosa (hitler
rr/ and Kan/a (dark should
i ( min trrz will run the
t.OOU and (dark vs ill gu lor a
vs m Ihr 1 .MMl vs hit h shr is
St I mid all (Irrgon s ail time list
vs ill) a tlllir ol 1 (17 S
Thi mrr! vs ii I run ai! of Sat
urtlav . hr g i n n i n g vs lilt tin
,s , •; r; i ■ 10.004) . t! ' i ti) till
full tin !rat it rnl rv rills vs 111
: tkr in during Ihr night srs
si• i wI. irh starts vs 11h tin
ni l, s j.ivcIni at i 10 p m Tin
filial rvrnl Is thr turn's 10,000
at ' ill p in
Put Your Ideas
In Print
I he i 'ii')'/<n n.ul\ ! meruld is now ,u i opting
.ipplu.itioiis fur it- 1W.’up stall Applications
.up hemp ,k 1opted t. >t the following
Managing ! ditor News 1 ditor, Sports l ilitor
i ,i.ip>hu - I ditor 1 nt< rtamment i ilitor
Suppl<'iih'iit I \iiti<r I ligher I (location
Ad mim-ti ati\«■ \-soi iate I ditor Student
AitivitU's i .o\ eminent Associate I'ditor
( omnuimti -\-six late I ilitor 2 sports
reporter- 7 reporters, 8 iopv editors
and 7 photographers
\ pplii ations are available at the
I -morale! front desk, I Ml Suite 31X1.
l’lease submit writing; samples with
applieations. Applications dose
Sp.m., April 27. Note: these are
paid positions. I or more info call
t hris Hlair at t lt*-ssll
Oregon Poll)
Team faces
The Oregon softball learn
will have ,1 good excuse (fits
players are lin'd Monday
Marling with this after
noon v Iripleheader against
non-i onlerenee foe Stanford,
llie Din ks I 1H-2-I overall. .1 ‘I
Pacific-11) Oonferein e) are
scheduled lo plav eight
games in three flays at Howe
field, Including double
head e rs aga msl second -
ranked Arizona Saturday
and No 20 Arizona State
The whole thing gets un
der way today at Howe
f ield, with the first game ol
the tripleheader siheduled
loi 1JO ji m The -.tart time
is two hours earlier than
what's listed on the sched
ule to accommodate the ex
tra game
On Saturday the Ducks
start with an 11 a m double
header against the Wildcats
[-1H--1 and 11-1). followed by
a thud game against Stan
Sunday features a more
conventional doubleheader
against Arizona State (25-19
and 5-7) also starting at
1 1 00 a m
~ .v. .V.WW.
South Eugene
* Sports Injuries
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Dr. Frank F. Muhr
396 E. I8th St.
683*9070 ,*i
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