SPORTS Quarterback race down to three By Doug Carter • "vm d C, : cor Spring in,irks thr mmsoii for rebirth, now beginnings ,imi a fresh start It couldn't have come sooner for the Oregon football team a squad ready to put behind the memories of a disappointing Ml season in 1*101 and lot us its full attention toward tins till l or nearly a month now Die k bead Coai h Ru b Hr,ink has been putting bis teanr through a series ol work.,;' and drills Hi an effort to eel firm understanding ol what Will lias e to VV of k W I'ill i September Brooks hopes to have an ev en better insight of bis team's m gredienls when spring pra ' a i oneludes this Saturday With the annual .intrasquad game i! noon in Aut/en Stadium The burning question on ev ervlioiIv s mind is Who wilt lie calling the signals when the Ducks' season opens on Sept A against Hawaii at Aut/en? Although tin1 coaches base gone through the prix ess ot es tablishing a hierari In at the quarterback, position Ill's called the depth-chart), no offic lal de t ision has been made as to who will take the first ( enter snap III 1 ')*IJ lor (fregoii A lot depends on perforin *A lot depends on performances during the spring game as far as making decisions or reinforcing prior decisions.' Mike Beliotti offensive coerJ ani i .hiring the spring game a ,i it a-. iking .ifi;iif rein forying .prior dot tsions, 'said Mik. Hi'Hotte !hed)tu ks I>!!■ rI . iv . i ■ rd :: i.i'. >r ' W. hi' . niakf i i|. •. iMon alter Satur day \\ i! h the i• v i ill s 1 I! ret I Salisbury, tin- list n! viable i an tin!.ill's lias lifon trimmed to three junior 1 )oi,.; Musgr.aie and sophomores I lariny t) Nril and kv ill t irowston ( )| tilr thri t unis ( ! : has startfd limn' than uni' game lot tin- Ducks m his iareer Mr ssas Oregon's Nu 1 man lor tin- lirst I is,' games id llHH helote being lost !ur the season svith ■ dislu rated thumb l ie injury has had ample tune to heal, and ()'Net' laid-, hiinsell in a tandllar position this spring, a! the top ut the deptl: i ! i a r i with Mu as e and ( rowstim. gunning lor Ins |oh Musgr.ive. i urrentlv listed .1! \n surted .ig.nnst W.ishmg tun List yt'.ir .1 respei ! . 11;I«• showing .tg.nnst the n.i turn's Nu 1 defense before In’ mg injured on tin- Dm ks List offensive pLi\ of tin' first h.ilf Ills season rmli'il whim he broke .1 finger trying to t.n Lie .1 defender following nn inter* t*|> twin 1 ruwston, the No t quarter Imi I. 1 omplelrd nmi’ ul his IS .ittrnipls 111 Ins 011I1 sl.irt List year agaiiisiM.mtort) hut unable to gUide tin' offense into the end /one ■A )y ei ,11 i Tie! ii it 11 likes vs ! ■ a V he s seen it tile position tills spring : think tiles re phlVjng he! ter tit,tn List spring, llellolti lid We ye more sill . .. moving Ihedi.ill .irnl gettlns; first downs .ig.iiris! our delense th.m .ins' other spring sim e I ye been here . mirth 011 tlie Dm ks • iepth 1 i 1 . walk 1 ■ < est Milhs .1 Ire s h 111 .111 trom Arroyo (Ir.inde, ( .1I1! Mthough his ti l,.o! 1. .! JO pound t Mine IS the hlg>'.est 11 the 1 . Ultetlders. Hit's per letll e VV li I lie 1st ; lively keep him trom getting .pnility mm utes this hill l! nisi .1 m.ittei ol gelling him the opportunities, [teliotti Forget the NBA — it’s trout season By Jayson Jacoby Emeraid Sports Rep There is m I 'aTV a tier of the state, regardless ol the tv| : ally rotten opening day weather Sure many a ;II bring along a portable ratlin or television, hut at must lor this one day the number ol hsh in tie fieri will he more important then how many points Clyde Drexier si ores Thanks to Oregon's warm winter all those eng if rs will have a wide; array ol i him i s than Usual For .-sample i >i.i;,■ i iih! Lain . i 'ii* ol tin -.t.ilf •, ■ ., .H;i :i.-.i: las- 11■ i '■ Koseimrg. hit*, hi i n hi- tree loi some tune Anil , . . ! ■ .!. i ' vill trig :.11 • • I .pemng day llsiling opp Mututil'-. (It i mil you ti i «(i'( ti.iiii- I.. go In So finii li-ih. it ri -: v « - i nut 1'. , utter good angling. .mi! nearby rt • -tv-ars mu h e. .1 i: 1.; ! e . ill W ell I" I ! I • > M e vvitti i nil liable trout Don't ruin your expel ii m e by ! u gelling [u I my I 1:..• : ml ill' ll r> ■ .1 ; ' ► ■ ' bum .1 game warden Licenses .ire available at most lot al sporl.s ami ret real ion More-. The I os I jt if a one year 111 e use Si i "> lor (): 1-ei.n residents mei ill. and V. 'S I'll i I 1 ’ year olds I: al .o a go d idea !i> [Hr ► up a py •! lie 1 Uo.: 1,-di me res: , 1 e , a. , a mu I.. - I. rile-, mi closures They're available al any store sidling Ii i erises **************A* lilt BakAi 1m t • K " l » ' ’ ■> v ' <>i < ^ • 1 i .r ,;v, >•.,-• 'r ■i ^ 1 ■ l r j: tl;k» t -if* ‘ - 1 ^ ' V.' \V.V >► J >■ >¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥# a sale! ^ | J 20% off & | anything! >» a <• m nuking r>' nn I*»f n«-\\ J.*il\ .if f i . i *■> i r - * >pr»fu’ and Mimrtnr ■ in* in in*w .iik| i.ik SI A $ ft .iMittr urm 30% oil rMi 2 a S ■;W_yan Tree » ••ft :. V,» C? V, w FOREIGN STUDENTS: Don’t go back home until you read this ad. When you rrx/.w back to your h<*r*» country chances are you 11 need appliances that work on 220 vofl. SO cycle cur runt And rf fAJ war* to get the best quality. the b*»£J selection and the bast price tfien you should buy them right here m tf*» US it Ans E Kpo/1 Company Wo have everything you II need including refrigerators. washers dryers. 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