Jf Wl I HY m SIGN STUDIO 1502 Willamette St MU 2298 Megula' Busmctv, Mou'i tuff, I ' 9am 1pm ?pm f>pr Sat 10am -'.pm J I-1 | Minor Tune-up | I «* $19.95! i I (fUg t?&) I I_I I-1 | Major Tune-up | I „ $39.95! ■ I <«•« $45) 1 I_I CYCLZ-ai REPAIRS S CYCLES 1340 Willamette 687-0288 Scholarships Fellowships Grants. Loans. Scholarships. Fellowships. Grants MONEY FOR COLLEGE & GRAD SCHOOL The Nri irl to finding money Is knowing inhere .mil loi u>huf lo apply Om database mate hrs Inlor Mi llion supplied by students with <|iiallli< allons and i et|u11ements from over tens of thousands ol financial aid sources representing private sources. Instil tiles, r in |M>t at Ions. Individuals asso< lotions. special In tel e st groups, medical firms. 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Close to Campus UNIVERSITY Grateful Dead concert in doubt By Pal Maiach t r**>M rj v.r ■> ;' . ■ : • The Lane Count V Hoard ■ it <.<)minissioners un.trurtmusly deeided Thursday night not to imivc up the dale it is to decide on .1 mass gathering permit suh mi tied In- sponsors of a sum on r t.r.iteful Dead concert in Venela ■Concert organizers hud re tjuesled the board move itie hearing date from May .’() to May i> so thev n old 1 lied ,i definite performani.< dov ter the Dead before I lie hand f»Hiked lor the summer hit he■ e\ one of !hose ia e.inizing the summer event, said he | s OOVS ' I. ept : i |f|i I or» ert vs II happen We wanted itic harul here on Auk 2k'.' ki" > \ said Hu! lh.it has Iih nine impossible Commissioner jack Roberts said th<‘ blame fur thi* late deci sion dale rests with the concert organizers who had asked fur several delays throughout tin process Concert organizers first sub milted a land use permit on Jan 11 Alter two delays were requested by the applicants, they i hanged their applii aliort from a land-use permit to a in a ss - gad her i tig permit on Man h Hi I.and-usr permits are granted by the county hearings offii ioI M.iss gathering permits are dir fated by - the stale I think the delays to date hay ' hei n caused'by tile .qipli cants and not by us." Roberts saiit If the application submit ted in Januarv had been the correct one. a gathering appli cation and not a land-use one. this would all be a moot point Roberts also said that because the board has vet to be present ed with a definite date for a deadline to schedule the con cert. there was no compelling reason to move the hearing date ( ommtssinner Siva ton l-'ra zier also ’opposed moving up the hearing dale saving the re sponsihilitA lor a (iitie.lv appli t at ion is the applicants' Roberts aiso expressed ton t et tt that mm mg up the det i Turn to DEAD Page 12 FOUNDRY Continued from Page 1 c hiiw ts tli.it it is•i'. >!' ad and li«i I.ir noli*’ In tiring it li.ii V. But H«ilman. undaunted hv skepltt v set out In liu just th.it i us! hi- ssi-nt tu I itu and Ap plied Arts Assm i.itr Prolessor I..111r■ i Alprrl vsilh tin- nii-.i ol rrlurhtshinp thr? building's en i loser) portion Holm,in pul tin pouilif,id ss ith ills plans and l« pan to tli-.in up si sirs of llituis awnys Hr started In puttinp tin buildings interim and buildmp walls to i rralr 111 r i • i si pa run studios Holman s dr is r and :■ rtu. nut ion, and u it un.i Ir I s i,, s , suits, impressed people 111 the r iph t j 11,., i -* ■ \ ; [f f 1 bill,,pill till* Slhools drall to see tbr projei t, hr pledged S'ltK) In an tlir depart men! to re furbish more oi the buildmp has h piete he did. hr did is , : -.aid \fi li 11' lun >: 1 Allied Alt' Assim late 1), an ! )■ ; Pitt nip. and so pet,pi, p nm ! confidence m him lb- went through the c.hain ol command a!,d asked till I j \ II it Ho 1 III a II used I » ■ I and ask, d All!;, .rh be s.od tal I i. j ir uses till tile !' i . i at . add Up to ;tis! S ! ,000 riels I pc it r. \ .is i o u n I e d , Id in a nage lu /r i hull', murr from someone Holman said Mi : .d i!ji• materials .md l,i I' vs ■ : ' i!li!uilr;i With tin h' Ip l.i 'll Si*.irt'h v\ ho 111.on 'ii!'. ! In AAA - Notthsight. Holm.in m rounged .md scraped n. ilm i lls from .id over < .impus The pair got imii ti of tin* need rd mal'.-rials from tin* I'mversi ! V Phv su aI Plant vv lot Ii t fir i said v\ as very cooperative in t hr effort U O' fieri* l .. . is! ill anV p 1A iv.iv wi an. said Jer tv Hi i ; * y o! tlic I’liVMi a I Plan! I w..*. i leaning out the storage , i : * ivlii'i : Sr.i n h and . 1 ' i d !. I ma'eii.lls Pd rather see things : :.;:. i , v i ■; i d over vs ;ll. N< vs materials on; e meant let landf 1 ils are being put to use it. da 1..'. ! a nltig tin lidrv that Will also he the t reatise en r lave*, for Holman and two oth er *• .. ; !■ ts Petmg he i.iNse .it t lie IJ1. i f ash lolled . p.i!iis:.ikmg i ,inslrui !ion meth ods used on the* building, esti mating its worth is difficult Hut lie put the figure at s ’5.00o 1 Your free l' of O 1^2 summe! S^ion Bulletin i- non reaJ\ Drop by Oregon Hall to pick one up And read all about it University of Oregon 1*W2 Summer Session June 22-August 14 Advertise .,,0,.. Emerald to Si00.000 Holman also received help i r i 'in olhi-r .1 r< hill*t 1 u re .mil lllpturr ‘.Illllrllt'S will! Ill'l allle interested in the idea Hu I lor all iho help and volunteers in voived wild tin: renovation. Si an h said Holman slid reigns supreme in his dedication to dii' InnIdlng. Ma< spent manv hours on this." Searc h said "1 would i ome in al 7 ill in the morning and Mar would already he in u or sing because ol his involvement with the continually growing p i" a a I Holman was fori ed to do ip one class winter term and lake an Incomplete in another Holman estimated hi’ has spent a! leas! <)00 volunteer lubol hours on the prujet ! I really buried myself in (the renovation)," he said I cut ev ei vthmg else d. w n to a mini mum Feting s.nil was Holman's i onfidem e and ability to sum tu e that enabled him to act uni p hsli the task Willie te s doing all tills ■.till his ai tuul 'e hoolw ork has deteriorated. Feting said Mai s a very unique, very spe i oil kind of student There will be a bronze pour mg til dedlt ate the i ompleted building today from I it) to It .to p m at the foundr v MEN'S ON.. V HAIRCUTS c V* *-.' i u V M Sa! ' f DUCK TAILS SALON *4 • Hr ( MU Me* 5 ■:Y - ov •V r<,» t HCT‘V' f APKII *24 *2? 29 30 MAY I ‘2 . ft 00 I* M I Mam Ihrairc l am fu>\ o» t k t 726 2 20 2 I’t-rfnriiiin^ \ri> ih ji,irimrni I.AM