IUZIW3;Hhi,l Student group relishes the past n ny lan oamp !i when w,liking past the east i.ivvn of the iAlt tomorrow morning, vou happen upon something lh.il r Women will T.iki■ It.uk the Ni>;hl tonight .is thrv light can tiles, t hunt and man h unafraid through traditionally unsafe areas of campus In recognition of Sexual As sault Awareness Month, several campus and community organi /.utions are 1:0 sponsoring a speak-out, rally and march The events illuminate the theme ol women joining together to com hat violence and crime The march will begin at (Ion don School at It p m "lake Hack the Night is a chance lor women to reclaim their rights and empower e.u h other." said Lisa Alhru h. no-di rector of ASt'O Womens Ke sources and Referrals "It should lie a woman's right to he utile to walk anywhere when ever she wants to w ithout lining afraid Albric h said she hopes tli.it th<- march will make students aware u( the real fears th.lt women lac e The Sexual \ss.ullt Servk.es ol I.ane ( ounlv re. elves about 1(H) (alls per month from as sault vie bins Most (alls ( ome III an worn en ages It. J i s.uii Krill ( ail her. assistant d I r ei t o r o I S A S S I'liis annual mart h al lows women to Imd strength in numbers and draw support from ear h other Men \ga I list Rape will be holding their own Speak out at Condon Si bool, room 121! Beiause o! the sensitivity that some women need to feel in order to speak out about their e \ per lerii e s . se part)! e Speak anils lor mi'll and women w ill be held." < oilier said Take liai k the Night has its roots m a l‘)7ll man h in San Franc isi o where >.(HKt women Claiming the Past/Creating the Present New Lesbian and Gay Scholarship _ <\>'i 7\' V' I riiluv, \j>ril 24 I,os Mins Sursisui Siralfcirs in ihr I arts Jlnh t rnlurs (.rnl|Jr ( hjUrtirl. Il * ■ I dllm "I i{I m 11 ’ii i ni. i jn i hii< % Stilus fit amt \handonrd: I tshian ( utlural Crastnr Sin I llrn I .is*-, juthnr of / - ’ Ml 1:211 p in I "> I .i" n in i "tjuttr I iff and Sofia/ I hi!nft Ml.,,, liirulii .itilhnr ni ' h. /■ II Hu’ It: II 1 . Will l-i ' Ml M INI p.m I (NI u illumrlli Social Mom 9 00 lOOOp m Wdarrsette Atnuns honoring rno umvers.ly o! Oregon Counseling Center for outstanding service to the gat •>’ - esbton student communifv Saturday, April 2> A nowltdfff t'ou/r, and Hahlus I hi Krlationship and Impact of I csbutn and has Sfhalarship an Social Uosrmrn: and I’olnu al ( hanur Krrubr. < jw, and < hjnniri jninnl In K.11111 llai;i dm n 1 .i .'cnc s Lesbian ( horai jfnnjp Vei 10 M) 1 2:00 177 I jHfrm« (ur Information i*0 Mf» 2'")* __ | RIGHI ON fARMT! ^ Emerald CALL OUR AD DEPT. 346-3712 mii i i’i iifil in i losing liiiwn a purnt)>;r»(iliv strip fur a night Atxmt ‘>(1(1 women in- ivpii I ltd Id participate m Fridav s at tin ties fautUty WORLD TOUR l»*2-93 irrmrrF ✓ JUNE 9, 8:00 PM HULT CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS $18 50 RESFRVED Sf A1INC. riCKf T5 AVAIlABll AT All HUl T CIBTIB OUTllTS OB CHABCl BY PHOHf AT6B7 5000 I'lKHM H I i» AifiNK* MWOUC MO«‘i ■ i w j Him Check out the Erne raid's new Entertainment guide TODAY! J < D Z Z < 0 Z (N The UO Microc omputer Support Center presents APPLE ♦ CAERE ♦ CLARIS ♦ DELL ♦ IBM ♦ LOTUS MACROMEDIA ♦ MICROSOFT ♦ NeXT ♦ SUN ♦ SUPRA TSI ♦ WORDPERFECT ♦ AND OTHERS Thursday, April 30,1992 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Fir Room, EMU Presentations ♦ Product Exhibits COMING ♦ Prizes ♦Vendor Representatives SOON