Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page i
hi; is proud to lx- tlir first Asiun Aniorii un to preside over the
Fore said sin1 feels Unit i ompetem e about him to deal is itfi non
ji.irtls.in Issih's won them the most votes
"At first, it seemed hki- .1 surfin'' campaign lint in tin* end. stu
dunts drived into tiir issues tli.it are pertinent to lie l ruversitv ns a
whole like i.impus safety and Measure r>,"shi‘ said
’ Tills year was unusual in the sense Ilia! the whole i ampnign
was ufwiul w ho s an insider and wile's an outsider Lee said
Ferguson alluded to the dichotomy in her r omments
■ | would say that students who traditionally sole, \• >t< within
their i ircle." she said We were running from the outside and de
leal) Is what we totpe< led
1‘haris. who along with his running mate Donald Morgan prm id
ed a cotnndii pressure valve throughout the campaign, said he was
glad Lee and l ore won
I m a lot happier that they won than if Don and Holly. Dan, or
even i won In i ause I don't know what I'm doing he said
Pharis commented on the election results from his sickbed
Thursday night, where he is "sufferingfrom dlie s due to the rigor
ol the i ampuign trail
' I think students at I" ol O h.ivi reTeived. our messwg. and
hi.ill blah til.ill Is this an inters .■ w
I’ll |||| ( mi Id not lie real lied fur i or lime lit i h dry lay t. ,;ht
Voter turnout was even lower lit.in last year, when l*t o peri mil
oi the tudeiil hods voted Only bl ! pen ui! nl 11h• student fiodv
. i. students voted in till', week s primary eiei lion
The low t urtUXlt.disturbed Ihi ' m hdules
'The will tie one (>| tie luggi ‘-t ' n- til 1 tie \vn t) wu. taki
oil (lest veal Lee said tillf liuiut.er one priority Wlii tx' to iilid
wavs to i in*, i - tie gap belvvet n - 1 . • I. : g gsriu ' nl at d ’ n ■ s! u < L ' ’
body at large
Thursday night's results are unoihi lal In I ause absentee ballots
ale still expel led I'.lei t ions t a a it i i; rot lor John ( ex id man said ti wet
than Ml are ex pei h d Absentee ha iiots ( on Id all' I lai . . other than
the executive
KunoK lor lour li t one year ' .Is. two IA1L board seals oiu
stud- nl senate seal, as well as lust time voting oil ballot measure
w 111 taIs j i lai . n xt Wednesday and I i; ,: da V
Continued from Page t
first-hand of the horror of the Shoah
Shoah Week is sponsored in an effort to combat ignorance
and give people? a deeper understanding of the realities of the
Holocaust Shoah is Hebrew for the extermination of the Jews
in Kurope. and the week is recognized both locally anti
internationally as a time to remember the Jews killed in the
The important.)' of Sho.ih Week is to heighten awareness
to make sun- we remember, so that mass killings never hap
pen again, not to anyone, ’ saui Andy Waxman. JSl member
The series of events will educate through films and let:
lures hut also, for the hrst time, through a German and Jewish
student (list ussmn panel
'The panel wiil discuss how tndav s generations can deal
with i•.« h other to reach mutual understanding." I-u( kermari
All of the events an free and open to the public I or more
information, call the Jewish Student moil. .)!>»>
livents are as follows
• Sunday f rit/ Hershberger will Speak al -! H) p 111 in the
1A1I' Ben Linder Room
• Mondav I'he films Genor fc/e and Uamisee ( 'nnfrrrni e
will be shown at 1 p rn in tin- I All Ben Linder Room
• Tui-sd.iv The film / .ii ing Hair w ill !»■ shown at 1 pm in
tIn' LMt ( odar Room A
• i uesd.iv Hi rnard t Iff on will speak at 7 p m In the I.Ml
t .uiimixxi Room
• \\ i ilursd.iv (ii rni.oi arid jew; c student discussion pan
el. on the r rmtempor.il\ relationship of Germans and Jews,
will I" . i! 1 p rn in I AH ‘ ( edar Room A
• Thuisday An! semitisin in the loriner Soviet Union will
h<- th<- topic of a let lure by Soviet Jewish University student
Alex antler k li.u bin at ! p m in I AU' Cedar Room A
• 1tmI.iv . Mas 1 Journev Through Poland, a slide presenta
tion hv Jonah Boukstein on his recent experient es. will be
shown at 1 p m in the I All Ben Linder Room
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The University's Holocaust memorial remembering the
extermination of over 6 million Jews only 50 years ago.
s 1. I
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Mrroorul pnotr wtiky ^om HtJuwib
' Rl p m I<i»p*r Brill Isnrt
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\nti Vmitism in Ihr fornrr V»irt l nun \ r.;.rc S S • -
k*» UuMr k i"" ii .r.j .ix Oi* j :v l " *r' '> ‘
I 08 p.m I cdir Room k. k Ml
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Juurnn Ihrougfe Potind \ -iiJr prcvr: o
1 00 p.m Krn l mdrr Room, t Ml
\i r» is .*» • t i - i , 4?
New ana U •'(! RecO’ )■ Tape', and CD
L7: “Bricks are Heavy"
BEAST1E BOYS: Check your Head''
258 E. 13th 342-7975
At die direction of the Board, the search lor the l'J92^t editor in
chiel 1 the < >tc>vn Dails Emerald has been extended Applications
and job dew upturns ore as ailahlc tn RiKim UK). I MU, and w ill br
ace epted through April 2K, l‘«2. or until the position is filled Die
Board ul Directors will begin reviewing appltcalums and scheduling
interviews un Apnl 2')
Applicants must he in good academic standing and must meet
enrollment requirements described ui tlic job description Term of
office is June I‘W2, through June 7. 1<WJ. however the board will
accept applications from candidates who are unavailable during die
summer term and wish to he considered for the academic year
September. I1*1)’ dirough June. 1‘bM Ihis is a [said position
Hie Oregon Daily Emerald is published by a non profit corporation
which operates independently of the University Ihe primary purpose
ot the ODE. is to provide education and training for students in all
asjsect.s of newspaper operation by serving a campus audience with
news, editorial and advertising content Ihe Editor of the ODE. who
reports to a ten person volunteer Board of Directors, has responsibility
for all editorial ojvrations and all editorial content of the newspaper
lhe Oregon I hills I meiaKI is an 1 cjual (>pputunits Employer and
is working tow ord a more culturally diverse workplace
Oregon Doily £/lT10I*Hl(l