I LETTERS New name Mai ling .i p.i k ag. I iv mi! .1 hook. ..f nI.ii: i • it tin i iimptis brum h ul the S Post Offl i- i hamlet! tin' : Ii>tk i S10 bill .1 mi ■'.mi \ tui ! .i i:k■ sonv quarters please \\ r dun t gi\ , : ..Kgo.' : • s.ild, ! mean ! w• i:•! jti.itt ’s V\ it!; mv change, i said 'Only if .it (min's out lh.it Will ill' s.llii Am! tills gov ■ run • ■ ' igrm y is tin- post.ii srrv it i- . in' i .ini ptis brant h siio.il.i hr renamed the Postal Ihssrrvic f Suo Bright Journalism Banner As i was lr.iv mg the I A! i yesterday. I saw lor thr lost linn thr banner advertising summer school (.lasses at tin Urn versit v. strung up across 1 a lit Street Thr banner is di.ii.ve in stark black ami white it is eitei live 111 Its omission of i oi or ami variety Oi tile eleven decorative faces, I counted two with ieml nine characteristics 1 counted /no with non Anglo t lunar ti i istu s hr on) this 1 dedui ed that su m mer school here otters courses in high minded class! cal si holarship v\ ilii a token tip oi tin hat to those pioneers ot the women's rights movement Such bountifuI diversity' Melissa Stahlecker English Just do it I m tn total .igrn'inmil vs itli Ron Schliltler\ i omme niarv II H>h, Apr d H) i ailing i ii i’r• III rill M v ltv> It I .1!. I j ill I I k '■ I forthiight sliinii against 111 •• ()( A s anil ■ In hi. m-\ ia; rights initiatives I believe this is vi'l anothrr (use of Brand s at In ns (ur Inactions in this case) speaking louder than his words KINKO'S More Then Greet Copies • KrjMiri Binding • IBM and Mat Rmuh • Imfdilt l'a\\jx>rt Wiotns • Nr it Ujv I ypm< sa ( % »» r ■ f j\t Sril Srf \t < tipd r *\ilh Auto f rrd • Nr if Dav Hrsunn-s. ■ NrU Das I'.imim -.s < ari! ■ Looking tor a good deaP Check the Emerald ADS As Si hllt'ii’F ni,lj)t!\ pointed . in his 41r':i ii- tin- jMiirrvti.il thn-.it to at .idemn freedom this fi.iit !.ii imti.im■' ji(iM-> it>r nor sin!'- s instil u I urns of higher learning are obv intis As .1 Mipjnirter . ! tin " nit i . sit v; and i las p-aA ihg i liven i ■" urg. i : 'k strong stand on this threatening is ver\ soon George Link Springfield Revolution ' lion spot nil. ;l hr iti tr.n ii i Ui'inorriH A (April lr>j -vs'.is enough to put .inv vulrr into i liirji (Icprrssn wi i iit ■ ih.-p! h . ..I the moi.iss is .lirnosf iiH'oiuriv ahir. tin- 'light i il.ilhs o! Itinnrv ,ll: 1 gri r I ii lihrc: : ka’i ■ : md t ”!m - u opi r. is.t * \ If. inn « r. 11 . i < 'Id 11 i,; li.is ;• tn-i unit- rnijtlv suiil I-. .imi tin- \ oteis iirtf.i\.■ t t >nlv ii ri". -I itioi. . in s.ii r tili-> i o.v nl: v W ill u ; is stl : .; rmnigh to i h.ijn.v .Ir.islir.iII\. -s .. ii ’.\ * - .. hM. o :. I i .. t. : * i into' ihr s.ili-ts < i!' I hr status . jt.O I \ ■ ' go tl ■ 'It gulll/.r 4llil gilt Ml.hi .is hell, then (house a govemmenl that U( 11 k s Hilde K Cherry Eugene Mainstream? Till* (M \ 'ifisj iK .ipoluy-isls : .in t gc*t .iWtiv vn. 11ihr .ism ir 1 :: ! h i: : :;! V \ ' ■ . . . ! : IK •- V . : , ■ v.<- tfs ,lg ' U as 1 ■ ■ i ! •*. i w a v i * of an ! i ■ s.; ,i\ \ i ,Ir .. ami tin1 slatr !tu Hill !In; In : • lit I : 1: r 1 >1 i i1 I 'i!.. a s|umili'ii In !h s • \ ■ \ - V hv a ■! !. \ . v. ’: , !,v: ran : to . 1 . , (•a! itii-ii (a ;irii!ia t iai! Jraii) hah i nmi'» . f h»’' (H \ i:;! i p i V .imf'mimciil is .!• ipm a, and in l.-ndrd la inrtli:m tilts pi.'ha turn (X Vs t Mi! : ■ ’ in:;inida!ion .in..i :i n as aih - ' ” : as i ■..' .1 I ' ' • ■ ' : .ha lei! .it 'i tn a! i s i Hijlk'r til public It . • i .1 \ o! *'i. sal (itiliin .liinii • ■ I : I I • V1 hjaa nil Kighls t ;nnfmlirr .111 ':11 ■ r; /.-.I • \ It V . • 'i ■ ■ IT dr si flts-s h it- I ! I!n;.s jllltMl: is'oi .1 . a a s j . S : ' , jirm.il ol v tii'h.n tor, ” Th i; i 1 f) 1 1 ■ \ ia-' K Ia n a . ; i a,.. . ,;i it!, s. ■ an IS Sil)l|ll\ .JriTiti !ili i i| s|li I all Vs nisi:, am roliijn -as li-.iili'ts i in 1 n cl i lit; ()r in;, in's ( atho! n His imps .in. | tin- • 1 . • i i >! ! )i r is tors o! i!i uiin n i ! V i;: ,s! •.. •. , ,| (In-gun Iiav i1 i xpn ■, .1 slniiis opposition la (K A s anti gav aitnTullni'iil In all thi \ t its I all e nil ml S u nd.ii Si it. .>i i don I riTinTiiina a siiu;i<- if. m lisat hmg llial jit• <>jj!i si..add in ju-rsci 111 I'd I us! Is i is. I ill- v aif dilfiTi'n! Jolt M Phillips Eugone ROLLER BLADE RENTALS 2 HRS 4 HRS ALL DAY S^QQ $0QQ $100° NDERSONS Sf=>oci t irjcj uaouii IALCM Al ClAfNJV COPVALLIS mm Ml 199 W. 8th Eugene • 484-7344 HAD ENOUGH? See us at the Recall Governor Barbara Roberts Booth at the EMU Courtyard IODAY 9am-3pm I’iiui forjn.t juthortzsJ I’V thf lhA V !ub 4rUI SVV Hurst M Alvrlli- ( >,rk i'R i And the competitive edge you need in advertising sales with the Oregon Daily Emerald. I.rt s I, ii e 11 Si ii ml ii l if. .1 i uMl'ilr (If’L' l if ss 11 h .1 jmod ( II' A i'. in ii alss . iys (-iiuii^t 1 In l,i n I I hr i'll Nun wan! 1 ij*|i 1 nut iil sc 111 x 11 l iKlav's emplovei s me looking Ini applu anls uni 1 nils with | -h rxpi't ii'iii e Ini! I he time munui'einenl ■.kills il take • t ■) hi 'Ii I ilnWII a irspi msll ilc sales pi isil mu an l a lull I > n I ■ 'I ( lasses l he ( >i eis 111 I >ails I a i le 1 ah I • 11 isplas ai Is ei I ism^ (lepa 111 ltd ll Is 111 i\s, limny Ini sales positions All lilteieslr d students should pic k up ail applli attnil a in I )oh dcsi 1 1 pt to 11 ill Room K > I Ml 1 tr.h I a sc as I ’ll t • |oh entails all aspec Is ol ads el t i-.u 11’ .ale . pin. e\posuie to design, piodui lion and business .kills (',ain \ ah 1 a hie leal w< ii Id e\ pel lence by ss 01 k inti '>1 the Idth lamest 11101 iiiiil; ness spapei m ( >1 ei'.‘>11 ( losIni’ date Ap 1 11 27111 at h p in I hr 1 .11 I hull) I I l >1 ()rc^on Daily Emerald THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON