rmOFFTNYTHiNG! I t I I f I L AT L IN THE STORE Regular or tale Price POSTERS CD'S CLOTHING 57 W Broadway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall SHOES CARDS GIFTS i mm Sm J Sunday and Monday Special ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT ^ SPAGHETTI S ALL DAY FSOM 1tcO*1 to Guido's 13 “ and Alder 82/55 RfBBfl 7 hr nm v idro pokrr nm ( hinrs (Jar Irftf arv drawn# i nm i/\ m/i) (iuida's. iru hid inx / u#rnr n'\idrntJcJf l.'.rtk (Irftl. k ft<> i\ niak in# uv* 7/>/• lfui( ft \rn\lti\ r \i rvvn Ston by Liyw l.dkdfish With the deposit nf a ono-dol l.ir bill, it 's ull ,iihI running Four credits pop up Thu cards art* dealt The bets arc placed And the two opposing forces con sumer and computer fight for the luck of the draw (lone are tables full of gam blers and colored chips the kind that trade in for ( ash and cheaters Now it's just the com puter, the lone gambler and the touch-sensitive si reen that sepa rates the two Fuller the new world ol video poker With (tregon's ]<)«<) and 1‘i‘H legislative decisions to make the 111,11 limes legal in over-21 estab lishments, video poker has trans formed gambling into a video gamesipie pastime a pastime that hit F.ugene three weeks ago astrut ksdelivered five mat tunes to(iuiif i s, HOI H ! till Ave , and five machines to (loud limes. !7ri F. Se\ filth As e We g, t the iii.ii tunes a few weeks ago, and tin1 response has liven grv.it," said Mary (aster. ,i managvr .il (it tod limes ’Now, With thv m.u bin vs hvrv, people ,irv sitting down for a li.ilt hour longvr that they would haw Mvrv's how it works Players must msvrt mu' dollar to jilav. and they arv instantly gjyvn four rrvdits (onv crvdit per quarter) To dual thv i arils, plat v hvts and play thv rvmaindvr of thv pokvr hand, users nwd onh to tom fi appropriate boxes on thv si rwn Bets arv plat ed in the form of credits, and credits are earned b\ getting certain hands such as pairs, Hushes and full houses At the end, then, users will hear the t hink, chink, i funk of quarters dropping out of the ma chine if they have credits left when the game is ov er Plain and simple And it just might make you nt h We s e flail a i i tuple S tUO wins, Caster said I was here fori me . if them, and I w as k uni o! like You won? Say what " 1 h id to look a! Ins i ash t h k >'t a , mpl. ''f limes just in belies r it (Jet rn h ’ M iyI«• (Ini ik ■■ Maybe 11 lin k is iin \ nur sni• •, y mi just might li'.n i* with an extra $btM) (Inil.irs iii viuir wallet It Iiii k isn't mi vmir side yuu II leave with nothing \nd if .1 Ini of hn k is i in y (111 r side, inn'll leave with Something III between And the odds'’ The t fregon Li ilten h.is distributed IT ver sums id the dr.iw poker in.1 i limes, and the odds ul winning range from t in 2 Pi tu I in t lb It it sounds templing, you're not alone We primarily get the i iillege group in here, both men and women, and we see a lot ot the same fat ex." said Keith Harrows, llie day time manager at ( hudo’s A lot ot the same people t nine in and plav, and then their friends join in ! hev fn «it and In 11 Ifi and i am i at It gels pretty hairy sometimes, but it’s fun \ \ v $ * / * W 4 ‘ k A potent compilation In winch art comes to terms with the rank and vile! The All Sick & Twisted Animation Festival ' j i. i. 1.1 „ i. u . '*.«, v . ?« vt MAM':N M V'* >i K . M ,, „ UANh» (.il . » U 4fc(iRAM) U "AN YON "A most seductive movie' A magnificent visual and aural experience” BEER Q FRIES • ••••••« FULL ORDER REGULAR FRIES Save 70t W PKOwr ftvwjgr HU our HU fflQHT 1461 ft 6.19th 344-2295 E49 AIDER 344-1960 ★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 2i1 ★ ★ ★ ★ Rent one movie ★ and second rental ★ of equal of lesser * value is free * • S[>ecial Coupon Otter • J 1888 Franklin Blvd. £ rextto 11 on Ward) ^ \ ■ nexl ■jf Sft\ t UST-Vi. Ml 1C ★ l \ ★ ★ 344-2691 ★★★★★★★★★★ Cdtbralc Handcrafting With Is ! . 10am AS IS 11am Knee Deejr^fy Noon Bullfrog Highway ipm Earth Day Event Spaakar Dr. Anfcony Andoh plus music by Tha Had Farmers 3Pm People's Choice Local Onto • Gnat Food • Lira Enttriainmar.t 1 Haw te 5pm • RAIN OB SHtNE • Hh I Oat £ ( '<)M INI \ I \l ItkhAkh \.s I V»crk L»v\ ' * • i.\pre$» ■ it /'tui/irv umi-.i1 in s m so | EXCELSIOR CAFE £ ’Mt Ikh «U» I bU»*k m fit »f mmpwi v:-:-:vXwKvX%-X‘. NuJiiil |ti^> Sunday Coupon Special! I Buy any beverage at regular [ price and get our 1/> lb. [ mamaburger! _AND FRIES FOR ONLY I I I I I I I’niversitv Theatre Productions 1991-1992 Season TT— Second Season Laiii'hin^ Wild ami Titanic levelling “1 onv .kt* i hy (Timtoplu*! Ihii.inf April 24, 25 M XI XI I V I \I1 l< ri I ASCI Mil X SI IIIICI M \m |; Limited Seats - Buy Now!! l'he Injustice Done I»» I>t >I I KM, or It's MY Story & I II lell It MY WAY!!!! .in origin,il vs »»rk In I VuimM link May 20,21,22,23,28,29,30 I ro^> Prints hy Inn.dhy Baxter ler^ir**n June 4, 5 and f> H p.m. < urtjin • Arena Theatre Reservations (sill) Ylr>- Jl'n /vye' Jtf ' »*•_»' !ft 1 il*tn , i ekii!ol t' t *f *->• 'evtM' 1 t.» »<-* -n ar 1 'Nr • i A ** *t\ : ^ J * lew ' '• mr* j <» r-s $1.00 OFF ANY HAIRCUT Men and Women regularly $9 95 Senior Citizens regularly $7 95 Children regularly $7 50 4 ■ i, '' i -V. /• I ■ 10% OFF RETAIL M€*US BIOL A( if PRUL MITCHELL < moss J> y.- ' 19. P i i PERFECT LOOK FAMILY HAIRCARE WITHOUT APPOINTMENTS