( Srgim l\ult ! mftiiiJ > UVAK Miw. I he.iU-t. I'.owr. Mihw' V i.Uv .nui SightU/e K iuuU f c£tlen«tnr Song and Dance nur.A ) a rnu: u I Kr RIim k !(>••*• » ' •»« rii'' '■(■o' * » wri!» al i M V\ ()VV Hall . i\ W Avr »hi>w will lw f- van IHi./r and Swrr-* k .■ I » i ■ t *'• .•«*••• ' - w t ■/ ■ l hr I Kil» S«|um! .a !’• >('' • ti -1 f •' H'.M' »r m m it.1 > jwjh mi fr- m H ■ 1 ; j. rn :> 'n«* i vi ■ . •,: i iii; Ki* > i *fr >%«•! • «r.** «iil ' bx* ** , w.i ! ♦ A. »• i |>n'« and S *•* ' f*' N A 1 ’ 'H! A ) • Af’H// /■: ■>«nh !>•» at M«ik») ' * '*• 'hr 1 hi* Hv t ’ * -v* '• •» • • »« V* k,» * • w ■ '«» a :?i • j. }-»•»'.« k • ' \ Ighth Avr an 1 U*k I \'«t hu m* if «*» "d! ’-»«• ( •* " •’ ».*»* \>U • nun . a! Ifi.. a! 10 a in fc »*•* iW|. a Vat.-!r . • , I i | 4 in •! *- wav a ■ n •■* nip a1 • f af’ Hay prrarnialK'n u< \ j, m Pe»*j4*> a l hon « a frV>*r ' ■'r •* ' P f» S.' \7M K ,A/Wf „ r, Krlrl Vuhm a . ' • ' •• ;!, I ft |«', n AS < >w . > ;> ?•'!: Avr IK** l«,il v* 11! J W 11: Util 1 •: Wl h a! .» l» ' < * air **<*fk! i; ' »* •» a *n»l*i * Adlti •»*.'« * A undv'l ih*1 age *rf l 2 afr '»*** \f v/m> a mj r I hr Orrf>n Haa« QumJrl «• par' ■ J t h< t .» • •« h - a n * r ■* 1 < Art j*i S Hi in B««ii • • m- rfi Mall 1 f • >»th Avr lnifla vl'iraMhf ? *n lr j m !:«w ! ! ■’ i *••-111*1 a! and S' altidrntv an i •rtitot* ,\n \t / a) a run j* |afl ( urn La M I . < un (• *aa- 1 of l n ■»i-t *i( y mi **-iii !* r» ** . . j* ffu« tt» • • *1 {. m Hr*, t *11. rrt M• «. 1 K !WbA»* 1 i. k-U avaiialil* *• - • ■ f an !»• j ' ***•*! h * S* |>-:*r( *! *:•. ! I.1 •< -r* an ‘ I rnlrl hrilri » \ ‘ i • a i ,1 Wiii jvri fntlt; a* < |» l« j! ' a , . I » tavern • i'r>ln!lliru>! n*> r . J 1 kt h A‘n a nil k i ti. a ul av a/wi j f Kr ( a.I- iailn yu«HiH ' A- > ’ *«’ *• '■ ' i - a • ' > ,* . ,1-1; • |i Mr all « i-!*«*»< Ha';-. *» i -l» h \.r 1'he H ,.(1 .» ,.aM - i -» Vnrr »>. ! 1 »’ ■ •' ’ ,y S' raH - ' Xt ail ! !n*ii!wf|; ' i' *r(» **•%.•* ••»•'•■ ' - ■ a- j I ' $ ‘ and S4 '•,«•• Visual Arts \U>u* Al«'»t A; uml Bryund K*i»»fn‘ % • he • ' !•!':.<- »M» )«£*«■* * . tr: '» ^ • ?K«* ¥i . iijneij n M ud*y A}?.' * in »h« 1 *V#ll!« * IKM i AWIen c M*i Th« f?»»* *lhibit **k. *i w. . I»*« u:c a£t« |.fc» v £115* by fhroe ’ niver ».*> »!w t*n'* ** -»'*■!»• \ |‘.j ' rr.ej ' - «»r , ■-« r it the f* ■ ' > tl -1 Steel m ulpturea fl« r a (>*tntm*e and ii*»igfv*«i millMi « f /C ' f.-e A !r! « *a.;e'V 1W- '<• ■*’*•< »'* I u.*,U. Aj»'«• • --s.'v « M .»«• . n ■ A" '.4 exh.l M»* • ’ HU< k and ph.rtograpk* *. •*• *> ■ k r I u , ' ■«' d? Vf :apervea* ( ulfurei end t>»<*jfaliT# t >bt» ‘ ‘ * ' > dbiti1 an ti*( .«» in the Maud* Kern* Vt < er/er J'.O r Ava f eat uied m the • thibit will ba (<*nbt I »»»'•»»' :.*» aod irun garden itaUrai cnee ha and hun^fia a;.-! «: «*< i?«111a v. •.. ‘.m ft* *aie A taa . tieotoat demunai lai .• ft w ,*»ej>ie. *in the ga cr» un Saturday Ajrfil 2‘j horn 2 4 m T be dta^iav w ...Rtinua through Mat t VS a yang hulit Tka iavarveee Shadow Play* i» ' he ’ .* « d exhibit o|«n at * ha Iniveraity ‘.afurel Hiatorv Muuum i' **» f 1 Ath Ava T ha display featuring Indonesian ahadova ; >-{ }•*«» will rert.a: Q open th?< ughouf th* tear Sculptures by AufuM* Kudin ai* on display a the Museum f Art 1 4-K) lohfteoft l.n T he exhibit wiii fOfltinue through May \\ 19*2 "I)»g My Teenier a at K<«ote * an exhibit featuring ho * 'at be* aatry .* on display in tha Muwum of Salute] Htetuev .'.*«> f ISth Ava 1 he exhibit i* :>ngth Ava I he exhibit .* ongoing and a $5 dixn*fi r i* » igg«a!*d f.ihmpie ■ Branded Traditions* an exhibit that ex a na* 'he influenced/ ! ala am < bust ten and |awi»h religious tradi?i it Ins p.isl "Sosl.ilgm.” In' mu r mhI, "is ilisilh Hoi lli. 11 i nisi, 11 g i, i. in 11 in form ol iii.tn v of Dyl-in ■ "lit songs, will I I III! ihroughinil 111!'Hull ( I'lili r oil rilin'.||.U April H> it M *** f* \l tli.ii |inn- ,itiiIn'in '- mi'mlMtn will gi l In si i- 1 h I ni m ,n IHin mil ni.iv ■ ■ v i'ii g*'l ,i li-i'l lor wh.il s iimli'ini'.illi 111*' surl.ii *' It's I I.ISSM |)y 1,111 In In- tin* |M1|1 uulsliler mi apniugu s ■ tin .hisvvits offered \nd then' ts lit 11* • sign, as I"' '‘titers l,ls lltitd (III,III.■ 111 till* business. th.it tn* is surrendering tils independent ■* Dylan nut nnlv taught rm i n rull to think in ill.* tilts, Iml Im .iIm> shown 1.1 sluhhoru refusal topl.iv hv my 1 mi* else s roll's Wlii'ii In- turiii'il riO last yi'.ir. tin* mrilia thought it would In' the nil' lit lit!'' to try III put this I 11lt11r.1l In-rii .mil puzzle into pi-rsp.*! tivr Hut hi’ refiivd murr than ttMl rispiests lur mti'iv ii'vs s. agreeing only In •! hrn'f ti-li-phiuii* If ■*> A that I'liili'il ii|i in Spy magazine .uni in .1 )' ium.it pulilishi'd hv tin- National At adomv of Songwrit<’rs Insli'.iil, In' lot the rii.nl. in year four "I what I >vl in wall Inrs now 1 all I ho “Net. er I'.nding Tout an ongoing ri ,1(1 show that. In I late, has rat led up -Pit) per forrnam es , 11teen seen I,s aln nit tliree in 11 linn tans in 111** I * 111et I tales, l.iirnpc and South Amenta Hv design, the lour has avuided the usual media glare I lylan has 1 ntu entralerl nil smaller s enui". ami tiir 11 * * * I lus h.u k 1 a i the soil (' I superstar hoopla that W HIM 1 | '111 in m.il \|n itli^lil Imii mm h 11| his i .irrrr, I Ivl in s f Turn to DYLAN Page 4B Char urn the idlest - Bruce Springsteen Human Touch and Lucky Town Sony Records 1992 ★ A 1 Traditional folk wisdom savs things art; supposed to get better with age I wn new releases by Brui t'Springsteen prove thfrt; art' exceptions to t(u; rult; When Springsteen and his K Street Band debuted with (irti'ltngs from Asbun’ Park. N.f in 197T he washailed as a "street poet" and latieled the next Dylan (a moniker that was a death blow to the careers of many lesser artists) It was tlie power and punch of the band's performance, along with the music and lyrics, that grabbed people's attention Bruce Springsteen symbolized the passion and spirit of rock 'n roll I tie street -punk -from- New -Jersey's street poetry was made complete not only bv the force and sincerity of his voice, but by the energy at the core of (tie band’s talented rhythm and blues musicians Through the 1• ait growing up on lhi- olhi-r siiii' of tin f r.11 W s on I hr Im.iril w.itks of N*’\v Irrsi’v Springslrrn's s. I'.irnril quit's annul Im* trnuous rHahons with his father, and other simrrr i unfessions from his past, endeared him lo fans who stood riveted as he launched into "Blinded liy (he Light s soaring beginning Mail men. drummers, hummers and Indians in the summer with a teen-age diplomat/ In tfie dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps Ins way into Ins hat/ With a boulder on mv shoulder feelin' kinda older. I tripped the merry-g' < round/ Witfi this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, tfie calliope crashed to the ground And he meant every word of it It was the spirit as much .is the message Springsteen's struggles with love and life, through songs like "browing l Ip. It s Hard to fie a Saint in the bity. "Back Streets" and" Jungle Land." are fired turn ,t s|mi| aiming Ihi’i lassie rui l n' mil artist'. It s fitting tin- album is ionsidered Springsteens Ix-st it was the spirit of somi'unr who w.is Ix/rn tu run that propelled it The spirit faded nft•• r that album and there was a nutu cable loss on The Ki vit. a doubli' album that sold fur about S14 wlum rid'-asi'd in 1MH1 (compared to $2 VS to tu gut thi; twu latest (IDs) Al though it was nut as good as earlier rue urds. thi' album dues contain sumr great music i tien came Hum in the I'SA. in l’tH-t. and the rest of the eountrs disi.uvered .Springsteen Uruce's i hang'- frum out sider-street punk tu legitimate-Ameri can-hero was complete but the spirit Turn to REVIEW. Page 4B