Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Porter recruit not dunk deal
By Jayson Jacoby
Em«raW Sports R«porte»
Al least ono person thinks the mulch (if
newly hired Oregon men's basketball
cout h Jerry Green und tfie Ducks' f> foot
10, 270-pound re( ruil Damion I’orter is u
good one
"Jerry Green will tie the lies! tiling to
ever happen to thiit kid, s.nd Mike Mi
Cltntix k. Porter's coach this year at Rend
Lake (College in Illinois
The problem is that, at this point,
whether Porter who averaged nearly
15 points and a league-leading 12 re
bounds per game this season actually
makes It to l-.'ugene is far from a done
dim I.
Al present I’orter said his (. I * A is 1 r>t)
.it Kend Lake, and he needs .i 2 (• tu grad
mite I’orlt r suld his ovurull college td’A
is 2 4. bill Knm) Lake doesn't mi hide
transfer grades in its assessing ul gtadiia
linn rri|iiirriiiiints
Purler Mill) hi' is passing nil id his
i lasses right turn . .inti il In' suctessfullv
completes the i umint semester with his
present grades and a nnc month sum
Mu r i lass running from May o to |um
jo lii' ll graduate
II I gel a 2 (I, I'm didinilrly i inning to
(begun. I’ortiT said
Despite all tiiii iIs, Hu1 addition of I’or
tor to a tram i inning off a ti 2 1 season
not to mention having to adjust to a new
it hit h sii’minglv i an only help
Ml ( 'll III IX It’s assessment of I'or ter s.i\ s
lie has a i ham e to make an impai t on
the I’ai ilu It) ( onfnreni e
"lie s got a pro type body," Met din
11m k said "He call shoot the hall from
about Id lee! in. and he tail run the
break He s your basil lovs post, hni k to
the basket l\ pe of player
"I've been told since I was in high
si bool that I have an NBA body," I’orter
Mi ( ImliH k desi rifled I'orter as a raw
talent in need of some development be
lore lu'. ready to become a force in the
I'ai 10
lie s got .i lot of potential, but he
needs !<) find 11. MeCfinltM k said Hr
needs In develop la-tler work habits He's
gotten by so far be< ,tuse lie's tn-en so lug
I know ferry (Green) is not going to a<
repl that
"Damion is going to base to lose a lit
tle weight and gel it) better shape
< ardlovjM ul.irly
MiGlmtork also said Porter's defense
will have to improve if and when he gets
to the Par 10
"Defensively he allows people to pisl
i aii h tlie thill.' Mi C.lintoi k said "You
can't do that in a league like the i’ai -10 "
Porter said Green's avowed implemen
tation of an up-tempo offense suits him
"I like iImI I>'{>«• ul game," Portnr said
"In order to advance to the next level,
thill's what you have to play
Although he yv.is rec rented hy the staff
of Don Monsnn. w ho was fired March
17, I’orler said the e.oae.fling change
hasn't diminished his desire to don an
()regon uniform
"I was coining into .1 completely new
staff anyway, I’orter said I fie only dlf
ferenc e is I haven't lieen rec rolled hv the
people there now I met with coach
(Ifeel.) last week so that w.is nice I was
only close1 to (former Oregon assistant)
Ken Smith, and so Ins til ing gone kxilh
ered me licit tie told me to keep going
and stav strong "
So while it's still too early to start
planning a lineup built around a twin
lower philosophy with returning n foot
11 forward ftoh l-ife and I’orler anchor
mg the Oregon (route nurt, Oregon fans
have to lie exc ited about the return of a
strong presence in the paint for the
Due ks, a position only partially filled
tins season by graduating senior ( buck
Whatever the outcome. Porter himself
seems to tie looking forward to the possi
tile move to (Iregon
You can toll everybody I'm anxious
to come to Oregon.' Porter said "I want
to tie in uniform on the floor in Novom
t'or now. thtils ,i sight Duck fans 1 an
only hope for
RIM to hold fitness program
By Doua Carter
Emerald Contributor
Fitness can bo fun
At least that's the message the Ore
gon Recreation and Intramural office
will be trying to convey during its 28
day Witness for Fitness program that
begins Saturday
The program coincides* with Nation
al Health Fitness Month and Involves
five phases of different activities, with
all tins proceeds going toward now fit
ness equipment for tho University.
Wane vs for Fitness special events
coordinator Dene Eller lagan brain
storming the master plan last Novem
ber with hopes of stimulating campus
involvement In fun fitness activities.
I h« program is designed to cream
u campus community uclivily that en
courages a sense of connectedness
among students, staff and faculty." hit
ler said "The main focus is that fun is
the primary product and fitness is the
by-product We tried to keep that In
mind while putting it together."
And the KIM office has put together
a unique lineup of events, including
first time events like Team SujKirstars
(April 27-May 3). Club Cardio (May
4 8), Airobics (May 21) and Fitness
Assessment (May f»-(i)
Also included In the fitness package
will he the third annual Storm the
Stairs (May 3), which has been moved
in Hayward Field this year
Team Superstars is a cumulative
competition between teams made up
of four to eight people Participants
will be able to compete in such events
us an obstacle course, a sports trivia
challenge, various aqua splash activi
ties and four-a-side outdoor vol
The team that finishes with the
most points will l>o treated to a super
feed sponsored by Sam's To Go Sand
The deadline to ri’gister lor TiMtn
Superstars it> Monday. April 27, and
includes a fra* of S30 for a loam of four
and Sb for oach additional member
(eight maximum) All participants re
calve a T-shirt with registration
Storm the Stairs, an event that has
attracted more than 2,(X)0 people in
its first two years, will include some
new events this year A dunk tank
will be set up where students will
take shots at dunking Oregon basket
ball player Bob Fife, among others
A softball game including Special
Olympic athletes and a performance
by the Green Garter Band will also lx*
a part of Storm the Stairs
Although people will be able to reg
ister on the dn v of the event — S3 for
individuals or SI 5 for teams of 4 to 25
people — pre-registration is encour
Phase III of (ho program is called
Club Cardio and is designed to got
student feedback on the possibility of
a University cardiovascular workout
The idea behind Airobics is to have
as many people as possible participate
in a 90-minute high-low Bnd funk
style dance aerobics at the covered
tennis courts. Admission for Airobics
is free.
A five-on-fivo basketball tourna
ment is scheduled as part of the fit
ness program at the Bean Complex
basketball courts Saturday. Partici
pants may play at either advanced or
intermediate levels Admission is $5
[Kir team, and those interested should
contact Tri Tran or Dave Mullet at the
KIM office. 340-4113.
Also included in the Witness for
Fitness package is a tennis classic
(April 24-20). a KIM track meet (April
20). balloon sculpting (May 5), a KIM
golf tourney (May 17), a so filial I long
ball hitting contest (May 19) and a
free golf lesson (May 20).
For further information on any
events contact the KIM office.
Author of:
Feminism and Theatre
Author of:
Coming Out Under Fire
The History of Gay Men and Women
in World War Two
Co-editor of:
Hidden From History
Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian
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