SPORTS Students slug it out for charity By Erick Studenicka Emerald Contributor Playing host to the sweet s( n*r»i:e" of boxing tor tin* first time in f> 1 years. Mi \rthur Court and'about 2,000 enthusi astir. hills welcomed the Intra mural Boxing Championships Wednesday night Often displaying more heart than skill, 2t> boxers entered the championships' in seven { Ossifications ranging from featherweights (12-J pounds) to super - fie a v v we i g h ! s (2 2 H pounds) hariv semifinal fiout high lights included krior kouIs In welterweight Steve Schultz and heavy weight Jason Si hloss Si huIt/ caught hts opponent Itigrim. with a roundhouse right that sent him to the i an vas Schioss recorded the fiercest knockout ol the evening as he i aught Joe Arenz with an up pert, lit Aren/ appeared groggy as he left the ring, hut quickly recovered Ills senses In the finals, Brian Olerulenin dominated the featherweight division Ch’ndenin. a memfier of the ( lull hockey team who was suspended for fighting last winter against Con/.iga, put his skills to use in ,i more appropri ate arena this tune In register ing a first-round technical knot kout of Cannon Kandolf In the lightweight division, Jefl I-itzp.itrick put Dave "Bum blebee" Tyree out of contention with a strong third round Steve Wright won a split-dec ision in the welterweight category, out pointing Steve Schultz Both fighters went toe-to toe 111 the early rounds, hut U right proved to have more stamina in the third round Filled with unbelievable Hur ries ol punches, the middle weight final was perhaps the closest decision of the evening Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Al the Intramural Boning Championships Wednesday night al McAr thur Court, 26 boxers duhod it out Jlist>n Howard and Mik’1 Kd wards startl’d every round with non-stop pum hing, but m the end it was Howard landing more pum lies, thereby gaming the split dec tsion In thf < ru iserwe igltl 11 n.i I. Iordan Dominic game Is l.istrd lor three rounds with tin larger Scott "I’svcho" Howidl lloini mi I,unit'd the first punches of the bout, but the punt lies ap parentlv only served to anger Howell, as he dominated the set ond anti third rounds and collected the (let Islon The long-anticipated heavy weight filial malt lung football player lint! Howie and knot k out artist Schloss lived up to its advanced billing Howie had a superior reat h. but Sr hloss was able to maneuver under How id's punches and attack his both Si liluss m is .1111■ ■ It) i tm ni'tl oflt'ii enough in miii the (lose tint hum Alter ihi- ht-.n \ weight linal Si li loss ex piti i ut il m bn In' had li'.irnt-ti to tiox I ti a v f all i' i i; h t h g r a d e neighbor. and lit' taught ini' t'V eryllnng I know St hinss said I also a ji|) Ill'll si mu' * it In *t mat II,ll arts skills I kIIIiM J'lli' superlioav 1 Weight final leaturud an unstoppable lames Knoll Knoll, mIio Mas lisled al J2II pounds, appeared In tie al least .’M) solid pounds Knoll easily finished oil Kv If I tie Smile Hrudbttrx in Ifie set unit round Hradhury tiad little to smile ibout as tie lefl the arena The tournament, sponsored in I tie flu Kappa I’si fraternity was a fund raiser lor the ( Ini dren'x Miiat le Nolwork 1 KISS A DUMMY SAVE A LIFE!!! Here’s your chance to learn C.P.R. and to certify for the Red Cross C.P.R. certificate For a $10 00 lee charged to your student account, you will receive • 4 Hours of Personal Class Instructions i ■ Instruction Booklet • Red Cross C P R Certification Card Dates for C.P.R. classes: Wednesday, April 29, 6-10 p m. Tuesday, May 5th, 5 - 9 p.m (C PR classes held in (he Student health Center Cafeteria) Register Early. Space is Limited. 346-4441 Cancellation must be 24 hours before class or no refund Sponsored by the Student Health Center OfLce of Public Safety and the Lifestyle Planning Program / FREE MUSIC BUY 2 USED RECORDS OR TAPES AND GET ONE FREE!* One coupon per customer per <)ny We Pay Cash $$ For Used Records, Tapes & CD’s *(F roe used record or tape of equal or lesser value) [ spire# S/7/92 HAPPY TRAILS 3Cl E 13TH • 485-5351 BARBECUE 6 GRILL SEER G FRIES FULL ORDER IREGULAR FRIES w t*V**»>J* (ill oar ALL fiiahT Sava 70< 146) ,6.19th B44-2P9B E49 AID€R B44-I960 Robo-student? \ ■ ■ ' . ' ' . :• 1 1 ... i' M.i - t J ' M . ■ i i ■ i : ' : " ' i n> ;• ;.'••• I. • • I • t ; ,v " Ariilly/ei If ' ;-•■■■'• • :■ '■ * i ;* ; • . 1 i i ! !' ' ” f- ' I I • > • ,.it l i" ( b> •; • )•' ! I' i ' ' i.. •! • ■ ' ' ' ■ !■ '• ' ! " .'••• i : • i • ‘.I ! “..M •: a ! "■ ' ■ i ! i‘> '’ ■ l’ ! i ;• .! • ; . ... • . i , >!* . • . r ! !• '• ' , ■■ ■ ; ' if-d 1! ; i. w: * , .'.nr, i* /) . fr - rainbow optics 766 E. 13th , one block from campus 343-3333 Hours 8am to 6 pm Mon -Fri, 8 am to 5 pm Sat I (H)k tor the / tnrrahi'i \nv Entertainment .. I O' H\UO \\