Lonsdale favors log export ban jDemocratic candi date for U S. Senate says jobs and forests can be preserved Ry Koaiani Roberts fr .! c. it Oregon's timber jobs und old Ijdiwlli forests (.in Ixilh lie jin served by banning raw log ex ports. Harry Lonsdale said in an l-urth Day address Wednes dny " ( lie politic laris have held ns hostage tiy asking us to ( house between our timber jobs and our (| 11 o 111 y of life, and it doesn t have to lie dial way said Lonsdale, a Ucmai ruin i andidalc lor the I S Senate The key . fie said, is an et o numit transition that would move mure limber workers into sis ondary wood prodm Is jufis hu i Id I n g mod u I a r homes, (loots, wdndow frames, d.'sks and i fiaic. to I» iild afiroad in pliir e cil r .1 w limber A healthy vnvironmerd is just plain good business. I.oinwhile s.ud 1.onsd.de suid priv.ih i iimp.i mi's mu h .is Wr v i' r Ini mi si i mtisi lie stopped Iriim selling IiimIh i iih im .is. whic h forces them In contribute in overcul ling pcihlu hinds lu feed cin meslir mills honsd.de, who hopes lo run .Ig.iltlst K ep ii III ii .ill Sell Hull I’.H kwood ill llle l.il I -..lid ii s lime Ini Oregon's eiiviriimnen Ini ,ic ii v isis .ii it I limber worker s In unde We .ire now .1 sl.de dIvid ed hi ..lid \Vi■ musl em hr.ii e our unity ol purpose I he tlend businessin.m hopes In tie.d Kep l.es \tl< Dill III I hr* M.iy 1‘iprim.irv An enrlv April poll in I'hr (tn'flnniiin showed the I vs o in ,i virlu.il lie in the prim.iry w11h both running .die.id ol I’.ii kwood I u\ I.IVN V er |oe Wel/el und uiiemplov-eil limlier worker Huh Hell .in ,ilso i ompeling in the The politicians have held us hostage by asking us to choose between our jobs and our quality of life/ f •.(fry 1 - ;r vMlt: / -VfImurv l.ntisd.ih also promoted lip. pl.iii ol i routing .1 national bar I li ('orps, w h 11 h vs mi 111 .11 1 .is .m environmental version of I lie 1‘c.ii c (’nr | is I’urtir 1 pants 1 oulil earn 1 ollege luiiion 1 red it. ur .1 modest wage. lor re planting trees, fixing up old homes in the 1 dies, m building 1 ampgrnund trails In beeping vsilh the environ mental themes id Ivarth Day and his ( airifiiit^ri, l.onsdale said fuel e f f 11 j e n r v s t a nd a r d s should he raised -1(1 peri ent from the i urrent 27 miles per gallon and an excise lax should he imposed on gas guzzling 1 ars Lonsdale also said he pro motes I lilting defense spending bv up to lit) percent over live Ve.irs He said allV more would bankrupt .1 l'ii of American ’•iwns AuC.uin favors .1 de crease of oil pi rr on( over five years Mam o' the engineers and m sentisls currently employed in tie defense industry could In pul (11 work developing re new able energy souri os and other high )oi h industries to Ii' ! jI the I 'nilf'ii Sidles l>o< omo ii.;ir• internationally compel! (Ivo, Lonsdale s.iei Other dolor,-" workers could find work building and opor«t mg high specs! trains, rail -y toms and buses to strengthen the country s use of mass trail kit Responding to a question, ala ml Mra-ur. '• la u.-dal'- -aid it was a totjui -I lor smaller gov 1 riimi'iil, wliu li ho supports. lint hasn't fui ii handled well by state government Tin last plate w 1 should tut is erf u< at ion Lonsdale -aid 'The government shouhi In paving more lor edui ation Lonsdale -aid w till many senators dropping out of the la' <• or fat mg defeat in the fail. !*eij w ill h" a year "t awaken mg a year of ( flange for otil 1 o.intrv l.onsd.iii- •'.mi most |x}1111 i i,ins m \Viislnni;lon know vslmt lln- until lull they pul ill llOllS III pl.H I' Ilf iountn l.onstiule s.uii limitulioiis tnil ii iof «• iinpiirt.ini pul l! II .ll ill I lull polllit s I hr lirsl u ,t\ provide lirr tele ipi.i ll I n il i .mil ui Lonsd.ilr s.uii inn. lli.il vs i!h tin t .ii in.ii Hun imd fluent inn puliln I I') prtiplr t.lkrl would prob.ilr |0h" runnmn I in* thing lu (iu is. fir on n [rclii Ihr good of ihr fir I.ivurs trrm llllllks .III rvrn issue is getting money out of to (io tfl.lt IS to v ision time for iltes. lie s.uii only h.ilf-jok • i urrriit politi I*AC money ill mils, the first i off the street y do .1 flutter country POLICE BEAT The follow in^ inc idents were reported to the ()f H f c of Public Safety and the l.u g I'lic pol t( e () r part m en t April 1 I 20 • Poh( i- .ir< !d ik. mg fur a man who is link.' :! with two public indecencies that oe • earned April 17, ,inurding to pollen reports In the first public: Indei en ( v. a 12year-old I’nlversitv student said she was in Pio neer Cemetery taking pic tures when she ruitu ed a man running up behind her, police said I he man ran to a point al» ait 10 feet aw a V from tier and stopped. poliia said Shi said she turned and looked at the suspire t and tin i, i oiitinued w alkltlg The Woman said the man had an urgent" liHik on Ins lace and was making some type of gesture which she i mild not rei all. police said The suspect then ran up to w iihin tivr leet n! ihr worn .in Shi1 s.mi he huil tin; same urgent look mi his l.iii' ,ltul w us gesturing .IS it to get her ,1 tli'ii11on She said sin1 looked .it the slisjiei t and then te.lll/ed he Was expos mg and fondling himself The woniiin veiled .it him to go .ivs .is poller said The suspei t then lunged at her and grabbed her lelt arm She said she began si ream ing and the suspei 1 grabbed her lelt breast and squeezed it hard He then let her go and ran east through the i i ■ m e t e r v In the set ond publii indie i nil v. a - 1 year old IJnivar sity student said she was w a I k i ng west on K 1 St h Avenue on the south side walk when she saw the sus pis I walking toward her and exposing himself He didn't sal anything She said she immediately i'tossed the stns-t Bnth wiimrn told KI’D •thm th i>e ght they- could identify tie ' nsj)t‘! I if they saw him .tg.m: jiulu. said f ist vvi 'Tii’n described the MISjX'C ’ aX..,l whi!' m.llc w ith hush s wavy- hr own h.tir do vs n ! o hi s ( o i In r Ihn women said thr man was be tween 1H and 25 years old and didn't wi’ar glasses lie wax iast seen wearing .1 T slurt and hlut; |euns • A 21 s1 at 1 lid man was at resird April -1M on a noise d lsl 11 rlia me ur co'rd i ng to police reports Iw o of I it ' rx were (i 1 s pate bed to the area of the ■700th block of lBth Avenue in response to a complaint that someone was playing drums, polite said An offi cer followed the noise to its xu,in 1 at a house on the 11.00 him k o! Alder Street An officer asked a person at tile house to get tile per son p las mg' the drums po le e said I he pole e arrested the man phis mg the drums on a noise ills! li r bu n ce 1 barge • A group of nii'ii sl.miiing outside a fratnrnilv house harassed .1 10 year-old i ni htsiIv student who was walking by on April 17, no i ordlng in poln i' reports rle woman said she vs .is walking to the library east hound on 1 f> t h A ven ue when she approai bed the i timer ol 15th Avenue and Kincaid Street, police said. The men were standing on the front porch of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity house, 1-177 Kincaid St The men verbally harassed the worn an when she walked by and harassed her again when she walked home 70 minutes later I he men's comments in cluded asking the woman il she would like to perform oral sex on them, police sa id NEED SOME URGENT CARE j ON THE WEEKEND? Urgent Care Services at the Student Health Center are provided on weekends at the Following times: SATURDAY Sam to Spin ' SUNDAY 12noon to Spin Please Li .so the t' f^ni Cate entrance located on Beech St U of 0 Health Center jug-i-mi l|HC\S t) 1. lil U)I linOMROM UlllilS b\ (.loru Su*ini*m 2. / \ <;/ / mun In C harlcs Wilkinson 3. / /S mi< l\\(H I V7 In Sue C Iralton 4. M U/S //, \ St/KV7V ()K’S / l/ / h\ Art'-•pio^iMnvin 5. II AC KI ASH tn Su-on I .iluiii 6. RAC l In Studs I erkel 7. rnicw niun In lohti (irisham S. sWOOSII b\ lulu1 Strassor 9. coon sol ii n In Robert Bellah 10. C.liin I\ ,S SMUM In \k k Buntix k 1 '111 & Kituaid '4*»-4 '' I • M-Sat QMJ V-A V .i .1 V- * • ’ % M • «r 1 ♦ i h»%kjt-*.« '>’■ pp*tf DUCK TAILS SALON a», MM, • By [ M I Mb. ( ««uf MENS HAIRCUTS CoMlMYIAl BhKAKKVSI Wcviilitvi ’ '•>- i 1 • Espresso A Pastries QMi:n:m:s mso | EXCELSIOR CAFE 7*4 Y iMk / H*ik meu 0f DO YOU DREAM OF SLEEPING on A CLOUD? FUTON 1122 AIDER 686-5069