Student to speak on Nicaragua By John Higgins EmofakJ Contributor Amt'ri c: .1 n s should follow the o x a m p 1 <’ o f B v n 1. 1 n d c r and show more solidiintv with the people of Nicaragua and other coun tries. said a visiting Nicaraguan student who will speak today Jose IV l.a Cru/. ('.astro Ubeda will address the third annual [ten lander Forum tonight at 5 in the KMU Fir Koom The speech is scheduled in con jum lion with International Week's Americas l)av The forum honors the memo ry of Linder, an engi neer from Portland who was killed in a Contra ambush near the hvdroelei tru dam he was helping to build in Nicaragua The l S -bai ked (lootras fought against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua throughout most of the l'DtOs In 1««)(). the Sandinistas lost the national elections, and the war officially ended Den Linder is an example of someone vs ho sass the necessity to he helpful in the develop men! process and to give more of himself in a srrs unselfish wav, Ubeda said through a translator Ubeda has tx-en involved in Nicaraguan politics since he was a 14 year-old < omlwtant In the Sandinista revolution Though he is not an active member of the Sandinista parts iixlay. he is a representative of the National Union of Nitara guiin Students of the National Autonomous University of Nu aragua After the Sandinista victors in l')7u, Ubeda joined the na tional literals campaign. along svllh students, dix tors house wives and others io leach peas arils m the countryside to read and write Campaign planners sought to raise tiie literal s rate dramnti cal 1 y in four or five months Us fix using on alternative tout lung methods like phonetics, volun leers were able to lower the il literal s rate from .'’.I .percent to 1 1 percent ' ll awakened something vers deep in people," Ubeda said It vs .is very empowering people could ninki' change People who had no i due alxiut the country came together with people who had no clue about the cities to share lifestyles, ex (■orient os anil family tradi lions " i’artii ipants had to travel to many remote places in the country They had to make xpe cial arrangements with their employers and families so they could work with tiie campaign I'heda s.ud i lie campaign helped him mature politically and clarify the goals of the rey elution Today in \a aragua. the gny eminent of President Vtolela (diamorro has not lontinued the i omm it men I to 1 Iteruc y . I Jboda saId There's really no true vision of a a trying out literal y or even rei ill’ll i / Trig t lie i a m pa ign They tried to take out anything that smelled ol Sandimsmo." I fietia said t 'beda said he ixdievex part of (lie effort to erase the gains ol tin- literal v i ampaign is tlie re suit of economic and polite al pressure from tile Prilled States i HIGHER EDUCATION UPDATE SASS to sponsor film Sexual Assault Support Services is sponsoring a showing of Dreamworlds Desire. .Sex uiul Dow er in Not k Video tonight at 7 at the University Inn. Tho film examines the presentation of women m rn< k videos and addresses the issues of gender, sexuality and power as they are portrayed on MTV A disi ussion will follow Tho presentation is part of SASS s ongoing film series related to current issues for women For more information call SASS at Dinner with Ducks "Dinner witfi a Dozen Ducks, an event spoil sored by the University Alumni Association. Stu dent University Relations Council and the Lane Countv Alumni Chapter will take place Sunday. May i. lit homes throughout the Eugene urea Each guest list will int lude an alumnus, a fai ultv member, an administrator and about six stu dents for an evening of relaxed conversation I he casual format offers an environment not readily available in the normal campus setting In its third year, “Dinner with a Dozen Ducks provides an opportunity to tiring together those who not only have an interest in the I niversity, but thu community *»s «» whole l or more information on gelling involved. to ther .is .1 host or participant. (..ill Kim Heiney .it the Alumni Assoc i.ition olfit i- t tt> ‘>t■■><> Bartlett to be evaluated Since l'*H2. the Oregon State llo.iril ol Higher Kdut .illon has hud a polu y to evaluate the i hlel executive officer in terms of at ademit leadership and management ol the system During May the Ixiard will evaluate Chant elite I'homas Itarlletl s performance, based on his first three years in of flee The hoard has a similar polity lot evaluating each institution president every three years As part of the evaluation process, Hartlelt vs 111 prepare a stewardship statement ( overing Ills at a demit and administrative leadership and manage ment, anti Ins state level relationships with vari ous t onstltuencies Jat k 1 Vltason. t hancellor of the I'niversity of California. Irvine, will serve as a consultant to the evaluation process Written romments regarding Hartletl s perlormant e should he sent to Dr Jat k ! Vila son, I’ () Hox uiH.'l, I ’or t la nil, OK ‘17207 Let ters should he marked "Confidential. (lhanc elite's Evaluation Know You/ K«4*ht • FREE Telephone Ad*kc •* nfl'acaH $ Do l tw * c— 5 Ho* muen mar** ft K wort*' $ /Ac wlmmy rrvcftcjt ttfc1 $ *t*> «di[>iymrtot /F*®**1 $ w« m> rouranc# ri«n 90 up' $ W*»t # ?r»f* ft no muranew" i yvnftd l taft to Vhm x*M Wf> $ Hpw tong wft ■ tafcft tt> 9* my monry' l Jll Aul« AolOrltl. Ir^l Vlrt.M wrt.», 343 1473 101 • io*n •♦•0 iwhtiFwaoM iocmffua TERIYAKI ALLEY CURRY DISHES_lg.3.50 sm.2.50 BEBIM RICE-5.50 CHICKEN BREAST STEAK_3.50 YAK1SOBA i NOODLES.-lg-3.50 sm.2.50 TERI BEEF-350 ACROSS FROM DAIRY QUEEN 1306 HILYARD • 345 9555 University Theatre Productions 1991-1992 Season Second Season^hin^ Wild and Titanic (evening of one ,kU) by ( hnsb^'hci Durang April 23, 24, 25 SI XI AUYIXI'I ICfl 1 AM II A(il X SI IUH ’i MAI I1 K Limited Seats - Buy Now!! The Injustice Done To 1)011 KH, or It s MY Story & I II Tell It MY WAY!!!! *n original work by iMus*1 ( huk May 20,21,22,23,28,29,30 f rog Prints by Tirnothv Baxter Ferguson June 4, 5 and 6 _ 8 p.m. Curtain* Arena Theatre Reservations (SOT) A40-41S1 UT hMit *ur*j*d r> horn ■***•■ jm & &cm* %mm arm th* ifC aI ASUO p*'9y -at 0 ttjiari ’«.** Jf m l HY Dl SIGN SIUDIO 1502 Willamette St 343 2298 Regular Business Hours I': 3am 1pm .'pm 6pm Sal 1 0am 4pm ^ 'J s\ Korean & Japanese Specials (* * 1 liirkm ( urr> tH* 0 I v.nlmri (( litdcii, |>*»rL, Ih«0 S'l •»<> S*i 1*.» 1 9 Su«)ii Imv (SuihUv only) $4 IHI 1* I Un/i Sunday Sjicnal I dinner ° (Suslii tray «itl. Hlltf Mil.) 5*7.UW N K«rr«. 4 23 iT2 ( •ni|,.U. 4" C 1 O I U I p o Evening Master's Degree MAKKIV-t AM'! AM1LY IULKAPY (l.imilv ■.tillin', psyi Imtlwr.ipt pri'li' stiuli«~. ImI Ih .il-•Iii.Iu-. I’ru l f.mill v 1'v .mil sy sUttis .ipprisn li In 11nine'llii^ i luui .il c '} H-r ii-n.i‘) U1L RU1 LLADLRblili’/MROWIli (training "I'tv Inf i-lli*' Iivt i*\ angrlisiTi .iiwl il\ itunui i litiri li .li ' ilnpini-nt using (In- n-suiin i-- .nul prnvi-ti rnrllimls) • Ikith dfgrtv programs r»s|mrv out' y*'.ir of iinirM' work anil .i iIk-sis nr a pro|«i t • Must i I.ism-s .in- lu-li) Monday & I hnn*i.iy ''V'fiings • A limilH'l mimlvr i>1'' f*’lI*>w ships ($1200 i'.uh) is awarded In qualitied slinliTits • N( ( is regionally .in rislilisl l>v Northwest Ass«h latum nt S. IuhiIs .iiul ( olleges • Application d'MdlHte jtun* I I1*1!? I I .ipi’ln utinn t(K|inrtrs In I >r Kuth I lartm'lmk, l >trt-» Inr nf I .r.hlu.ili- I'nip.uu'. 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