Women’s studies to offer degrees By Anne Scot? The l'niviTMU will .*!!*• r Un stated first graduate level t er llfiltlte it; VS O i, n 1! i s slide's be ginning re st l.ilI The (nrm.vi annuallit emenl (or t he nr vs cert if if ,1 te u as ni.ele at a rer'epIn ti on - AnnI 15 M.irsh.i Kit/i!ur! \\ i men s Stud irs !'nigrasn ,11'!;ng diret lor, said she gives i redit tor. ihu i ertilu ate It) Harher.i I’ope di ret tor id the [>rt!>4r,ini Imrii in ’o lo Idol i11,111■ who currently ho,ids the 1'imi rsrlv s Huiitiis (College, worked with several womens similes groups in do signing ilte t urront program ,inri the t ortihi ale. 1 andldales Will ho ,ihh In i house from ihroo opiums lor the ( orlilu ,rlo ,i tree standing i ertifieale lor tint l.issihod grad null sludont.s. ,i ((implement lo un individually designed inter disciplinary muster's.degree, or •is ,m otihanr omonl lo a mas tor's degree with .mother disci pime Students must he hilly ad milled to the i : u ersit v (iradu ale School to be eligible lor lire 1 el ! 11 ;t ale Students W illi li.li h (dor’s degrees should apply lo the graduate si bool lor grade ale post baccel.iure.ite status S'..;.'':!'- .\ . 11 h lii.lsl r r s 11 r grci■'■s s .in .!{»{>iv lor gr.'i t;; it r s 1 !• r. s K i! /n. ! !. ! th.il although mi j■ rs• - w :ii he l,u J r 11 •- u:i,i be > •:; i j ; J ' u. :k ,i-. j.i*■ iiii.r.t in faii.niii. 11 If V women's ‘.!ii i:.s I i-lssrs I'uiii s.jtii :ii- j• gr.im inn licit uUiV i'V iis '"'ii!' Vs .ii: I has. ! w .tvv'.ii.iii !in* i ciiistit hi \ .ir.i! cntii..'' tsin <'I. stu ■ tcf.ls .ili.t t.K : i!\ ( .ini! Silverman professor ot atiihrop. • '■ y:jlui. 1 >■ >'i i i ha ir\\ .);:i.iri ot 1 hr W<•:nr!i < Studies ( mnm illee s a id the graduate t crlttlt il.tr :l:'. ■< land ' W.pl v due Silverman surd she hopes iI, will miit;v.i!t• hit iiltv Irnni ail d r [j,| r 1 111 r!) t s TO i 111 >' r |>0f VI ti u; :: ; s i sMir s. Vut. ■ ‘ I as; i , i nciilum . espel ialh; i1 the gtad uate Irvri U r nrnI !. > ’ i i art ■■ atu* ilr partmenls that ollrr no i IiWmi on gender. she sa id Silverman '.ml the histnrv department is large and has main (jualifirii people. hut there are no gentler classes at the graduate let el N a 'h i! «!• I: !\ '• this I IT ‘ : ■' ■ A • Hi bilfgiim »v.:h :fill!: man' i !li-i lively sill,! s.mi l ,.,.i ;s.ir i’r 11 *\ who i u !im< ! he ini! .iin l inn In i'll s SlUlili's i lUIIM'l s.l it shr : II", I S (in- ■ : ',h i a t ■ • A ill IH T11 •! 11 ll\l' Univrsltv HI s.'MT •i I w.iyv !: 'a i jir,i> ’.>!■ - i h mm 1st JiiTsp- !iU' th*U <:.U1 hr ti|>|)|li>d nil thi i intiTtliM ipiin.irv {sitnl ns niffnhv briiaiti'Tving mu hi !i• i !m ! , iir.nl iluiii -.hr n.iiiI i hr i;l I ill i .III' U . il ,x tll.ll tlvr Vtii.hMv! h r, r:;.r,i ;l 1 iTtvIt.l: r-V r i 11! i \ jl i' rr , r 1 ■ ■ H's i vM , rs ;■! ; 1 - ' ' r - ’ . !i r ‘ ; l.r lii'illl.li' Ju !; uh ; V\ , rr . ' vluv I,1,’ ' \\ , i m.i :s . I r, 1 ‘ ■ ih'mkr ' !, 1 ■ ■!; I m!i !•• , mt: in; < r .iv.Jigiv inijusil ifiI s( *l,t i — ; \ if. vv:i H .illt ji i! n!- a r n !n I hr sr in i* il .1 ru i |WiH in" > -!,; ! u I h.r wr ir i I; \v hr ■ : ■ r I '■ Ill'll' w!:ii fr.iii/i ! h i! I hr v Vv .i: til i K I .Mil'll ill il'lr i, ..! she SiiuS } or (non* information on ihn ■ • rn Si> .«h* «!; V o : Ki?ziiur I i! ’* » ; -■ ‘ " : v\ " : k' n s Stutlirs !* i"u j* r •»n i , ■» I \M> - Conference to reassess Columbus’ arrival On the fiOOth anniversary of Columbus voyage to the New World, the I iiiutmU is sponsoring .1 conference assessing the colonial implu .ilinns, r,n i.il consequences, indigenous perspuc lives ul conquest. and the bridging of cultures assoi i.iSi 0 wilh (niumhus’ (iisioverv Titled Confrontation and Construction nl a New World. the conference, tunning today through Saturday, will include presentations bv four historians and ethnohlstorians The speakers will address aspet Is of the fusion cal legacy left to America and the world by Co lumbus. Ins huropeuii lolkiyvers. the indigenous women and men they confronted and the \lrti in peoples brought to the Amern .is in hams The intent of the conference is to commemorate not 1 i a tir.ite an event id imp.” < dented an ! tasting Signifn am e said Mallle-w item;: , an Robert Haskett, University assistant proles and conlereni e organisers "Recent studies have 1 fiallenged the myths as SOI lated with Columbus voyage ol disenyery and tailed attention to the darker stile ol colom /ation.' they said Speakers and parte :pauN yvlll ((insider the i olomal legal y in light ol these i ha In nges and sei s to suhstituti i r;'n a! hc.tory for my th or 1 ounter myth " The University history department, the Cash n Bequest Committee and the Oregon Humanities ( IMlIt'f ,(f il lilting ill' s|n.;i\!>rN I11'' 111' If , ■ ru-nl vvhlih will im cur .it st’Vi r.i 1 . uinptls lot .1 turns S|lrJM Is !n[ tl>. Iff • .1.1. ■ if * Nash, .1 ! l.l.A history prolrssnr. sn , ' • W-- I .1 I niviTMl V .|.||UIH ! .r-.l'.l.lnl |H - I I I histiav | loriy K !nr tie \lva .1 I’nnii'l.'n I'niufilv mi ! t:iih 1 ■'i ijr 1 ill"...:.1 1:1.1 k. .111 : ();■!;' * s 111,111 ,1 University i)l Coiiiin in 11I In--! 'iv proles Mir Ti "lay al 1 10 p 11; \,ish will » .ik . .M \!: .! in Ami ! ,' 1 Thu R.n iat Coiim quri.t , ..! I I f in 1; , .... I, .■ ■■ . •. VV1"iii ss, I: 1 fortuhlv (‘lose Km outliers Si . . . :n t f 1 > ■ Conquest ol Latin Ann-rii a in tin < .* riin>•« Mmnni Lounge i rnlav a! 1 .1(1 |i in k ut lit' \Iv.t vvtit t list n-lss Religion Among lin Nahii.i-. tA/t» in tin Sn li'i iilh Centals I ruin Spiritual ("inquest In (11! • . ■ pi f:: 111 ••• • :: : ' 1,' ! : 1 das session wit:. 1 I i.k ..n h ( nrilrm: tot ion with Ann nr a I In- Lessons fl l .ilmu/i Inin in riM.ni 1 gw (Inle-. I'tiuii 10 1 111 to noon on Satunias in Knout l 10 {, 1!I■< 11, visiting lei tint i-. am! aniln-n: i- inemliets will participate in a inli «jui 1111 on tin- 1 mifcr cnii* theme. '( onlfimtatioris and 'In (.otislim 1 II >! ’ a New U1 ’ ' ******* **************** 1 Hi Bar At I t it \\r\/.•>/"/ 4*» rii 4i : u ( .(f»i l.*.l til rtJ; !:: mh Create vcur own i FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS 'roe m PHOTOS© ARTWORK MICH QUALITY IMAUA A MHFICT CIFT >YW kinko'j thr cnpv CMilrf @ MU Mil ll»H AVI IMIwi o* fiioi DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS i tn^ | ana11 v I mei aid s display advert tsin^ depaitment is now huin^loi sales posit ions All interested students should piek up an application and | oh des< 11 pi ion in kuiiin .UK) i AH i ir'.li I a wav Ihe |oh entails all aspei Is ol adveillsmt; sales plus expo-,me to design, piodm lion and business -.kills ( 1.1 m valuable leal world expel lem e by woi kluj* a I the I ilh largest moimnr', newspapei in Oiei'nn ( losing date Apnl 27th at h p in II ii' I n, , it I hiil ii I 11 u i ul: I is sfneinq Iih itutl d mim- i ull tin till/ ituf t si ux 't kfdtuf l,(>b. ()rcs’<>n Daily THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Look We know how you did It — how Is no longer the question What we now want to know is why Why now. brown cow?