Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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FBI’s good-ol’-boy
attitude must go
That ever-lovin' group of good ol‘ boys known as
the FBI is trying its darndest to save face without look
ing too bad — again.
America's highest level investigatory group recent
ly settled discrimination claims made by an assembly
representing more than 300 black agents. This follows
a 1088 case involving discriminatory charges made by
Latino agents, which the FBI lost.
After negotiating for nearly a year, the FBI Finally
acknowledged in its agreement settlement that statisti
cal "disparities" existed between black and white
agents, primarily in the categories of promotions and
This was as far as the guilty party went; the FBI re
fused to admit it actually committed discrimination
So now it's offering compensatory measures to the
agones amounting in near
ly $100.000, including
"retroactive relief" for tb(
black agents in the form of
promotions, hack pay, as
signinents. training and
newly ( routed positions.
Some will also receive
monetary make up for a
"shortfall'' in awards and
Good thing the I'RI
didn't really commit dis
crimination — imagine
Imagine the
onslaught of legal
slams this racist
and sexist group
would have to
face if it publicly
owned up to its
the compensatory action it it had.
Of course, organization officials are concerned
about the increasing complaints from white agents re
garding reverse discrimination. How politically expedi
ent of the FIJI to worry so about "their kind." In order
to remedy the situation, the group contends that the re
lief measures are only a "one time evening of the
The treatment of this cast; is blatantly wrong. One
reason the FBI refuses to admit to discrimination is to
protect itself from lawsuits. Can anyone blame it?
Imagine the onslaught of legal slams this racist and
sexist group would have to face if if publicly owned up
to its actions.
It's great the black agents involved in the cast; will
now be compensated for discriminatory action that
supposedly never happened, but it s not enough There
needs to be some real reevaluation of stagnant attitudes
whose time has come to die.
There's no longer room for the good ol' boy philos
The Ori'f’ot i Dai I \ iimrraltl will attempt to print all
letters containing i moments on topics of interest to the
I nisersitv community
Letters to the editor must lie limited to no more than
2S0 words, legible, signed and the identification of the
writer must lie verified when the letter is submitted.
Oregon Daily
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C,as«rt-«<J AcNariiamg
GEoooe Bosh said i
US A tA r
/ — filmmaker!
Thank v<m lor (milling Ron
Oreggs i uminen taf v un April
17 I apologize In (.regg and
possibly (hr others vs tin wiTi'
misinterpreted by I'miTnld rr
porter Tiirnmv HaleyA seeming
Is malicious heterophohia I
i onitnend l.ngg fur lighting
heterophohia I also commend
g.iv pi-rson Mlki Walsh fur rr
sealing the gay i (immunity s
"( is liahv Altitude (01)1
April 1(>)
As fur t h i- () ( A . 1 fin v
mullin'! implement their vsav
mil of tfii' proverbial paper flag
I know (his I know Salem Bui
(inn I gel me wrung I till Ilk
those SI (>r I ill. ( M A full
tuns are kindn cute, k i mi a
swit! kiinfa canoi-takey
l mav lie a 'foaming, mad
dog hut 1 a ill n u t a
h o m op h u be Nor a m I a
heteruphul* or an (X Aphol>e
(III a high pill bed rrac king,
whining, kevm Costnerish
volt e ) I am a filmmaker'
\s pari of tin* filmmaking
community. I light li ar of all
tvpes We must institute pro
grams to learn the necessity of
stereotypes and characteriza
tions m the filmmaking com
muriity Our rights will he
Bryan Westby
Love letter
|un VYollander w rites with
mu li penelr.it 111>4 insight .mil
passionutel\ informed under
standing lh.it I have several
times bet time inexplicably hut
and bothered and have had tu
stop anti Ian mvsell Some an
i lent » isdnm mat help to ex
plain What it is Jon, is sex
I’ I a t o s how ini us. i n t hi’
Phaedrus, how eloquence com
billed with wisdom creates a
powerful erotu fun e and await
etis erotic hidings in the souls
of those exposed tu it
I am an minx ent heterosexu
al just passing through wicked
bugene, hut I believe Plato ex
plains the powerful attraction I
felt when reading your letter in
the t'miTiilJ last week and 1
want tu caution vou against
spreading yuursell almut so m
puli! n
Your warm c:nniurn for olli
ers makes me get all warm and
melts, and I ran scarce control
mysell The power of sour rea
soning and the lieauty of your
sentiments and the depths of
sour i oncorn for me must stem
from erotic depths, to make me
tremble so
It is t a m and 1 lee] an over
whelming urge to undress and
run naked through the streets of
Springfield, railing vour name
and Ix'ggmg lor sou to satisfy
the lust you have awakened in
me ss ith your disi nurse
I feel so ashamed, hut I can't
help it I w ant puhlir Is to con
ti ss and repent ms perverted
passion I would beg Jesus fur
forgiveness, hut he Is a male,
and I tear the power of the
fieri e desire you've awakened
I'm so confused' I beg sou to
restrain yourself
Ralph Batie
No more fear
Once again a letter Iruin )on
Wollander (()L)i.. April 14) I
find it extremely offensive tfi.it
Wollander insinuates lli.it gay
.Hid lesbian people such as Illy
sell are dysfunctional and not
i (instructive members of six ie
1 hat is simply not true 1 pav
mv taxes. I own a house with
m\ partner of It) years. I go to
vs in k everyday. 1 liave never
missed a payment on any full
Yet Wollander would suggest
that I and people like me, need
assistance to lieiomr more
functional and constructive
memlxTs of soi lets Some kind
of medical I treatment perhaps'
An operation or drug therapy
so I can become a happy heter
osexual '
Homosexuality has existed
on this planet for thousands of
years (iavness c annul be re
moved with shock treatments
or concentration camps It can
not he beaten out of us or legis
lated away Voting for the (K1A
initiative would not tx' "a lov
ing thing to do "
Wollander and his kind want
all people to believe in their
vs,i\. they .irr blinded by their
religious I .1 i t li <1 n d
The OCA perpetuates lies
.dxiut homosexuals We .ire not
■i bum b of sex (.fuzed. unem
ployed i hild molesters or tin
happy drug .iml .iliobol abus
ers We .ire everywhere, every
tutor ,md .ige We do not re
i ruit children, we do not stare
.it people m malls
What I ariti others of my ilk
want is to be able to live 111
peace without (ear A w ish that
should lie a basit human right
for all people regardless of sex
rat e, religion or sexual orienta
Laura Kinsey
Follow Max
Recently i! was nee i-ssary fur
me to tiring mv 7-year-old son,
Slav U> a ( lass m a large lei lure
hull We sal ill the back
brought a siuit k ami something
for him to do during the 00
minute class, and I stressed the
ini|)ortani e ol being very quiet
It vs as diffk ult lor him to un
derstand then why the people
sitting behind us talked and
snickered the entire time, final
ly leaving about to minutes fie
fore the end of class
i. on the other hand, am all
tix) familiar with the struggle of
trying to pay attention to long,
sometimes boring lectures fil
tered through the fiat kground
noise of someone s sen luli/mg
If I'm close enough I always
say. "Shh." as politely as posse
hie. even though it usually only
firings un- hard looks and
smirks from the i flatterers
I found it ironit that I went to
so much trouble to make sure
mv child did not disturb any
one. when right Udimd us (pre
sumed) adults purposefully dis
rupted at least our section of
the room with their juvenile be
I was proud of Max for sitting
so quietly, so I didn't have to
miss class for lai k of a babysit
ter He was extra proud of him
self w hen lie saw flow some of
the "grown-ups' behaved
Kristen Brandt