Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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Boxing makes a brief comeback
By EficK StudenicKa
Em«*a«) Co< 'bu'.t <
Boxing, a popular sport at the t Univ ersity In the
lfl20s, nill make a brief reappearance on campus
tonight as the Intramural Boxing Championships
take plac e in Me Arthur ( ourt at t> iO
Although inter fraternity boxing champion
ships have been held for the past 13 years, to
nights tournament marks the first time the bouts
have been open to .ill students Twenty-eight stu
dents are ex pet ted to vie for titles in seven differ
ent weight c Inssiflcjitions
The tournament also revives Mac Court's asso
ciation with boxing University archivist Keith
Richard said Mac Court was the site of a luck
Dempsey exhibition bout in l‘C’7 that set North
west boxing attendant e in ords
This year s tournament, sponsored by the Bln
Kappa Bsi fraternity, will also act as a fund-raiser
for the Children s Mirac le Network Tic kets for
the event are S3 at ther door
Promoter Sean Meurisxe said safety will be a
high priority throughout the ex ening
"Every boxer will lx- wearing headgear and
fairly large in-ounce gloves.'' Mourisse said "We
will have a dor tor present, and the Eugene Hos
ing Association will he closely monitoring the
Some top hovers expet ted to partit ipate in
clude previous inter-fraternity champions Steve
Wright in the middleweight division and Brian
McLendon in the bantamweight division Several
other participants have amateur ring experience
and train with the boxing club, whit h is spon
sored b\ the Eugene Boxing Association
Boxing was a popular intercollegiate sport in
the early twenties at the University, often draw
mg more spectators than liaskethall or track Inter
est waned in the thirties hut the sport made one
more brief comeback after World War II
Even after Oregon dropped the sport lor good
m the late forties, collegiate..boxing remained a
huge success m the-East Negative public: opinion
finally ended collegiate boxing in the earls six
King of the court Kimer captures crown
Oregon tennis sophomore
laie Kirner pic kid up his sec
emit ennsee utivi! till Northern
Division award from the I’m if
K 10 ( dnfrrent e on Tuesday
Kirner. playing No 1 singles
•ig.im for the Dm ks. compiled a
IS-17 murk unci hus u two-veur
no orci of '14-32 Lust yeur's
teem MVI* also has u 20-23-1
douhles murk
As a freshman. Kirner tied
the sc lined rec ord is III) 10 VH lo
ries I he former logon.i Beach
High Si hoot standout won
three Pacific: ( oust League
i rovs ns
Kirner joined Brian Brosl of
Washington State and Washing
Ion's Chet Crile, Inaki Marti,
M a n u n I Marti ii n d Mark
Tornandl on the .ill < onference
squad Washington's Doug Kuf
fin is.is again n.lined com h of
the ve.ir, and Crile repealed as
player of the year
In oilier Oregon men’s tennis
learn news, the Ducks will host
a spring tournament for mem
tiers of lhe commumlv during
I fie first two weekends of Muv
at the campus imirls Adult
events will played May 1-1.
and the junior events will take
place Slav H it)
Kntrles are available at the
iilhletir department office at the
Casanova Athletic Center lac
“29 years of Quality Service”
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get dumber this
Your free U ot O 1^2
Summer Stvaon Bulletin i> now
ready Drop by Oregon Hall to
pic k one up And read all about it
University of Oregon
1992 Summer Session
June 22-August 14
tries (or the adult events are
due with Oregon men's tennis
com h Hu// Summers bv Fridas
at r> p in . and the junior events
entries must he in bv Mav 1 at
r> |> m Kntries mav be returned
in person or by mail
The tournament, a United
States Tennis Association-sanc
tioned event, is a fund-raiser
lor the Oregon men's tennis
team Players must provide
their own hulls, and token
awards will be given out to
winners and runners-up in all
Tor questions, match times or
additional information, i all
Summers at 1 -1 (• fe)7l.
Continued from Page 7
small elec ini utility building
located .it the base ol .i power
A short dislam e p.ist tile ulil
ilv building. follow a dim
pain rami loading lo I hr rigid la
u small turnaround Tin? view
extends west, taking in .ill of
Oakridge and Hills ('.reek resnr
voir The rugged mountains of
the Salt Creek eanvon loom to
the east, and snowy Diuntond
Peak dominates the southeast
ern skyline
One word of caution Keep
an eye and more importantly
an ear out for motorcycles
on the Flat Creek trail These
machines have left their marks
along the entire trail, and you
wou hin t w an! to meet one
head on The motorr vr le al
Also, stay on the trail and
avoid cutting s tio r t t h e
switchbacks Past hikers have
obviously done |ust that, toil -
ing l' S l ores! Ser\ ice employ •
ees to lay brush and fallen lugs
to film k the shortcuts Sui h
measures detract from the st e
nit quality of the trail, and tak
ing the short way doesn't save
that much time
fuysan Jacoby i> a ‘•port', re
porter for the lymera Id
The Bar At The
jmlwruhlr Atmutphrir
'■»«**« J/mit* i.icai til muitiwhi
IT Classifieds li"