Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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    In Participating
In An
Earth-Caring Activity
This Weeh!
(n l\ul\
Continued from Page 1
Watched once, but ht; quit
when hr realized ' it was warp
tng mv mind I’haris mid Mur
gan .aid it is their favorite
show and recommended that
Pulju watt h it more
Sheila S ! I ( k e I, a forme r
ASl’O vice president, asked
how the candidates would rep
resent student views in a room
full of administrators
lore responded that if the\
know the issue ahead ol time,
thev will work to get as much
student input as possible
Don king. who is running
with Holly Ferguson, said ,i
good win to g.iugc student
opinion is to expand on the
surveys he and Ferguson are
currently distributing on how
tlie ASUO could he improved
I'erguson agreed with l ore
Morgan said that, depending
on the administrator's mood,
he ’might have to lie to make
them calm down
I’ulju. who is running with
out a vice president, said he is
.in anarchist who wants to
eliminate mandatory incidental
lees and then resign He said he
resents the idea that the Al'SO
president speaks lor the entire
student body and referred to
the ASUO as "a hunch of pigs
i onlrolling everything
A question came up about
how each ticket would deal
with a ballot measure proposed
by king that would lower stu
dent fees to a maximum ol
SH2 70 .1 term by 100.1 0-1 Stu
dents now pay about SI03 a
king saul he hopes i Utx cun
he made in management post
turns in the MU and Athletu
I tepartment
Lee pointed out that with do
(reusing cniohment, So2 70 per
student a term might require
that sunn- groups gel cut more
than 10 pie enl which would
go against a statute stating no
program that has been funded
lor more than six years r an be
t ut by more than 10 peri etlt
Pu li'.i -.aid simply that he
w . ,,l vs ' get mandatory
lees e! i in mail’d and that the
S02 ’0 ballot measure "is irrel
ev ant to me
Morgan denounced the elimi
nation of mandatory fees lor a
voluntary fee system as a
dumb idea Who would pay
lees voluntarily? That would
hurl minority groups who don’t
have much money anyway
A Benefit
Ron Lloyd's Band
* p t
Mark Alan
APRIL 22 1992
6:00 PM