UNIVERSITY Donors to eat in ‘exclusive’ club By Colleen Poniiq Emc^a-d R<*pfv?ef' At tlic s.line time the University administration Inis been promoting diversity mi i ainpus, !hr Uni versity Foundation yy ill Innf its annual luni boon ior key donors at. .in exi lusive Portland i lull -.vith a reputation for denying memlter'ships to women and African Amem ans The foundation a fund raising body separate from tin- University. chose tin- \\ .\«*rl«-> ( outitrv (dub to host tin- annual honorary luncheon on May o for about 100 of tin- President's Assoc) atcs. or people who i ontributr considerable amounts of morn v to tin- si hool Wr have been assured that f I lit - club) doesn't disi riininate said I iiiversitv spokesman L td Blanchard ih>-\ oiti-mi to have lull members that are African-Aineric ans and females President Myles Brand said he will not attend the event because lie will be traveling but said if he were organizing the lum lu-on he wouldn't have planned to have it a! the VVuvertev "II I were organizing the event, 1 would not plan it a! a place that excludes minorities, as a matter of principle. Brand said M'ilLmirtlr Mrrk reported the reputation of the iduh as being "Portland's most'exclusive bastion of rich white manhood The general manager id the i lull ll.ivtd Chisiii, denied this claim Until Si-ptcmher 1000, the club had a policy barring women from Incoming full memlx-rs, ami as recently as last fall, the ( lull still had no hlai k members, according to M'ilkimrllr Heei C.liism denies Ibis las! statement as well .is the entire M ilhimrllr l\ri’k arlii le. saying the story is totally false Chism said the < luh has always allowed worn en. hut not as proprietary members until re eetilly Proprietary memlxrrs have voting rights and full membership Chism also said there .ire some women and \l rii an Amerii ans on the -waiting lists hut as of yet no (email's vs< re granted membership and Chism refused to loriimt-n! on whether any Afrli.m 7 can't say (whether we have African-American members) because we don't ask about their nationality. ’ David Chism. genem- ’u ■ Aiiutii oils svere ( urrently menibcis I i .m! say .ssliethei svr h;i>c V': m Am, (.,(n members! because sve don't asb about thro nationalIty tdnsm said Ur v;r vrr dm. nmi n.i!ril .11;, ifc ,11, llll^t K ll>) I., I I HANAS vi..',i• '-t; t*.> o >* IH> 11 P N- mi ° N i unipvi* t )|i|rr» , K <»rtan Ac Jt|Mi»rS4 Rrslourant V 'v i ■ :Ar - \ Ur UtfKN'tt" Oal,ce Cowpan^l SUNDAY MAY.] im B » \ * R ► B * \ ► R - A K INGSOLVER AUTHOR OF ANIMAL DREAMS & ANOTHER AMERICA I N A r April 23rd • 4:30 Fir Room at the EMU Renowned author Barbara Kingsotver will sign copies of her books following a talk as part of the Ben Under Forum Her books, The Bean Trees, and Animal Dreams, which was dedicated to Ben Under, and her most recent book of poetry in Spanish and English UNIVERSITY O F O K fc C O N written with Rebecca Cartes, Another America, are available at the UO Bookstore, Sponsored by EMU Cultural b run; UO Incidental Fee Committee. Orm j • Sister University f • •*- t ASICC A' : • . • . K t< . A