Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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i AT
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John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown
are Stinging Doves. George Bush, Richard
Nixon and Lyndon Johnson are Chicken
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The%«* loptc? dscussed in
The Genetic Origin Of Conservatives & Liberals
Bnng this ad to U of 0 or Smith Family Bookstores
for a 20% savings. Exp 4-30-92.
*■ r»jiMr6 MBSU SltVUi (tf S
Continued from Page 1
thii! language and Knglish .ire
ttmoff it ml languages of (miner
(x>n )
His involvement at the Uni
versity has marie him aware of
campus issues involving Afri
r .in students
Vetmde s.ild tie feels the Uni
versity really is trying to diver
sify Itself, hut ttl.it somehow
Africa seems to tie left out of
the picture
If we are to tools at the rium
tier ol i nurses centered in Afri
r a that lire being offered in the
University, there are not that
many, tie said "I would say
tiiat there is quite some diversi
ty hut we <,'ouId have more dt
versity I'here are very few
(courses) on Afrit a
The ASA has reached oui
into the community to provide
people with informnt'on on A(
rn a by going out and talking
about Afrit a
We have a mission of edu
eating the people to fat dilate
commune atiuri between us and
the Arnerit an people and other
international students.
Vetmde said
Vetmde also said immigra
tion rules enforted by the Uni
versity ,irt- a hindrance to true
diversity on campus In partic
ular. a rule staling international
students need to ys.nt Ml days
before thes ! an work on a job
site has affected foreign stu
dents greatly
Immigration and the Uni
versity are not working hand
in hand in this case, lie said
The University wants diverse
ly and the Immigration rules
discourage students from com
ing here They don't seem to be
having tbe same \ is ion
\etinde also expressed his
feelings on the diversity prob
lems in South Alma The refer
endum'on ending apartheid,
pressure d hv right w ing whites,
ended with the majority of
whites opposed to the idea of
Although tins major break
'through'- has been made toward
the abolishment of apartheid.
the old structures of minority
rule are still in elfei t and things
haven't changed all that muc h,
he said
The referendum has, howev
cl, opened up diplomatic rela
tions with countries that before
had wanted nothing to do ysitii
South Africa and its apartheid
pol lev
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Health ln«ur»m m (ummillw
** rr.rr- • '.ay *( 7 ~%0 * tn i' •
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Irxtdmlai Inr lummill* mw!
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I >-*«r ih® bud*®! of (hr Stud«m Har
| A ihw i«ti><n
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rr««l i ia> a! 4 X) pm , in KMt (^d.U
Room K
Mulln ulluril (urriiulum
Organization »* •"*■' i«> *'■ 4 pm
in Ui® \ VT. (hi* W. i ?T!
Alpha Phi ( hnrga v*..l mnr U> a:
» *1 p rr. <-»;; M»-IWI1 ; r Ht- »-?«!4lof
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today *0 pm in KMl,' (>>niury
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tnfn rabin will be in front of In«
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K** i ;n (■!«?* v%.. i b»* .iv .111 able
Si-iualilv and Inlimat v w . \w the
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a fifth >«'.ir u.i her mi program will hr
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M<idit<morwan Tour
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1225 ALDER