CARD Continued from Page 1 hank's ATMs The fee schedule that hanks use to charge customers for us mg other hanks A i Ms also var ies While t'-Lene-O charges a flat r.ite for am ATM with drawals made .it other (sinks, I S Bank assesses different charges for in state and nut-of state bonks Although Bus ifu h irst. Key Bank, and l’ S Bank charge for balance inquiries, hirst Inter state, U-Lane-O, and West One do not Pacific hirst also charges a separate fee for de posits made through other banks' ATMs Bunk representatives said they charge "foreign" hank fees to pay fiank hook up costs for services sue h as i.vchange and Cirrus They are also used for hank machine rental i barges and maintenanc e o>sts Jim C.arner. t l.une-O ATM coordinator, said the Kvc hange network charges at least 55 cents tor yvithdr.ovals custom ers make at other banks Kitn Furman. a l; s Bank customer service represent.i live, said I lie institution c harges customers for using freestanding U S Bank ma ONLY $ MEN'S HAIRCUTS V?w Sfyiist ! .rwi H H/S MuO ‘ ’0 6 QipptW Cu‘5 DUCK TAILS SRLON W6 6166 • By f MU Rec ( onlof 5 (’< (VI m M U HkH.VKI VS I ■AlTl iiHT 7 k> II i l.sprtsso it Pastries o.Mi:ij;i'n:s | EXCELSIOR CAFE ’M } I *ih I bUnk » nl of (ttmpm DO YOU DREAM OF SLEEPING ON A CLOUD? BAMK CARO CHARGES iSf SfM Fir*! Wernlefe SecurSy Paclfc U. lane O KnyHank Pacific Finit VfcrWOne 0 0 0 100 0 '0 0 .30 0 0 0 e e ;(2.0Orus charged) TS 1.60 i,3Mr—Mi 7S* 1.t ■ tW . i.o#* ■; v nr W so '* Mr'*-' ~ 17 VI NO* t^Unfc^ chines bemuse the Uink mini pav rental lees tu the business in where they .in' lot .ilril Most bank repre senbil i \ es said their institutions were rml milking large profits nit llnnr ATM i barges A1 vi *' ( .1 mpin i 1 I'mvmiU .isms!,ml prolessor nt linarn e. s.uil the variations m i barges iiiim [mm the banks different |iolli|i's alum! hiiw to assess serve r i osls, with high A I'M li'es SI III,I i !’. il ae ii 111 rr lees !i If Ollier sen, h i s. t .11n|> 1 m■ 11 s.ud l or example she said ilia! a! though I'irst Inlerslate i barges high fees 111,' other bank \ i M iiv il offers lower interest rates for r ,rr loans Campbell said site believes the fees the banks i barge lor A I'M use are, tor the most part, not unreasonable It probably isn't gouging !» i nise they re i ompetmg yy dh ear 11 other she said Campbell SU id that be hire students eboost a bank they sin i;hi try 11> pretiit t In yv many times j ei month they yy ill use % , e V u es sut h as AIM t t Iteck They should try and hml tie yy hole pai kage that mini in I/es rusts." she said $4 oo 1 Foot long Sub 50* Half Sub I • FREE DELIVERY • SUBSHOP' 1225 ALDER 345-2434 I I J I Evening Master's Degree I MARK.) \< ■ I AMU \MJ1 'I I HI HAH tf.inulv sruiin*^ j»v 1**th ru .in. 1 . I\ Harm. . turn h iti“. . I--y'limit usinthe i.1 ti-s! rvs-'itfi is ,in.i prmi-n m.'ltn sts) • Noth ilrgriv programs rts|ui r>- mu' t >1 n airs.- work uui i tilt-sis or .1 promt's t • Most 11.iss«is .ir»- tu'ld Mi 'ini.iv I hurvl.iv t-v tilings • A limiitsi mimliT ■ i ^r.i.luati' fellowships s 12iH) c.uh ■ is awarded to sju.ilituil students • \C i is regionally .Hi redded hv North w est Assov union ot S hooK and ( olleges • Apph. .itn>ii iIi'.hIIiiu* June I, Ihrev t .ippluahon imjum^ t<> l >r Kuth f iarnu'link lhm t r • 'f t .r.kiuafi* I 'r ^.r.iiir. N< ( S2*H l .1st 1 Hh Avr { UV’ftH- <. >K ■ Twill U '• U41 > =r 1 SOU V\ H ]M1 NCC WRTHWfcST CHRISU'W CPI I.fwf Since 1894 Come Hear and Meet Harry Lonsdale US SENATE CANDIDATE 1 ] ] 1 1 1 EMU BALLROOM, Wednesday, April 22 at 12p.m. ] US Senate candidate Harry lonsJale will give an 1 arlh 1 va\ address on environmental p*>hc v ^ I he speech will he open to the public and will lx followed hy a “meet the i aiulidate 'lic e in tiu ^ Maple Room As seating will lx- limited, it is suggested that those wlu> wish r - attend the event ^ pick up tickets in advance at the Main IVsk at the !Mv ' 1 hose tu kefs winch are not distributed ahead of time will be available at the door Wednesday 1 i‘*»! fi U l >auii«ir l>f >tuili' ** ■ I V; f.j 'K ^ - 0’..4. 4..v ^ a A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A _ A _ A A A GENES AND RACISM? Prisoner’s dilemma computer contests show how evolution made humans into ethnocentric racists and empathies* Thtiso toptes