Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Husband’s acquittal
of rape outdated
Well that jury sure taught tier a lesson She ll never
he raped again.
A Columbia. S.C. jury decided to acquit a man of
rape after viewing a videotape of torn having sex with
his wife after tying her up and putting duct tape on her
eyes and mouth.
Why? There are all kinds of solid reasons For one
thing, the couple was man and wife, and as the hus
band sairi at the trial. "How can you rape your own
And she no doubt enjoyed the session, as anyone
could tell by her recorded screams "Was that a cry of
pain and torture, or was that a cry of pleasure?." asked
the husband's attorney. Wayne Floyd
And lastly, the wife, whose name along with her
husband's, has not been publicly disclosed, probably
deserved it. since everybody knows women who .ire
raped usually instigate it
Women especially buy into this belief, as Candy
Kern, state president of the National Organization for
Women noted Want proof? The female to male ratio of
the Lexington County jury who acquitted the man was
eight woman to four men
The acquittal obviously was not due to iat k of ey i
deuc e; the videotape and the husband s admittance
took care of that It boils down to a belief system that
refuses to die.
The husband and jury, along with .1 significant
segment ut America. Mill believe .1 wife can’t be raped
bv her husband. This stems from several assumptions
about the husband wife relationship, the main one be
ing that of ownership and the legal marriage bond it
In a state whore men .ire men and women are
wives, the traditional definition of marriage thrives, in
cluding the stigma that husbands somehow own their
wives Many outside the state buy into this definition
as well, along with the perspective that the marital
lioud gives the couple permission to do as they please
without outside intervention
The contract in effect transforms the individuals
into a "married couple.'' thereby cm hanging personal
rights tor couple's rights, alloys ing for a new set of
rules usuallydictated by the husband
The definition of rape includes ton ing a ssomun to
have sexual intercourse xvithout her consent Fins can
occur both in and out of marriage, since a ssomun 1 an
refuse to have sex in ear h situation Some rsould say a
wife is wrong to refuse to base sex It is hei duty: she
owes her husband that pleasure The woman's right to
say no disappears in a marital situation
I his is out anil out wrong A woman s right to sa\
no to sex. along with all her other individual rights, re
mains intart within the realm of marriage A man does
not become owner of his wife when married her, and
his. personal rights < ontiuue to exist, and this includes
the right to not be raped
Of course, for this argument to make sense, one
must believe women have individual rights to begin
with For those vv ith am doubts, the answer is thev do.
As for Fiovd's wondering if the wife was experi
curing pleasure or pain, let him imagine what it would
he like to he dragged by the throat, tied, slapped,
gagged, blinded and raped, as the wife testified, to fig
ure it out. The wife, now seeking divorce in addition to
prosecution, did not do so simply for added spice.
This verdict proves there’s still backward thoughts
roaming this land. It's time to update these good folk.
a".,** Emerald
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Managing t drtor
Editorial t ditor
Graphic a E ditor
E ntarlainmant E drtor
PtV MjUfcCfi
t ayfM» t
Nowa l d«or
t duorial Editor
Sfiorta Editor
Night Editor
Civ i* Bounftf
Don Peter*
JoJU» fWy
Pm Maiacn
I i Stwi
(O. 3tr. W
n- , vtir^l v. see >t -is -vin-3 m$ part to Take America.
Cleaning up
In ti>; in! in tin- .«r11< Ir mi thn
Hunger ( li .imip |()I)l April
1 11. kin'n lii. (mul numiii-rs
:r;i in '.vr ui'ft' pnmi In havi‘
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|iarti( ipated!
\\ i .its, winiiii liki- In < \Und
:;i ij'j n .'■■■ n to tin- follow
Illy; husinnsM's fi>r till'll n«*mT
mis donations Jo 1'i'ilcrlj’o‘s,
Ih nisi' nl Olii'ii. Happy ! rails
Kt'i nrils. i! .i iij,;r\ lh nl Hi inks,
Humhli' Bagi i Company, and
M '//i s l'i/./.a ( nmpaiiv
BiTaiisf nl thi n donations. it
ni ad I? tin Hiiny;ir Cilt-amip a
Sill I I'SS
Cathy Floury
Ax 'em
1 ': :k it IS 111 s nur lM's! mil l
ext !i; !. • • I ith i >< »ii IVlrrs anii
N t .1 .. ‘. : t;> ■■ ause they add
rn.thing \our paper
Darren Welsh
I ss is sets offended by the
letter by 'i>11 U Hander (Ol)l\,
\j>r11 1-1 Hr should svrfte front
personal rvpenenei . no! speeu
I tit ton
I dm .i In>mosevual iind .in al
io!. -in 1 did nnl t boose to he
i*11!i* r s\ ho ss lid ’ ! agree
lii.it tiies i an ixllh he sets dss
luni !. uia! i harat ter Ir.nls. bul
thes are not inherently dys
furu lionai
Denial ol ssho 1 am and at
tise praitue ol ms alcoholism
almost killed me
I am one ol the lurks ones to
have survived, and to have sur
vised ssilh a positive linage of
ms self is nothing less than a
1 had three friends back
home ssitli a similar combina
tion ol dssfuntionalitv They
If you sign tlie OCA petition,
sou svill tie saving you support
their death
So Uollander, do society a
favor and learn to love yourself
instead ol trsmg to pass ' lov
ing responsible thing to do"
lasts about my life and my fu
Aiv please iimiI .1 history
. :>wiit prv U \V II (icrmany
b< :.iri voti i <ill voursnlf "not
nu ,m spirited ’ or "hateful
Tin' rot ent Hmt'rultl piece
.itwiut theOi’S (which included
.1 bust list th.it could i>c likened
to tile statistics on the ii.ti k of it
baseball card) is part ol .in uglv
trend in tins sot telv b) glonfv
tile t iien ive element of ttie
Tile police should never tie
glorified, tiles are a necessary
evil required in the rare in
stance in which, there is a sort
oils danger to the publk
Such treatment leads c Utzons
Graham Huesmann
iii take less responsibiIilv li r
their own t umrnunities, and
in,ids police to i><• < iimi! more in
trusive and zealous i hardly
..insider .t lit) liar old prides
■' i ; a bike a setKms threat, ot
I'vrti a til) V eat • old oil a lake
w lit: an open container, s et this
is what the OPS now deals
This type of behavior is what
the community should deal
with informally It someone is
being a |erk take responsibility
and tell them
Ret enlly I heard a student
OPS member ask in a political
st lent e (lass, 'Don't the police
have a responsibility to enfort e
community standards':' Wrong
Community standards are to tie
enfort i*d by the i (immunity
Sot nil order is not a spectator
sport The more we rely on and
glorify the clinched fist of the
state, the more a people-based
social order erodes and the
more we need polite to order
our lives
Bjorn Chambless
Political science
The light
Not wanting to accept any
false prophecies, 1 sought out
the one true Cod for a personal
audience It was not easy —
months of sacrifice and self-de
nial wore necessary before he
granted me audience.
However, my purity of pur
pose convinced Him to lay
upon me His final wisdom 1
have consulted Him directly
.md He has spoken Ho said
lied the Irui' essem e of His Sell
on n.irlh is Love, pure and un
conditional This includes all
forms and shapes
He clarified to me in as many
words that homosexuality is a
viable form of this love, per
fei 11v good and pure when sin
He said all ins children
should love one another and
polish their own characters ex
Somebody It’ll Ion Woliander
he ran shut up now
Jeff Martin
Lazy or boring?
I hi high si11 k. i j>r!( fi mi
flight*: i’iIu. .it.. n today makes
mu' u in.iei why ->o munv stu
lien's .ire cheating themselves
hv mil gning to ( less lei lures Is
11 that some students are just
|j/\ ami unmotivated, nr is d
that some lectures are jus! plain
bad and dot war th going In '
Many instructors would
probably i house the former,
howver, there e. ,i i orrelation
helweeli v,.,id i• ■ s '. ires and high
attendance, and had lectures
and low attendant e
Mam idstrui h>rs hei nine ex
peris m their fields, bui unfor
lunateh . not expert speakers or
edus alors rids can leave stu
dents feeling frustrated and
ripp*-d oil beeause these poor
lei Hin ts are unable to commu
nicate ( learlv
Lecture is a valuable tool
when used properly, but use
less if not properly used Stu
dents become disenchanted
with lectures when instructors
seem to speak more to the over
head and the hlai klxiard than
to the students
As a few instructors have
demonstrated, interaction with
students in lecture helps create
a positive, valuable learning at
mosphere Lectures with no
student interaction and instrui ■
tors with had communication
skills create the "40 percent"
attendance in some lectures In
the end, the students are the
ones to suffer because they're
getting a poor education.
Stephan Albrechtsen
General Science