Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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Dummies to crash Earth Day party
By Pa! Maiacn
H seems like «' natural t.ombinaii o A ri.iv to
<elehrate the; l.arth and its viivt resourees and ,i
■per formunr e L\ a turn) .that glorifies the rountrv
life ,ir id gelling .iwav I nun hist pa< • d rit\ Using
But with the ( rash lest Dummies the band
headlining tonight s i.arlh i)uv (,eh matron with
the KAVi, at the Downtown Mall, nothing s ever
tllilt easy
Although on the siirfai e songs like ‘The (lour,
try Life from the I kind s 14‘)1 dehut album /Vie
f/host.s 77ml Uminl Mr. seem to paint an image of
getting bar k to till' basil s of life in the rountrv as
a ( tire for i itv hassles Dummies lead singer Brad
Kotierls says there's inure to it than that
l or the most part I was taking standard
themes .111(1 turning them on their tie.Ill Kiitx-rts
said In f'he Country Lite.' there's this prolagu
Ills! who ve.irns to get hae k to the more basic way
of hie H.it throughout the course of narrating tins
vision of .1 rur.il paradise one begins to realize in
f.K ! he has no life.i w fiat he's diking .itxiul
In f.K t. Holier Is '.mi the most obvious lyrical
flow or ideas in his songs probably aren't the ones
In- is as ultimately striving to get u< ross
If there's any consistent vision on the re
turd, he said, it would contain irony
Hofx rts siilitic messages and the band s un
usual (ountry we tern red, influenced sound
have combined to make I hr r.Viosts / h.il ll.mnl
\ir tin Nc 1 requested rec old of the year at
k A VL Had: . I tie i i lehr a Hon s s ponsc a
It yy.is ibis I opularitv that led k.W’L to invite
the hand to play the benefit concert said station
c o ow ner 1 )ay id Miller
"The (Dummies; are really a signature artist tor
till' Station Miller said I'hey arc popular with
young and old listeners, and no other station m
town wlII tcun ii them
The Dummies sound is anything hut main
stream l sing fiddles slide guitars (instruments
generally osculated with c ountry music! and
Holx-rls d ist i m live baritone voile the hand has
definitely found c me he that defies easy I ategori
Holx-rls said the Dummies started out playing
together ulxiul five years ago for rec realional pur
C©u"#«y pN#o
The Crush Test Dummies will headline tonight's
Earth Day celebration
poses ,ind linin'! think ol making a living at mu
sit uniii this l.isl year
W. iliti some ironitallv re-worked actiuslit
guitar i die versions ol /Mice (tooper Inis, Rob
erts i d We ,'iui IV themes to Steve K.irie It
was an extremely et lei til type of bund
It's ii.st tins somewhat i aretree attitude and the
hand's sophistication that bred 'Superman s
Song, tile Dummies' hit single Superman's
Song is a mantt ballad with .1 subtle fight-lhc
good light message The leather-light subtlety of
the message is pulled oft with lyrics more suited
for a biblical parable than a pop song
"I w anted to w rile a song 1 onrerned w ith t.er
tain political topics, Roberts said However,
one of tile problems I have with a great deal of
political writing in pop music is that it tends to
in- very preai by sounding And that's really an
noytng 1 wanted to avoid that I didn't want to be
lieuv v handed
Koltnrts and the rest of the (trash I est Dummies
tiring that light tom h to hugene beginning at Ii
p m w ith 11x al favorites Mark Alan and the Ron
Lloyd Hand starting off the evening Admission is
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